

单词 wind direction
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A statistics analysis of wind pressure was carried out to reveal the strength and dispersion of the wind force and the unfavorable wind direction was found accordingly.
通过对总受力和压力方差的统计分析,获得了不同风向下结构受风力作用的大小和离散程度,可为评估不利风向角提供重要参考依据。 dictall

On the basis of the wind speed observation, the wind direction distributing of the site of Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge on Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was analyzed.
基于已有的风速观测记录,对京沪高速铁路南京长江大桥桥址区的风向分布进行了统计分析。 cnki

The wind direction at both of these locations are similar since the Onagawa power plant is located just to the northeast of Fukushima power plant.
这些地方的风向类似,因为女川核电站恰好位于福岛核电站的东北面。 yeeyan

Based on switch mode sensor of relative wind direction, we present a kind of tracing wind fuzzy control system with constant sample cycle and variable control cycle.
基于开关式相对风向传感器,提出一种固定周期采样、变周期控制的风向随动模糊控制系统。 cnki

In this paper, the main factors which affect measurement accuracy of wind speed and wind direction in the state of moving ship is analyzed.
本文分析了在船舶运动状态下,影响风向风速测量精度的主要因素。 boshuo

In the special terrain and weather case, radiative effects of dust aerosol can change the wind direction, and transport the dust back.
在特殊的地形、气象场下,沙尘辐射效应的累积可能会引起风向的变化,使堆积的沙尘重新逆着原方向输送。 iciba

Sixteenth hole,365 yards; A rarity, in the sense that the hole definitely plays better in a particular wind direction.
第十六洞,365码的距离阿罕见,在这个意义上说,洞肯定了在特定风向更好。 igolfyou

The relation between wind direction fluctuations and the structure of the stable atmospheric boundary layer are described.
本文对稳定大气边界层中风向脉动的特征进行了讨论。 cnki

The more wind fields is complex, for example the middle- scale convergence line, the bigger is the difference of the retrieved wind direction and speed between with two methods.
在风场比较复杂的区域,如中尺度辐合线等,两种方法反演的风向、风速差别较大。 cnki

The wind direction will switch to an onshore direction Monday night into Tuesday, threatening to send the radiation toward the population.
从周一晚上到周二风向将会转向海岸方向,恐怕会将核辐射带到人口稠密的地区。 yeeyan

This is highly pertinent. The wind direction, should there be a plume containing radioactive material, determines whether fallout will land on populated areas or in the sea.
这是一个关键问题,如果含有放射物质的云团出现,那么风向将决定这些放射性坠尘会降落在聚居地还是海洋。 yeeyan




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