

单词 wine tasting
释义 wine tasting ˈwaɪnteɪstɪŋ 短语⁷¹⁷⁷⁵

a gathering of people to taste and compare different wines At the afternoon wine tasting in the parlour car I met Rene and her mother, who also travel the country by train.
下午在休息车厢品酒的时候我认识了蕾妮和她的母亲,她们也是乘火车在国内旅行。 yeeyan

Alternatively, spending money on an event, like camping or a wine tasting with friends, leaves people less likely to compare their experiences with those of others— and, therefore, happier.
或者说,把钱花在活动上,比如露营或者和朋友品酒,这样人们就不太会与别人比较这种体验——所以,也就更快乐。 yeeyan

As wine tasting has become a part of a lot of people's daily life, they have considered that there are few cellars in the city.
当品酒已然成为人们生活的一部分时,却不得不接受酒窖匮乏的现实。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

Let’s have a glance at the process of wine tasting.
但让我们来看一看的过程中品酒。 yeeyan

Throughout human history, wine tasting has been a practice of delicate charm.
品酒,无论是古今中外,都是一件极其讲求韵味的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the arrival of the happy moment, we need to enjoy this happy cup wine tasting.
当幸福来临的时刻,我们需要好好享受,品尝幸福这一杯美酒。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wine tasting is not drinking.
品酒不是喝酒。 myslowine

Wine tasting is a big deal to a lot of people.
品尝葡萄酒对在某些人群中是很重要的一项技能。 yeeyan




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