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词汇 wimp
释义 wimp 英wɪmp美wɪmpAHDwĭmp ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁵⁵⁴⁹BNC³⁵⁹³⁴iWeb²⁶⁸⁹⁴
a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washya hypothetical subatomic particle of large mass that interacts weakly with ordinary matter through gravitation; postulated as a constituent of the dark matter of the universe这是个口头用语,20世纪70年代始用于美国,起初在学生中流行,以后又传至英国。关于其由来,有两种说法:其一,wimp乃whimper抽泣,呜咽或whimperer抽泣者之缩略,性格懦弱的人或没有骨气的人往往因疼痛或委屈而哭哭啼啼whimper的,故人们以wimp称之;其二,该词源于美国漫画家埃尔齐·西格Elzie C. Segar, 1894-1938创作的连环画Popeye大力水手中名叫Wimpy的衣着邋遢的大胖子。wimp懦弱的人
近义词 chicken鸡crybaby爱哭的孩子

用作名词Don't assume your wife is awimpbecause she's upset over small cuts or bruises.当妻子偶尔因小小的割伤或划伤而难过时,千万不要把她看作一个懦弱的人。noun.weakling
同义词 coward,crybaby,pushoverbaby,chicken,featherweight,jellyfish,loser,milksop,namby-pamby,pansy,pantywaist,schlemiel,sissy,wusschickenheart,cream puff,fraidy-cat,lily liver,mama's boy,scaredy-cat,wussy,yellowbelly
borenoun nuisance
bother,bromide,bummer,deadhead,downer,drag,drip,dull person,flat tire,headache,nag,nudge,pain,pain in the neck,pest,pill,soporific,stuffed shirt,tedious person,tiresome person,wet blanket,yawn
cowardnoun person who is scared, easily intimidated
alarmist,baby,chicken,chickenheart,craven,cur,dastard,deserter,faint-of-heart,faintheart,fraidy-cat,gutless wonder,invertebrate,jellyfish,lily liver,malingerer,mouse,pessimist,poltroon,quitter,rabbit,recreant,scaredy-cat,shirk,shirker,skulker,sneak,weakling,white liver,wimp,yellowbelly
cravennoun timid person
crybabynoun malcontent
dastardnoun coward
milksopnoun weak or ineffectual person
baby,chicken,chickenheart,cry-baby,deserter,fraidy-cat,jellyfish,lily liver,mama's boy,namby-pamby,pansy,pantywaist,quitter,scaredy-cat,sissy,weakling,wimp,wuss,wussy,yellowbelly The Male who doesn't abide by The Rules, can't take the heat, lacks a backbone, and is a wimp.

We don't think you're a wimp if you skip your outdoor run on certain, particularly bad days.
如果在恰当的时候跳过你室外锻炼计划,没有人会认为你是个很“瘪”的人——特别是天气非常糟糕的时候。 yeeyan

Am I being a wimp?
我在说废话吗? ibm

At just1.4 metres in height, Partner Robot is a wimp— but its talent is versatility, not strength.
相比之下,只有1.4米高的机器人助手就像个羸弱的家伙,但它多才多能,只是力气不足。 ecocn

Cook on a coal-fired range, bathe in a fireside hip bath, and use an outside earth closet though you can wimp out and use the modern bathroom if you must.
你会在使用煤球的灶具上做饭,在火炉旁的坐式浴盆里洗澡,并且能把室外的广阔天地当作你的衣柜当然如果你实在适应不了也可以使用我们提供的现代化洗浴间。 yeeyan

Experiments such as CDMSII measure large numbers of particle interactions in their detectors in the hope of spotting one caused by a WIMP.
类似低温暗物质研究II号的实验在他们的探测器上测量了大量的粒子作用,希望寻获一次 WIMP造成的影响。 yeeyan

Feeling like a complete wimp for ever having asked, I set off back up the slope.
我这么问了后,感觉自己就像废物,只能重新出发回到山坡上。 yeeyan

I am also a mustard wimp, enjoying the mild Dijon varieties but shying away from anything nostril- flaringly strong.
我还是个芥末白痴,喜欢各种温和的 Dijon牌芥末但是却离刺鼻的那一类远远的。 yeeyan

I wasn’t just being a wimp at school, things were genuinely more difficult for me than for other people.
我在学校像个混混,事情在我这儿总是变得比其他人更加难以对付。 yeeyan

I was a wimp.
我是个窝囊废。 hjenglish

I was not! You were a wimp when you crashed your bicycle. You cried because you hurt your arm!
我那次骑自行车摔倒,受伤可严重了。不管怎么样,女孩子哭并不意味着她是一个软弱的人。 koolearn

If you like the color of something, don't be a wimp: fill the whole frame with it.
如果你喜欢某个东西的颜色,不要胆怯:用这种颜色装满整个画面。 yeeyan

In those societies, a modern Hercules can have his way because women prefer to share him rather than have a wimp to themselves.
在那些社会中,现代赫拉克斯可以随心所欲,因为那里的女性宁愿分享一个强壮的男性,也不愿意独守一个弱者。 ecocn

Like CDMS, this aims to make a direct detection of WIMP particles, but uses different technology.
与低温暗物质实验类似,其亦旨在直接探测到弱作用大质量粒子,不过使用了不同的技术手段。 yeeyan

Of course it does; this is an evil society after all. What are you, a wimp?

Once one admits the possibility of hidden particles with properties that go beyond the standard WIMP scenario, it is natural to consider the full range of possibilities.
一旦承认有可能存在性质超越标准弱相互作用重粒子的粒子,人们自然而然会联想还有没有其它可能。 yeeyan

Physicists know how much dark matter the universe contains in total, but not how much each individual WIMP weighs.
物理学家已经知道宇宙中包含的暗物质总量,却不知道单个 WIMP的重量。 yeeyan

Second, if you make an appointment to meet that person for your walk or run, you’re more likely to stick to the appointment rather than wimp out.
其次,如果在你步行或是跑步时约他人,你会更有可能坚持住,而不会中途放弃。 yeeyan

So, whenever a woman has to choose a mate, she must decide whether to place a premium on the hunk’s choicer genes or the wimp’s love and care.
所以无论何时何代女性在选择配偶时都必须在高大威猛的“大男人”和体贴关爱的“小男人”之间做出抉择。 ecocn

The president now finds himself accused of being both a warmonger for entering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it.
总统发现他一方面因为参与战争被指责为战争贩子,另一方面因为战争执行不力被称作窝囊废。 kekenet

There is some evidence that the universe has less lithium than expected, and the super- WIMP hypothesis is one way to explain the discrepancy.
有证据表明宇宙中锂元素的含量比预计要少,所以假设的超级弱相互作用重粒子可以作为一种方法解释这种差异。 ufochn

This may impress the peaceniks of Oslo, but from the American perspective he's looking like a wimp.
这可能会给奥斯陆的反战分子留下深刻印象,不过在美国人看来他就像个懦夫。 yeeyan

This work hints that the WIMP is just the tip of the iceberg.
这些成就说明,弱相互作用重粒子只是冰山一角。 yeeyan

When I was small and dreaming of going to Africa, because I was in love with Tarzan, I was jealous of Tarzan's Jane, I thought she was a wimp, and I'd have made a much better mate for Tarzan myself.

Xenon is a very heavy element, and thus has a larger cross section for collision with a WIMP.
氙气是一个非常沉重的元素,因而具有更大的跨越与懦夫相撞一节。 lamost

You can think I'm a wimp if you want.
您尽可以把我想象成一个循规蹈矩的人。 ibm

You're a wimp. You're a chicken.
你是个胆小鬼。 examw




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