

单词 winced
释义 wince·d 英wɪns美wɪns COCA¹⁸⁸⁷⁹BNC¹⁶¹⁴¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the facial expression of sudden paina reflex response to sudden pain
draw back, as with fear or pain;

she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

make a face indicating disgust or dislike;

She winced when she heard his pompous speech

近义词 draw拖gasp喘气jump跳跃back后面funk恐惧scowl愁容start开始shy腼腆的cower畏缩blink眨眼quail鹌鹑recoil退却flinch畏缩shrink收缩blench回避cringe畏缩writhe挣扎squinch挤压draw back撒回grimace面部的歪扭

用作名词Mention branding and awincepasses around the table.一提及品牌推广,畏缩情绪就传遍了整张桌子。
His smile soon modified to awince.他的微笑很快就成了脸部肌肉的抽搐。用作动词That statistic must surely make themwince.这样的统计数据必定会让他们退缩。
As soon as he touched her she seemed towinceand stiffen.只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。
I stillwinceat the memory of the stupid thing I did.我一想起自己做过的蠢事就不由得摇头叹气。
Hewincedmentally at the terrible news.听到这个噩耗,他不由的心里一楞。
Hewincedas she stood on his injured foot.她踩着他受伤的脚,他疼得缩了回去。verb.draw back
同义词 back off,blanch,cower,cringe,flinch,grimace,recoilblench,dodge,duck,jib,quail,shrink,shy,start,swerve,turnmake a face
反义词 face,meet She winced inwardly as his face paled from the stab wound.
看到他由于刺伤而变得苍白的脸,她心里有些退缩了。 iciba

And never winced before.
可从来不知退缩。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ernest winced at her reply, and held the phone away from his ear.
恩尼斯不想听丽莎的回答,把话筒拿开耳朵。 blog.sina.com.cn

He winced inwardly at her harsh tone.
她那严厉的语气令他胆寒。 dj.client.iciba.com

Hurstwood winced the least bit. The real thing was slightly worse than the thoughts of it had been.
赫斯渥稍稍有一点畏缩。实际情况比他原来想象的还要糟一些。 xddhy

I have not winced nor cried noisily.
我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。 sn166.com

Martin winced, then grinned.
马丁眨了眨眼,笑了。 ebigear

Mr Clare winced as if he had been struck. He went home pale and dejected, and called Angel into his study.
克莱尔先生听后直往后躲,仿佛被人打了一样。他满脸苍白地回到家里,一脸地沮丧,把安琪尔叫到他的书房里。 hjenglish

She pinched her ear and winced at the pain.
她掐了一下耳朵感到疼痛。 cndkc

She was late, and winced slightly as the bell's incessant ringing made her headache return.

The girl winced when the needle went in.

The guests watched and winced in absolute silence.
客人们看着事情的发展,摇头叹气,鸦雀无声。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thomas Green winced as he reread an e- mail message from his new boss, Frank Davis, marketing director for the travel and hospitality group at D7 Displays.
托马斯.格林重读了一遍新上司的邮件后,有点退缩了。弗兰克.戴维斯,他的上司,是 D7 Displays公司负责旅游酒店行业部门的销售总监。 yeeyan




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