

单词 wining
释义 wining 英waɪn美waɪn COCA⁷⁶³¹²BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
U C 葡萄酒

alcoholic drink made from the fermented juice of grapes

U C 果酒

alcoholic drink made from plants or fruits other than grapes

U 紫红色

dark purplish red colour similar to that of red wine

fermented juice of grapes especiallya red as dark as red wine
drink winetreat to wine;

Our relatives in Italy wined and dined us for a week

用作名词 n.
动词+~buy wine买酒drink wine喝酒heat wine热酒make wine酿酒produce wine酿酒taste wine品尝酒warm wine热酒形容词+~dry wine无甜味的酒famous wine名酒good wine好酒imported wine进口酒nice wine好酒old wine陈酒one's favourite wine最喜欢喝的酒poor wine低质酒red wine红葡萄酒strong wine烈性酒sweet wine有甜味的酒weak wine淡酒white wine白葡萄酒名词+~apple wine苹果酒cooking wine烹调用酒,料酒cowslip wine黄花九轮草酒house wine最便宜的杂牌酒parsnip wine欧洲防风酒rice wine黄酒rose wine桃红色葡萄酒table wine佐餐葡萄酒
用作名词n.wine, women and song

饮酒作乐 drinking, dancing, etc. and enjoy oneself

近义词 plonkclaretvintagechampagne
用作名词n.Would you like to taste the wine, sir?先生,你想品尝一下这种葡萄酒吗?
Will you venture on another glass of wine?再喝一杯葡萄酒怎么样?
They drank two bottles of wine yesterday.他们昨天喝了两瓶葡萄酒。
Do you prefer French wine or Italian wine?你喜欢法国葡萄酒还是意大利葡萄酒?
He drank two bottles of red wine.他喝了两瓶红酒。
The French wines are excellent.法国葡萄酒好极了。
The wine had flushed his face and throat.酒使他从脸上一直红到脖子。
We offered them each three cups of barley wine.我们敬了他们每人三杯青稞酒。
We stocked a wide range of inexpensive wines.我们贮有多种廉价酒。
The wine bottle was marked “produce of Lingyuan”.酒瓶上有“凌源产品”的字样。
He broke the stem of the wine glass.他把酒杯柄脚弄断了。
She wears a wine velvet evening dress.她穿着一件紫红色的丝绒晚礼服。
He tasted the wine of audience approbation.他尝到了像酒般令人陶醉的听众赞许滋味。
This carefree interlude reacted upon the young people like wine.这一段轻松的插曲令年轻人陶醉。



用作名词He likes to drink redwineat supper.他喜欢在晚饭时喝红葡萄酒。
Thewineis left to mature in oak barrels.葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。
He drank thewineslowly, savoring every drop.他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。
This deeply coloured redwineis a blend of 4 varieties.由四款葡萄混酿而成,酒液呈深紫红色。
Thiswinehas a purplish-red color with bluish tints.此酒呈紫红色并泛有蓝色的光泽。用作不及物动词I used towinewith my meals.我过去吃饭时常常配点酒喝。用作及物动词Our hostswinedand dined us very well.主人设酒宴盛情款待我们。 A good traveler also sees a landscapea picture in everything: in history, in poems and wining parties, and in flowers and the moon.
善游山水者无之而非山水,书史亦山水也,诗酒亦山水也,花月亦山水也。 blog.sina.com.cn

At the harvest time, most of the villagers would abandon themselves to wining, eating and even singing the folk songs after dark.
收获时节,大多数的村民在天黑以后都会开怀畅饮、大吃大喝,甚至还唱起山村民歌。 hicoo

It has been a pleasure wining and dining with them and at the same time obtaining first- hand information to support the writing of this paper.
跟他们当餐对酒是乐事,也从这些聚会中获得一手的资料来写这篇文章。 cri

Numerous men have been linked with Ancelotti's job, including Italian World Cup wining boss Marcello Lippi.
传言接替安切洛蒂的候选人中就包括世界杯冠军教练里皮。 milanchina

Officials use public funds for wining and dining, extravagant entertainment and private travel abroad.
用公款大吃大喝、进行高档消费娱乐,公费出国旅游。 bab

The coming of brand wining times rests with the wise choice and mature thinking of consumers.
品牌决胜时代的来临,奠定于消费者层面的理智选择与成熟思考。 fszbll

The company will insist on the principle of“ honest- based, wining success through quality”, and develop its spirit of “ unity, communication, development and innovation”.
公司始终坚持“诚信为本,以质取胜”的宗旨,发扬“团结沟通、发展创新”企业精神。 texlx

The external force brought about by the industry centralization has an active influence on wining the superiority for an industry.
产业集聚带来外部性,对一个产业获取竞争优势具有积极作用。 cnki

The political work in the army, including the work for flight, should offer great spiritual impetus for“ wining”, reliable assurance in political for“ holding” .
包括飞行政治工作在内的军队政治工作要为“打得赢”提供强大精神动力,为“不变质”提供可靠政治保证。 cnki

The strategy of Customer relationship management CRM aims at holding existing customers, not wining new ones over blindly.
因此,客户关系管理 CRM的策略主要在于维系现有客户,而不是一味地争取新客户。 cnki

But only if you're averse to wide open skies, dramatic landscapes, countless activities, fine wining and dining, and friendly locals.
但如果仅仅是因为你厌恶广阔的天空,引人入胜的风景,数不清的活动,上好的美酒和美食,以及友好的本地人而放弃这里。 yeeyan

Combining the method of wining the lowest bid and the method of reasonable low bid, the article introduces the immature performance of both bidding sides.
结合最低价中标法和合理低标中标法,介绍招投标双方的不成熟表现。 dictall

Have never really felt at ease with the Chinese wining and dining culture.
从来都没有融入中国的酒席文化。 artisimple

He went out wining, dining, and dancing till the small hours.
他外出吃喝跳舞直到凌晨一两点钟。 jiaj

He was a popular president, easily wining two turns in office.
他是一位受爱戴的总统,在任期间轻松获得两轮选举。 tao2tao

In Olympics, the most important is departing, not wining.
在奥林匹克运动会中,最重要的是参与,而不是取胜。 iciba

Love is not wining the argument.
爱不是争论里的胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn

Many of them are award- wining projects and become local landmark.
其中多个项目都是当地的代表性项目,并得到业主好评。 bieshusheji.com

The participated dragon boat first go along the stream and then go against it, at last sprint for wining.
参赛龙舟先是顺水而下,而后逆水而上,最后冲刺决出输赢。 smartlan

The market features have changed a lot. Brand has become a focus of enterprises and brand operation has become a weapon for enterprises' wining in the market.
在市场特征出现今非昔比的变化之后,品牌成为市场群雄逐鹿的焦点,品牌营销则成为了企业赢得市场的制胜法宝。 cnki

The money he had got easily was all squandered speedily on wining and dining.
他手里的钱,来得容易去得快,都胡吃海喝了。 hxen

There's always motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond wining.
每个人都有渴望成功的动力,但冠军需要将这种动力变成一种超越单纯胜负功利的持之以恒的习惯。 blog.sina.com.cn

They held up their coach to celebrate their wining.
他们举起教练来庆祝胜利。 hjenglish

This was said by beginning too, weakness you wining a bit often, how hold what a victorious key it is.
这是说,开始也弱点你有点往往海德堡,如何举行什么是胜利的关键是。 www.aphoto.com.cn




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