

单词 win or lose
释义 win or lose短语¹⁷⁹⁷⁸
胜或负,不管输赢; 不论胜负
As one of various incentives to high-rollers, casinos offer a rebate to them whether they win or lose.
作为对大赌客的奖励之一,无论输赢,赌场都会返还一定的赌金。 fortunechina

But our guys are ready, and I tell you, win or lose we'll give those guys a real run for the money.
但是我们的队员们作好了准备。告诉你们吧,不论胜败,我们都会全力以赴,非让对方竭力拼搏一番才行。 hxen

Other countries win or lose depending on how well they serve China's interests.
其他国家的兴衰都决定于他们是否能满足中国的需要。 yeeyan

Time and time again they flexed their power, spirit, and glory and the glory. Win or lose, they stood together high.
一次又一次,他们展现力量、精神和荣耀和荣耀。无论输赢,他们都一起巍然屹立。 yappr

We're lucky to have had him as a model for how to succeed… win or lose.
我们很高兴我们拥有姚明,学习他如何获得成功---无论胜负。 yeeyan

Win or lose in next Tuesday's midterm elections running for office comes at a price, you gotta produce TV ads, you gotta make signs, pay a staff.
下周二的中期选举无论输赢,竞选活动的资金花费都非常大。你必须在电视上播出竞选广告,必须制作标语,必须为工作人员支付酬劳。 kekenet

Win or lose, he hopes the competition will draw attention to his product.
他希望,比赛无论输赢,都能吸引人们对他们产品的关注。 tingroom




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