

单词 winnowed
释义 win·nowed 英'wɪnəʊd美'wɪnəʊd COCA⁸⁵⁰²⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
动词 winnow:
separate the chaff from by using air currentsblow onselect desirable parts from a group or listblow away or off with a current of air Both its asset-management and its financing sides have been winnowed out, thanks to the disappearance or withdrawal of several big banks.
因为一些大银行倒闭或撤出,房地产业的资产管理方和信贷方都在大浪淘沙中被淘汰掉一部分。 ecocn

The best of them are winnowed out to pursue further study and eventually assume positions of public leadership and responsibility.

The second is that35 years have winnowed the technological wheat from the chaff.
其次35年以来,各类技术已经去芜存菁。 ecocn

The shortlist will now be winnowed down to five nominees, to be announced with the rest of the Oscar nominations on Tuesday.
名单将被筛选,产生5位提名,并于周二与其它奥斯卡提名一同被公布。 yeeyan

Before the entrepreneurship program, he had a list of almost200 projects he might pursue. Today, he has winnowed that list to two priority projects.
在参加创业课程前,他有一张高达200个项目的开发计划表,现在他筛选到只剩两个优先项目。 yeeyan

But they can also boost the pace of efficiency gains as weak demand forces firms to rethink their products and cost structures and the weakest companies are winnowed out.
但需求疲软迫使企业反思其产品及成本结构,最弱的企业将被淘汰,从而深度经济衰退也可能提高效率提升的速度。 ecocn

It is the most overtly political stage in so far as the many potential solutions to a given problem must somehow be winnowed down and but one or a select few picked and readied for use.
这是一个非常政治化的阶段,在这一阶段,针对某一既定问题的众多潜在对策必须被放弃,而其中一个或少数几个会被选中并付诸实施。 schoolblog

Not only that, but the straw had been made up at the further end of his barn, and on one side the wheat lay winnowed in a great heap, and fit for sending to market!
不但如此,稻草做了进一步的结束,他的谷仓一侧二小麦躺在一场伟大的堆、适合发送到市场! en400

People rarely deal with raw data but consume them in processed form, once they have been aggregated or winnowed by computers.
一旦信息经过电脑的聚集和筛除处理,人们便很少处理原始数据,而是使用它们被加工过的形式。 ecocn

Rival teams were given a set of specification and deadlines, and through a series of stages the teams presented prototypes, and contest supervisors winnowed the field.
所有竞争者在拿到产品规格和项目期限后,在经过一系列阶段后,竞争者提出设计原型,竞赛的监督者再逐步淘汰。 yeeyan

Strobel winnowed down her wardrobe and toiletries to precisely that number.
为了正好达到这个要求,Ms. Strobel大量消减了行头和化妆品。 yeeyan

The finalists, which come from47 countries, were winnowed from1,750 applications proposing innovative but practical ways to protect the poor and vulnerable.
来自47个国家的最终入围项目是从1750份提出保护贫困和弱势人口方案的申请项目中筛选出来的。 worldbank

They have developed a mathematical expression to quantify ballooning bosoms and winnowed waists.
它们建立了一个数学公式来将丰胸和去腰的程度进行量化。 ecocn

Those that have brains and courage come through all right. Those who haven't are winnowed out .
那些有勇气、有才智的人会平安度过,而没有的人将会被淘汰掉。 blog.sina.com.cn

To start with, they found hundreds of thousands of differences, but many of these could be winnowed away.
开始的时候,他们发现几十万个不同之处,但其中很多被筛选了下去。 ecocn

Ultimately, he still had to cut jobs, but the team effort winnowed the number down to just70 positions.
虽然最终他还得裁员,但经过团队的努力被解雇人数已缩减至70人。 yeeyan

Wave action then winnowed the clay.
波浪作用是将粘土淘走。 kuenglish




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