释义 |
Winnenden 基本例句 n.温嫩登在德国;东经 9º25' 北纬 48º53' Remember the place's name:Winnenden.记住这个地方的名字:温嫩顿。” This time it happened inWinnenden, a prosperous town of 28,000 near Stuttgart.这次发生在温嫩登,斯图加特附近一个有着2万8千人口的繁荣小镇。 Mourners stood in front of flowers and burning candles inWinnendenin southern Germany on Thursday.周四哀悼者站在德国南部温宁顿的鲜花和燃烧的蜡烛前。 Tragedies like the one inWinnendencan unfortunately strike without warning, and perhaps anywhere.像在温嫩登这样的惨案很不幸在没有任何预兆的情况下爆发了,而且很可能其他地方也会发生。 Tim Kretschmer shot nine pupils and three teachers at the Albertville secondary school inWinnendenon Wednesday morning.在今天下午的新闻招待会上,警方称克雷奇默从去年开始接受精神治疗,直至9月就没有就诊了。 |