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词汇 wiping out
释义 wiping out短语³⁰³³¹
The Dow Jones industrials soared more than300 points, more than wiping out a big loss from the previous session, and all the major indexes had their best weekly gains since April.
道琼斯工业指数上扬超过300点,其上涨幅度高于头一日盘式的下跌幅度,而且几乎所有的主要的指数都取得了四月以来的最好的周涨幅。 yeeyan

A deadly disease described as the “ foot and mouth” of trees is wiping out forests across the country.
一场称为树木“口蹄疫”的致死疾病正在摧毁这个国家的森林。 yeeyan

Defaults that the model had not predicted piled up, rippling through U.S. banks and wiping out trillions of dollars in investment.
该模型未曾预计到的违约成批出现,波及美国银行并且抹掉了几万亿的投资。 yeeyan

Disk errors, administrator mistakes, and other problems can affect all the volumes on a disk by wiping out critical disk structures, such as the partition table.
磁盘错误、管理员的失误和其他问题可能会破坏关键的磁盘结构比如分区表,从而影响一个磁盘上的所有卷。 ibm

However, one of the most prominent figures in wiping out the deadly, disfiguring disease is in favor of destroying all remnants of it.
然而,在消除可怕的致命疾病方面最权威的科学家中,有一位支持摧毁所有剩余病毒的计划。 yeeyan

Ironically, rather than wiping out board games, computers have provided the connections for once- isolated games in the UK and US to swap ideas online and meet up over the gaming table.
讽刺的是,电脑的出现没有扫除桌面游戏,反倒为一度相对孤立的玩家提供了在互联网上交换意见,并最终坐到一张桌游桌上的可能。 yeeyan

Its luxury- shoe sector is declining, not because of the cheap Asian footwear that is wiping out many European mass- market producers but because of a loss of design flair.
如法国奢侈鞋类在市场中的地位正在减弱,这并非是因为廉价的亚洲鞋业横扫了欧洲大众鞋类生产商,而是其本身设计灵感的缺失。 ecocn

Now a wave of labour arbitrage and the substitution of technology for humans is starting to sweep through transactional work, wiping out many routine white-collar jobs in rich countries.
现在,劳动力套利和科技对人力的替代正在席卷事务性的工作,消灭了发达国家的许多白领工作岗位。 ecocn

Over the past few years they have been repeatedly inundated by spring tides, wiping out the islanders' vegetable and fruit gardens, destroying their subsistence and making their lives impossible.
在过去的几年里,大潮一再泛滥成灾,毁掉了岛民的蔬菜水果园地,摧毁了他们的生存之道,使他们不可能再生活下去。 yeeyan

The idea of chimp genocide may sound strange, but they are one of only three animals that has been observed wiping out entire social groups. The other two are wolves and humans.
“猩猩种族灭绝”这一概念听起来有点不可思议,然而它是我们发现会对整个群落实施歼灭行为的仅有三种动物之一,另外两种动物是狼和人类。 yeeyan

Yeah, it's pretty effective in wiping out pore- clogging dirt and oil.
是的,它对清除阻塞毛孔的粉尘和油脂很有效。 hxen




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