

单词 Winterkorn
释义 WinterkornEconomist¹⁶⁰²¹
The firm’s boss, Martin Winterkorn, aims to triple sales by 2018 and plans to spend some$3 billion on boosting the group through such things as marketing and opening more dealerships.
公司总裁 Martin Winterkorn准备在2018年前将销量翻三倍,并计划花费大约30亿美元通过市场营销和开放更多的经销权来推进集团业务。 ecocn

German auto maker Volkswagen will cut all of its temporary staff, which numbered some 16,500 in2008, company head Martin Winterkorn said in an interview with Der Spiegel magazine.
德国大众汽车首席执行官马丁·温特科恩在接受德国《明镜》周刊采访时说,大众计划解雇全部临时雇员,在2008年,这一数字达到了16,500人。 hjenglish

Martin Winterkorn, Volkswagen's CEO, views Toyota Motor Corp as his company's main competitor.
大众首席执行官马丁-温特科恩认为,公司最大的竞争对手是丰田公司。 suiniyi

Porsche SE preferred shares dropped4.9 percent to 40.60 euros after Volkswagen AG Chief Executive Officer Martin Winterkorn said it may put its merger with the maker of the911 sports car on hold.
德国保时捷公司优先股股价下跌4.9%,至40.60欧元,此前大众汽车公司首席执行官马丁·温特科恩 Martin Winterkorn表示,可能会并购这家911跑车的制造商。 yeeyan

This week Martin Winterkorn, the boss of VW, pointed out that his company had been applying its vaunted platform strategy since1992.
本周大众集团的总裁马丁•温特霍恩指出他的公司从1992年以来一直推行其大肆吹嘘的车型平台战略。 ecocn

VW head Martin Winterkorn and BYD chief Wang Chuanfu signed a letter of intent last week, citing possible cooperation on electric cars using lithium-ion battery technology.
上周,大众汽车首席执行官温特可恩和比亚迪董事局主席王传福签署了一份备忘录,谈及合作开发以锂电池为动力的电动汽车的可能性。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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