

单词 winked
释义 wink·ed 英wɪŋk美wɪŋk COCA¹⁷⁴⁵⁷BNC¹⁶¹⁰⁴
vt. & vi. 使眼色,递眼色表示友好或高兴等

shut and open one eye quickly usually as a sign of friendship,amusement,etc. to sb

vi. 指光闪烁,闪亮

with reference to light appear to go on and off quickly

C 眨眼

act of shutting one's eye in this way

C 一眨眼间,一会儿

very short period

a very short time as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat;

if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash

closing one eye quickly as a signala reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly
signal by winking;

She winked at him

gleam or glow intermittently;

The lights were flashing

briefly shut the eyes;

The TV announcer never seems to blink

force to go away by blinking;

blink away tears

wink at使眼色sleep a wink睡一会儿in a wink转瞬间wink pulsing发送闪烁脉冲…wink signal闪灯信号frequency of wink眨眼频率wink operation闪烁脉冲控制…tip sb the wink向某人使眼色…tip sb. the wink对某人使眼色…not sleep a wink一点也没睡forty winks小睡not get a wink of sleep一点也没睡tip someone the wink向某人使眼色…tip someone a wink向某人使眼色…not have a wink of sleep完全没睡觉not be able to see a wink什么都看不见,一点光…as easy as winking非常容易wink out终止, 了结,熄灭,…
近义词 blink眨眼flash闪光glint闪烁shine照耀jiffy瞬间trice瞬间winkle挑出twinkle闪耀sparkle闪耀glitter灿烂instant瞬间winking眨眼nictate眨眼squint眯眼看second第二的nictitate眨眼heartbeat心跳blinking闪烁的twinkling闪烁的nictitation眨眼nictation眨眼睛split second瞬间
S+~+AUncle John winked at me across the table.约翰叔叔隔着桌子向我眨眼。
The stars were winking in the clear sky.星星在明亮的天空中闪烁。
S+ ~+n./pron.She winked a warning to the talkative boy.她向那个多嘴的男孩使了一个表示警告的眼色。用作名词n.He gave me a friendly wink.他向我递了个友好的眼色。
We could not sleep a wink last night because of noise.因为太吵,昨晚我们一点儿也没睡。
用作名词She did not understand the significance of mywink.她没有领会我眨眼的意思。
He tipped me thewinknot to buy at that price.他眨眼暗示我按那个价格就不要买。
I'll tip you thewinkwhen it's safe to come in.可以安全进来时,我会向你使眼色的。
Then in thewinkof an eye, the eight old men all turn into five- or six-year-old children.说着,八位老者一眨眼工夫,忽然全变成五六岁的儿童了。用作动词Shewinkedat me.她向我眨眼。
She hasn't grasped the meaning that Iwink.她没有领会我眨眼的意思。
Maybe I shouldwinkto get her attention.也许我应该跟她使眼色引起她注意。
A lighthouse waswinkingin the far distance.一座灯塔正在远处闪烁。as in.leer
同义词 eye,eyeball,gloat,goggle,ogle,smirk,sneer,squint,stare,winkas in.signal
同义词 warnbeckon,communicate,flag,flash,gesticulate,gesture,motion,nod,semaphore,sign,signalize,wave,winkas in.signify
同义词 add up to,bespeak,convey,imply,manifest,portend,proclaim,represent,spell,stand for,suggest,symbolizeannounce,bear,betoken,carry,communicate,connote,denote,disclose,evidence,evince,exhibit,express,flash,import,insinuate,intend,intimate,matter,purport,show,sign,talk,tell,winkbe a sign ofas in.sparkle
同义词 flicker,gleam,glimmer,glint,glisten,glow,scintillate,shimmer,twinkle,winkbeam,bubble,coruscate,dance,effervesce,fizz,fizzle,flash,sparkas in.twinkle
同义词 blink,flicker,gleam,glint,glisten,glitter,glow,illuminate,light up,shimmer,sparkle,winkcoruscate,flash,light,scintillateas in.nictate
同义词 bat,flash,flicker,flutter,glimmer,glitter,nictitate,scintillate,shimmer,sparkle,squint,twinkle,winkas in.nictitate
同义词 bat,flash,flicker,flutter,glimmer,glitter,nictate,scintillate,shimmer,sparkle,squint,twinkle,winkas in.hint
同义词 advise,allude to,broach,imply,inform,mention,refer to,remind,touch onacquaint,adumbrate,angle,apprise,coax,connote,cue,drop,expose,fish,foreshadow,impart,infer,insinuate,intimate,leak,make,point,prefigure,press,prompt,recall,shadow,signify,solicit,spring,whisper,winkbring up,give an inkling,jog memory,let it be known,let out of bag,put flea in ear,say in passing,tip off,tip one's handas in.ignore
同义词 avoid,discount,fail,forget,neglect,overlook,reject,scornblink,cold-shoulder,disdain,evade,omit,pooh-pooh,slight,winkbe oblivious to,brush off,bury one's head in sand,let it go,look the other way,overpass,pass over,pay no attention to,pay no mind,shut eyes to,take no notice,tune out,turn back on,turn blind eye,turn deaf ear As I sat on the deck nursing a book and the fire cooking our dinner, the photovoltaic lights on the plastic tables on the patio winked on with meager yet thrillingly unexpected rays of light.
篝火烤着我们的晚餐的时候,我抱着本书坐在露天平台上,光电池发出的光照在露台上的塑料桌子上,随着微弱然而突然颤动的火光而闪烁。 yeeyan

