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winter wheat ˈwintəhwi:t 短语⁶²³³³ 基本例句 冬小麦 The fields at Agincourt were thick with mud, having recently been plowed for winter wheat and soaked in a heavy October shower. 当时的战场是阿金库尔的农田。刚为冬种翻犁过,又经过十月豪雨浸泡,农田里满是泥泞。 yeeyan The drought stress from jointing to heading stage decreased nitrogen nutrition efficiency of winter wheat significantly. 拔节至抽穗期干旱胁迫极显著地降低冬小麦的氮素营养效率。 cnki America's winter wheat plantings are up4% and the spring- sown area is likely to rise more. 美国冬小麦的种植增长了4%,春季耕种面积很可能会增加更多。 ecocn Based on the mechanism of crop growth and development, a dynamic model is established to simulate the development stages of winter wheat and the biomass of each organ. 根据冬小麦生长发育及其与环境条件关系的机理研究,建立了模拟冬小麦发育阶段和各器官生物量变化的动态模式。 cnki But this year, the Agricultural Research Service at the Department of Agriculture is making a new winter wheat available to resist the virus. 但今年农业部下属的农业研究中心正在生产一种有能力抵抗这种病毒的新系冬小麦。 unsv China will increase spending to pledge more than333m mu22.2m hectares of winter wheat nationwide this year. 今年我国秋冬种生产将加大资金投入,力争冬小麦面积稳定在3.33亿亩以上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn For an entire season of winter wheat, effects of ecological and physiological factors on leaf stomatal resistance of winter wheat on Weibei Rainfed Highland, Shaanxi Province were studied. 在整个生长季内,研究了陕西渭北旱源冬小麦叶气孔阻力与生态和生理因子的关系。 cnki For an entire season of winter wheat, effects of ecological and physiological factors on transpiration rate of winter wheat on Weibei Rainfed Highland, Shaanxi Province were studied. 在整个生长季内,研塬了陕西渭北旱塬冬小麦蒸腾速率与生态和生理环境的关系。 cnki In one set of plots, she is comparing the traditional2- year, wheat- fallow rotation with a3-year cycle of no-till winter wheat, followed by a second crop of no-till winter wheat, followed by sorghum. 在第一组试验田中,她正在比较传统的两年制小麦休耕轮作制和三年轮作制,即首先种植免耕冬小麦,第二季种植免耕冬小麦,然后种植高粱。 yeeyan In scenario two, winter wheat is grown continuously, and the untilled soil is directly seeded each year. 在第二组试验田中,连续不断地种植冬小麦,每年直接在没经过翻耕的土壤上播种。 yeeyan Lao Zhang suggested sowing winter wheat on the good land. 老张建议在好地上种冬小麦。 iciba Rows of winter wheat wind their way to the Colorado horizon. 美国科罗拉多州,成行成排的冬小麦绵亘不绝。 yeeyan Some will plant winter wheat, but it will be sown late and will not pay, not enough to cover the costs of reclaiming the land. 有的会种冬小麦,但种得太晚也不会有什么好的收成,况且也没有足够的钱来恢复土地。 yeeyan The authors studied the characteristics of the soil catalase activity of winter wheat fields used different techniques of soil water utilization in Hengshui experimental station. 本文以河北衡水试验场土壤水利用试验为例,讨论不同处理下土壤过氧化氢酶活性的时空变化规律。 iciba The recent drought in China may have some impact on winter wheat. Competent authorities are taking active measures to minimize the impact. 近期中国国内旱情可能对冬小麦播种带来一定影响,有关部门正在采取积极措施,力争将影响降至最小。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Wheat farmers there traditionally plant winter wheat one year, leave the field fallow for a season, and use conventional tillage before the next wheat planting. 传统上,那里的小麦种植户每年都种植冬小麦,让土地休耕一季,在下一年小麦种植时应用常规耕作方法。 yeeyan |