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Win·frey 英ˈwɪnfriː美ˈwɪnfriAHDwĭnʹfrē Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.温弗里¹⁰⁰ A couple of days earlier, Sarah Ferguson offered a similar excuse when baring her soul to Oprah Winfrey. 而在这几天之前,萨拉•福格森 Sarah Ferguson向奥普拉•温芙瑞 Oprah Winfrey袒露心声时,也提到了类似的理由。 blog.sina.com.cn And in last month's issue of her magazine, Oprah Winfrey confessed to a“ moment” she had last summer. 奥普拉·温芙芮在她上个月出刊的杂志中也说过,去年夏天她也有过一次美妙的时刻。 yeeyan It soon became clear however that the announcement would not represent Winfrey's demise as a media superstar so much as her metamorphosis under a new guise. 然而,很快可以肯定的是宣布这一决定不会结束温弗莉传媒超级巨星的身份,而是表现了她新的转型。 yeeyan Ms. Winfrey called it “ the single greatest love story, in22 years of doing this show, we’ve ever told on the air.” 温弗瑞称:“这是我们做这个节目22年来,所讲述的最美好的爱情故事。” yeeyan The first volley was let off today in the form of an hour-long interview with Oprah Winfrey. 今天,她与奥普拉•温弗瑞进行了长达一小时的访谈,打响了本轮进攻的第一枪。 yeeyan Yet Winfrey also covered regular stories of ordinary people surviving extraordinary catastrophes. 然而,温弗莉也采访那些在大灾大难中死里逃生的普通人,倾听他们的寻常故事。 yeeyan “ But would you have told me even if you were thinking of it, ” hit back Winfrey. “但是就算你正在考虑这个问题,你会告诉我吗?”温弗里回击道。 yeeyan “ The Oprah Winfrey Show,” which launched in syndication in1986, attracted6.6. million viewers for the week ended November8, according to Nielsen Co. 尼尔森调查公司提供的数据显示,于1986年推出的“奥普拉脱口秀”节目在11月8日当周吸引了660万名观众。 www.chinadaily.com.cn “ The Oprah Winfrey Show, ” broadcast from Chicago on ABC stations across the United States and in more than140 countries overseas, is one of the TV industry's biggest money-makers. 美国广播公司在芝加哥制作的奥普拉·温弗蕾脱口秀在全美和全球超过140个国家播出,是最赚钱的电视节目之一,也是美国收视率最高的白天脱口秀节目。 yeeyan Angelina, who just recently dethroned Oprah Winfrey as the world's most powerful celebrity in a list compiled by Forbes magazine, has six adopted and biological children with partner Brad Pitt. 最近刚把奥普拉·温弗瑞从福布斯杂志编制的全球最有权力的名人榜上撤下来的安吉丽娜,与她的搭档布拉德·皮特有6个收养和亲生的子女。 kekenet Bestselling author J.K. Rowling appeared in an interview on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” to talk about her life and career and the possibility of another Harry Potter book, the News Daily reported. 据《每日新闻》报道,畅销书作家 J.K.罗琳近日亮相《奥普拉脱口秀》,畅谈生活、事业,以及续写下一本《哈利·波特》系列的可能性。 www.chinadaily.com.cn But Ms Winfrey’s handful of failures are as nothing compared with her successes. 但温芙蕾女士少数的失败与成功相比,是微不足道的。 ecocn If he has any doubt as to which side he ought to be on, he need only ask that bellwether of public opinion, his old friend Oprah Winfrey. 如果他对支持哪一方有任何疑虑的话,他只需要问问民意代表,他的老朋友 Oprah Winfrey。 ecocn In addition to the interview, Oprah will meet with local tech industry representatives to discuss social media and the newly launched Oprah Winfrey Network. 在采访中,奥普拉还将和当地科技领域人士畅谈社交媒体及开台不久的“奥普拉-温弗瑞电视网”。 putclub Ms Lan is one of China's most prominent media figures, with her popularity and fondness for entrepreneurial ventures drawing frequent comparisons to US daytime TV host Oprah Winfrey. 杨澜女士是中国最著名的媒体人,极具人气和进取精神,人们常把她比作美国日间电视主持人奥普拉·温弗瑞。 yeeyan Obama debuted at No.40, coming in ahead of talk show host Oprah Winfrey at41 and Britain's Queen Elizabeth at42. 米歇尔名列第40位,脱口秀主持人奥普拉•温芙瑞和英国女王伊丽莎白位居其后,分列第41位和42位。 edu.sina.com.cn Oprah Winfrey has become America’s richest self-made woman through successful brand management. 奥普拉则是通过成功的品牌管理成为美国最富有的单拼天下的女人。 yeeyan She told Winfrey she realized her books about the boy wizard were popular and her life had changed forever when she saw an enormous line of fans outside a large store during her second U.S. book tour. 她对奥普拉说,在她第二次到美国巡回促销新书时,看到一家大书店外排着长长的“哈迷”队伍,就意识到那本有关魔法男童的书火了,而且她的人生也将从此改变。 club.edu.sina.com.cn The Oprah Winfrey show, by comparison, is watched by only7 million Americans. 相比较,观看奥普拉·温弗瑞节目的只有七百万美国人。 yeeyan The only problem with all this commentary is that Ms Winfrey is not quitting. 关于这所有评论的唯一一个问题是,温芙蕾女士并不是退役。 ecocn Then, after a suitable period of absence, he can relaunch himself in the public eye— perhaps a tearful appearance on“ The Oprah Winfrey Show”? 之后,在适当时间的小时候,他可以重新出现在众人的眼里——可能满含热泪的出现在“奥普拉脱口秀”? ecocn Winfrey announced in November2009 that she would end her popular talk show after25 years. 温弗瑞在2009年11月宣布,将停播自己已经主持了25年的脱口秀节目。 cri |