

单词 Windaus
释义 Win·daus 英ˈvɪnˌdaʊs美ˈvɪnˌdaʊsAHDvĭnʹdous'
温道斯①姓氏 ②Adolf,1876-1959,德国化学家,曾获1928年诺贝尔化学奖

German chemist who studied steroids and cholesterol and discovered histamine 1876-1959Mr.Windausused the photograph by courtesy of the publisher.温道斯先生经过出版社的许可而使用照片。
CHAN Koon Yuen,Windausbecame a partner of Fairbairn Catley Low &Kong as from 2 July 2002.陈冠远先生自2002年7月2日担任范纪罗江律师事务所合夥人。
Windausturbines are large and the color is bright which make them visible, it is better to protect the birds.温道斯涡轮都是大型的,并给涡轮涂上鲜亮的颜色,可以更好地保护鸟类。
Windaustower finds high favor in people's eyes due to its color and shape, in particular to the efficient use of wind energy.温道斯风塔的形状,可以最大限度地减少噪音和磁场,由于颜色和水塔形状,温道斯的风塔备受青睐。
Adolf Otto ReinholdWindaus温道斯,A.;O
1. Mr.Windausused the photograph by courtesy of the publisher .温道斯先生经过出版社的许可而使用照片。




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