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Winchester 英ˈwɪnˌtʃestə, -tʃɪstə美ˈwɪnˌtʃɛstɚ, -tʃɪstɚAHDwĭnʹchĕs'tər, -chĭ-stər 基本英英搭配例句例句 n.温彻斯特英格兰南部城市
Noun: a city in southern England; administrative center of Hampshirea shoulder rifleWinchester rifle1
名词100% 用作名词His relics are buried atWinchester.他的遗骸葬在温彻斯特。 They were all equipped with newWinchesterrifles.他们都配备着崭新的温彻斯特式来复枪。 Brought up in Winchester in Scum country he grew up a Southampton fan and played for his boyhood club as a youngster. 他在一个叫温彻斯特的渣滓乡下长大,在那成为南安普顿的球迷,还成为了该队的青年队队员。 yeeyan Simon Winchester was born and educated in England, has lived in Africa, Ireland, India and China, and now lives in New York city and the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts. 赛门‧温契斯特,出生成长在英格兰,曾在非洲、爱尔兰、印度和中国等国家生活,现定居于纽约及麻省西部的伯克夏山。 www.chinadaily.com.cn The unexplainable is waiting for you inside the Winchester Mystery House, so get ready for an adventure. 温彻斯特神秘屋里的未解之谜等待你来解开,准备一次探险之旅吧。 yeeyan The U.S. Strategic Command monitors18, 000 distinct pieces of debris, according to Reggie Winchester, spokeswoman for the command. 根据美国战略司令部发言人雷吉•温彻斯特所说,战略司令部已监控到18,000片截然不同的碎片。 yeeyan The Winchester Mystery house is located at525 South Winchester Boulevard in San Jose, California. 温彻斯特神秘屋位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞市温彻斯特南大街525号。 yeeyan “ Just a few hundred years ago it was unimaginably terrifying to venture into The Atlantic, ” Winchester says. “仅仅在百年前,去【大西洋】冒险还是无法想像的恐怖,”温彻斯特说。 yeeyan “ There is something going on” and it needs to be studied further, Winchester concluded. 温彻斯特最后总结到,“这其中还有一些影响因素”有待进一步的研究。 cri At that time, only the Mesopotamians had made such strides in controlling their rivers, Mr Winchester says. 据温彻斯特先生说,在那时,只有米亚人在控制河流上有如此进步。 ecocn But with the bill not likely to become law for months, planners in Winchester and across England are in limbo. 但议案在几个月之内是不太可能成为法定条例的,温彻斯特以及全英的规划师们仍旧一头雾水。 ecocn Clyde still walks the halls, according to local psychic Annette Martin, who claims she has unlocked the secrets of the Winchester house by channeling Clyde. 据当地巫师安妮特.马丁所称,克莱德仍在厅廊里走动,她声称自己已经通过超度克莱德亡灵解开了温彻斯特神秘屋的谜团。 yeeyan His funeral will be held in the Winchester area where he lived with his family. 他的葬礼将在他和家人共同生活的温切斯特地区举行。 ecocn In the latter period, they were armed with Winchester rifles, clubs and knives. 在后期,她们手持温彻斯特步枪、大棍和刀子一起作战。 yeeyan It's not clear why ghosts, which can supposedly move through walls, would be confused by the rooms, but it apparently made sense to Winchester. 不明白为什么是鬼魂,它应该是可以穿墙走壁,被屋子给搞混,恐怕只对 Winchester讲得通吧。 edu.sina.com.cn Martin says that Winchester told Clyde to stay and take care of the house. 马丁还说说温彻斯特让克莱德留下来照看这座房子。 yeeyan Mr Winchester is good on stories about heavyweight Atlantic names: Columbus, Vespucci, Nelson. 温彻斯特先生擅长讲述大西洋重量级人物的故事,包括哥伦布,韦斯普奇和纳尔逊。 ecocn Of course, I do want him to be restored, if only to have the Winchester bond fixed once and for all I still hold out hope that this is possible. 当然,我确实希望他能恢复原来的样子,只要这是两兄弟最后一次重归于好对于其发生的可能性我仍然抱有希望。 yeeyan One challenge at a school in Winchester, Kentucky was made on the grounds that the book's main character drinks wine and eats poppy with her meals. 一位家长质问位于肯塔基州温彻斯特的一所学校,书中描写主人公就餐时饮酒和吃罂粟花到底是何居心。 yeeyan Orwell won scholarships to two of England's leading schools, Winchester and Eton, and chose the latter. 奥威尔获得两所名校的奖学金: WINCHESTER和伊顿。 yeeyan Simon Winchester has spent his life following his curiosity to far- flung corners of the world. 西蒙温彻斯特将他毕生精力都花在对天涯海角的好奇追寻中。 yeeyan Telling the story of“the classic ocean of our imaginings” is a huge undertaking but Simon Winchester manages it with aplomb. 讲讲“我们想象力所及的经典海洋”故事可是个大工程,但是西门.温彻斯特终究可以娓娓道来。 ecocn The car has been prominently featured on the series, beginning with the teaser of the pilot which shows John Winchester holding his two sons as he sits on the car and watches his house burn. 这辆车在剧中的标志性相当突出,这一点从第一集里 John Winchester抱著两个儿子坐在车头并看著他的房子被烧毁的情景就开始显现。 yeeyan The“ regional strategy” for the south-east stipulated that654,000 new homes be built in the region between2006 and2026, including5,500 in the city of Winchester. 该“区域性策略”规定了2006-2026年之间东南部最多只能建设65400套新住宅,这其中还包括了温彻斯特的5500套。 ecocn The boundaries between childhood and adulthood were blurred: at Winchester, the first and most generously endowed independent school, relatives of the founder could stay until they were25. 童年和成人的界限也十分模糊,在温彻斯特那家最早的接受了慷慨捐赠的私立学校里,创办者的亲戚可以一直读到25岁。 ecocn Then people will not need to go to Winchester or Amherst any more. 这样人们就不需要去温彻斯特大学、安默斯特学院求学了。 yeeyan To have to celebrate one of the great court feasts in a village instead of one of the major centres of royal power such as Windsor, Winchester or Le Mans was awkward and embarrassing. 不得不在一个村子里举办宫廷盛宴,而不是温莎 Windsor、温切斯特 Winchester或勒芒 Le Mans等主要的皇权中心,实在是件尴尬和难堪的事。 yeeyan We all think of milk as soothing for our stomachs, but it's the worst thing you can drink if you've just had a bout of diarrhoea, warns Winchester GP Anna Wilson. 我们都认为牛奶能缓解胃部不适,但是实际上如果你正在经历腹泻,牛奶就是你选择的最为糟糕的饮料。温彻斯特的全科医生 Anna Wilson警告道。 yeeyan Winchester's own love affair with the Atlantic began with a passage to America. 温彻斯特与大西洋的“情事”开始于一次美国旅行。 yeeyan |