

单词 wineries
释义 win·er·y 英'waɪnəri美'waɪnəri COCA²⁶⁹⁴¹BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
distillery where wine is made近义词 estate财产vinery葡萄园vineyard葡萄园chateau法国的城堡…wine maker葡萄种植者wine grower葡萄种植者

用作名词Thewineryclosed two years ago.这个酿酒厂两年前关张了。
The visit to thewineryhas been put off till Friday.到酿酒厂的参观已推迟到星期五。 All manner of businesses in the state, from FedEx to wineries in Napa Valley, are rushing to install subsidised solar panelssee article.
该州各行各业,从联邦快递到那帕谷( Napa Valley)的酒厂都纷纷抢着安装享受补助的太阳能集热面板。 ecocn

It also had all of the smells of rot, decay, and ferment: the great heaps of grape pulp and skin at the wineries sent a smell all through the town if there was a little wind stirring.
当然,那里也有腐烂、变质、发酵的气息:微风吹过,酿酒厂旁边的一堆堆果肉和果皮散发出的臭味便会飘满全镇。 yeeyan

After trips to Scotland and Kentucky, he was bitten by the concept of introducing distilling to a region where hundreds of local wineries have created a solid base of alco- tourism.
在去苏格兰和肯塔基旅行之后,他受到了一个将蒸馏酒介绍给一个拥有上百个本地酒厂,并创造了坚固的酒之旅的理念的启发。 yeeyan

In Germany and France biodynamic wineries have existed widely for some time.
在德国和法国,生物动力酿酒厂的普遍存在已有时日了。 yeeyan

It's a three- hour drive west from Cape Town and takes in the rolling Overberg hills as well Route62, which meanders through tiny towns and wineries.
从开普敦向西出发将有3小时的车程,会经过Overberg山河62号国道,沿路穿过一些小村庄和酿酒厂。 yeeyan

Northern Marin County and Point Reyes are less than an hour from downtown San Francisco, and it is about an hour to the wineries of Napa and Sonoma Valleys.
从旧金山市区到马林县北部和雷斯岬不到一小时的车程,到纳帕谷和索诺玛谷的酿酒厂也是一小时车程。 yeeyan

Some wineries have put panels on their roofs.
一些酒厂把太阳能板安在了他们的屋顶。 ecocn

Taverns, restaurants, breweries, distilleries, and wineries reopened for business.
酒吧、餐厅、啤酒厂、酿酒厂、葡萄酒厂重新开业。 yeeyan

The country already boasts more than 400 wineries, although the Big Three of Dynasty, Great Wall and Changyu account for the vast bulk of the production.
中国已有400多个酒厂,尽管三巨头王朝、长城和张裕占了其中绝大部分的产量。 iciba

The job opened up many doors when it ended last month, and Wallace now permanently lives in Sonoma County, California, splitting his time working for two small wineries he's always admired, he said.
这份工作在上月结束了,但为 Wallace带来了许多出路。 他现在定居在加州 Sonoma镇,他向我们透露,他现在为两家他十分喜欢的小酒厂工作。 yeeyan

The tiny community has several wineries, including the Village of Elgin Winery.
这个小社区拥有几家葡萄酒厂,其中包括埃尔金村葡萄酒厂。 yeeyan

The villages around Orvieto, a beautiful hilltop town with excellent wineries nearby, make good bases.
奥维多周围的一个村庄,是一个有着棒极了的葡萄酒庄的山头小镇,是这趟旅程完美的起点。 yeeyan

There are now35 wineries in business, and most are more than willing to open their doors to visitors wanting to discover another side of Lebanese culture.
目前有35家酒庄在经营之中,并且大多数都非常愿意打开大门欢迎想要探寻黎巴嫩文化另一面的参观者。 yeeyan

There are many wineries in Virginia that make for a lovely day of tastings.
在佛吉尼亚州有许多酿酒厂,可以出游一天到那里去品酒。 yeeyan

This is clearly admirable; other South African wineries generally prefer to sweep the past under a rug.
这显然是让人值得赞扬的。其他南非葡萄酒厂通常倾向于把过去扫到地毯下去。 yeeyan

Williams is the founder of Frog's Leap, one of the most ecologically minded wineries in Napa and, for that matter, the world.
威廉姆斯是“蛙跳”酒厂的创始人。这是纳帕,也是世界最具生态意识的葡萄酒厂。 yeeyan

With long-haul tourism badly hit by the downturn, local operators are hoping to persuade visitors to partake of wineries, adventure tourism and other spending opportunities beyond match venues.
由于长途旅游在经济衰退中遭受重创,各地的主办人员都希望能让游客在观赏比赛之外游玩酿酒厂、参与探险旅游及其他消费活动。 ecocn

Wineries make an especially good fit for solar power, and not just because going green appeals to their affluent customers.
太阳能发电特别适合酒厂使用,并非单纯以绿色环保迎合那些富足的顾客。 ecocn




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