

单词 wine list
释义 wine list ˈwaɪnlɪst 短语³³⁰⁰⁰
As a manager, go to a table and suggestively sell something you love on the menu or wine list.
作为一名经理,到一张桌子并且暗示性地销售一些菜单或酒水单上你想要推销的东西。 meadin

Dedicated oenophiles which is just a fancy word for wino, we gave short shrift to the aperitif menu and immediately asked for the wine list.
因为是热诚的品酒专家只是一个形容酒鬼的花哨名词,所以我们草草翻了翻开胃酒菜单,便马上要酒水单。 ecocn

Many of the things for which high price is an enhancement are purchased in order to show off, as any male confronted with the wine list in a fancy restaurant knows.
高昂的价格促使我们购买很多东西却只为炫耀,任何男士面对高档餐厅的红酒都会有这种冲动。 ecocn

Please show me a wine list.
请给我看看酒水单。 iciba

Restaurants know this well, and that's why the second- cheapest bottle on a wine list often has the biggest markup.
饭店深谙此道,这也是为什么酒水单上倒数第二便宜的酒涨价最多。 yeeyan

The National Restaurant Association, Seattle Weekly found, counts fast-food restaurants and hot dogs purchased at concerts in the same general “ dining out” category as, say, places with a wine list.
西雅图周刊发现,美国国家餐馆协会认为快餐店和音乐厅的热狗店也属于 “外出就餐”范畴,因为这些地方供应红酒。 yeeyan

The result was Tan Dinh which, under Vifian's guidance, combines Vietnamese food with a stunning French wine list.
于是,在费福昂的指导下,诞生了将越南菜与令人炫目的法兰西红酒单相结合的 Tan Dinh餐厅。 iciba




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