As I stared in disbelief, he winked.
我不敢相信地盯着他,他只好冲我使了个眼色。 putclub.com

“ And you love it, ” said Claudia and winked at Lisa.
“但是你喜欢这样。”克劳迪娅假装没看见她的神情。 blogcn

A tear winked on the jester's furrowed cheek.
小丑满是皱纹的脸上,一滴泪在闪烁。 tianya

After they exchanged vows, Albert winked at his bride, who smiled shyly.
宣誓结束后,阿尔贝二世亲王向腼腆微笑的新娘使眼色示意。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Dad winked at me, confirming his secret, and my heart filled with more love for my father than I thought it could hold!
父亲对我使了个眼色,真的有古怪,我心中对父亲的爱达到了前所未有的程度! paedu

He glanced at the dew-covered glass, and it winked back at him.
他瞥了一眼洒满露水的青草,青草向他眨眨眼睛。 resource.sne.snnu.edu.cn

He stopped, turned with his whole body, and winked at a little girl seated by the door.
他停下了脚步,整个身体转了个方向,并向坐在门旁的一个小女孩眨眼示意。 yeeyan

He turned with his whole body, winked a smile, and nodded a thank you.
他转过身来,微笑着眨眨眼,向她点点头表示谢意。 koolearn

He winked at her knowingly.
他会心地向她眨了眨眼。 hotdic

He winked at Lucy.
他向露西使个眼色。 blog.sina.com.cn

He winked.
他眨了眨眼。 yeeyan

His wife has winked at his infidelity for years.
他多年来对妻子不忠,妻子也只装作不知情. tingvoa

I responded with a shocked expression and she just winked back at me.
我吃惊地看着她,而她只是冲我眨了眨眼。 krdo

I winked at Keith who laughed.
我向基斯抛媚眼,他笑了。 yeeyan

I'm pretty sure she winked at them, too.
我还很肯定她还向她们使眼色。 yeeyan

She was thrilled with delight when the actor winked at her.
当演员向她眨眼时,她因喜悦而感到兴奋。 china-b

She winked and finished her work.
她眨了眨眼,完成了手上的工作。 douban

Stars seem to understand me, then it winked towards the moon and looking at the abuse, the moon seemed to help yo sister!
星星似乎听懂了我的话,它眨眨眼睛,朝月亮望了一眼儿,似乎向月亮姐姐求助哟! tradeask

The large diamond on her ring finger winked in the moonlight.
她无名指上的大钻石在月光下闪烁。 nciku

Then after the robot finished his entertainment program, he even winked. Audience laughs He winked, making a kind of flirtatious sign with the beloved concubine of the king.
机器人表演完节目之后,甚至还抛媚眼大众笑,它向国王宠爱的王妃眨眼睛,眉目传情。 lava-lava

Then one day the fisherman winked and asked me, “How's your dog?”
有一天这个渔民眨了眨眼对我问道:“你的狗怎么样了?” yeeyan

We have winked at these irregularities too long.
我们对这种越轨行为容忍得太久了。 iciba




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