

单词 wincing
释义 wincing 英wɪns美wɪns COCA³²⁴⁸³BNC³⁴⁴⁵³
the facial expression of sudden paina reflex response to sudden pain
draw back, as with fear or pain;

she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

make a face indicating disgust or dislike;

She winced when she heard his pompous speech

近义词 draw拖gasp喘气jump跳跃back后面funk恐惧scowl愁容start开始shy腼腆的cower畏缩blink眨眼quail鹌鹑recoil退却flinch畏缩shrink收缩blench回避cringe畏缩writhe挣扎squinch挤压draw back撒回grimace面部的歪扭

用作名词Mention branding and awincepasses around the table.一提及品牌推广,畏缩情绪就传遍了整张桌子。
His smile soon modified to awince.他的微笑很快就成了脸部肌肉的抽搐。用作动词That statistic must surely make themwince.这样的统计数据必定会让他们退缩。
As soon as he touched her she seemed towinceand stiffen.只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。
I stillwinceat the memory of the stupid thing I did.我一想起自己做过的蠢事就不由得摇头叹气。
Hewincedmentally at the terrible news.听到这个噩耗,他不由的心里一楞。
Hewincedas she stood on his injured foot.她踩着他受伤的脚,他疼得缩了回去。verb.draw back
同义词 back off,blanch,cower,cringe,flinch,grimace,recoilblench,dodge,duck,jib,quail,shrink,shy,start,swerve,turnmake a face
反义词 face,meet We’re going to buy knockoff handbags without wincing, now.
但现在,我们会毫不畏缩地去买那“山寨”手提包。 yeeyan

But before she can start, Mom sits abruptly in the large kitchen armchair, wincing. “ Oooh,” she murmurs, rubbing her legs, the paper towels still in one hand.
可是她突然蜷缩着坐进厨房里硕大的扶手椅里。“喔!”她轻叹了一声,搓揉着她的腿,手里还捏着那些纸巾。 yeeyan

But before she can start, Mom sits abruptly in the large kitchen armchair, wincing.
可是她突然蜷缩着坐进厨房里硕大的扶手椅里。 yeeyan

He began pulling himself out, wincing as the rusty tin tore cloth and skin.
他开始把自己往上拉,当生锈的铁板刮到他的衣服或者皮肤的时候疼得抽搐。 yeeyan

He turned, wincing at the expression on her face.
转过身,看着她的脸部的表情,他畏缩了。 blog.sina.com.cn

I clock out, race home through our wincing little town.
我打卡下班,飞车穿过凋零的小镇往家赶。 yeeyan

More syringes come out for the wife, who is now wincing a little from the pain.
更多的注射器给妻子用上了,她现在因为疼痛有些畏惧。 yeeyan

Mr Hitchings admits to wincing occasionally, but almost on principle he is more cheerful than not.
希秦斯先生承认有时会有不足,但从英语语言学来说,他是更为高兴的。 kekenet

She screamed the last words, wincing in pain as I grabbed her arm and shook her.
她尖叫的最后一句话,在痛苦中畏缩,因为我抓住她的胳膊,使劲摇了摇。 hongxiu

The smoothing movement, wincing movement and holding phase movement may be the three forms of the particles' movement.
提出了沙丘的平化运动、缩移运动与持相运动; cnki




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