

单词 Wilson
释义 Wil·son 英ˈwɪlsən美ˈwɪlsənAHDwĭlʹsən Economist⁶³⁷⁵
author of the first novel by an African American that was published in the United States 1808-1870English writer of novels and short stories 1913-1991Scottish ornithologist in the United States 1766-1813United States physicist honored for his work on cosmic microwave radiation born in 1918Canadian geophysicist who was a pioneer in the study of plate tectonics 1908-1993American Revolutionary leader who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence 1742-1798United States entomologist who has generalized from social insects to other animals including humans born in 1929Scottish physicist who invented the cloud chamber 1869-1959United States literary critic 1895-197228th President of the United States; led the United States in World War I and secured the formation of the League of Nations 1856-1924a peak in the San Juan mountains of Colorado 14,246 feet highWilson's disease威尔逊病,肝豆状核变…Wilson central terminal威尔逊中心电极(心电…
近义词 James Wilson威尔逊Alexander Wilson威尔逊Woodrow Wilson伍德罗·威尔逊…

Hello? This is PatWilsonhere. May I have a word with grace?喂?我是帕特。威尔逊,我可以同格雷顿给你打电话。
MrWilsonis henpecked by his wife; she wears the pants in that family.威尔逊先生怕老婆; 在他家里,他太太说了算。
These patients are under the charge of DrWilson.这些病人由威尔逊医生治疗。
Could you arrange a meeting with MrsWilsonfor Monday, please?是否能请你邀请威尔逊夫人星期一到会? That decline has carried over into this year, Wilson said.
这一下降趋势持续到了今年,威尔逊说。 yeeyan

The company will soon use location metadata to improve“ relevancy and signal to noise,” Wilson said.
公司将马上利用社区元数据来改进“相关性和噪音信号,”威尔逊说到。 yeeyan

“ I have seen an estimate that shippers are moving 25 to 30 percent less freight nationwide today compared with a year ago, ” Wilson said.
“我见到的一个预测指出,今天全国范围内的托运人托运的货物量比一年前下降了25%-30%。”威尔逊说。 yeeyan

“ If you take a balloon and blow it up, you can manipulate the pitch by pulling the neck, ” Wilson says.
“如果你把一个气球吹起来以后,再拉长气球的脖子,就可以操纵音调,”威尔逊说。 yeeyan

“ Nay; it would be sinful, in such a question, to follow the clew of profane philosophy, ” said Mr. Wilson.
“不;在这样一个问题上,要追踪非宗教的哲学的暗示,是罪过的,”威尔逊先生说。 hjenglish

“ Some you pay, and some are free, ” Wilson said.
“有些您需要花钱,有些是免费的,”威尔逊说。 yeeyan

As Wilson faces pressure from competitors, he makes sure the company stays a step ahead, especially in the realm of technology.
因为威尔逊面临着来自竞争对手的压力,他要确保公司保持先行一步,尤其是在技术领域。 yeeyan

But there are other factors to consider, Wilson said. An advanced degree can facilitate the move to consulting for an experienced worker, for example.
但也有其他考虑因素,威尔逊说,例如,一个更高的学位可以减少你向一位经验丰富的工人咨询的困难。 yeeyan

Did Edith Wilson cynically decide to grab power; was she in denial; or did she become anosognosic, as well, truly believing that there was nothing wrong with her husband?
难道伊迪丝·威尔逊可笑地决定要掌握权力;难道她拒绝接受事实;难道她也患了疾病感缺失症,真的相信丈夫没有什么毛病? yeeyan

Finally, the decision was announced by President Wilson.
最后,威尔逊总统宣布了这一决定。 ebigear

Grayson tells us that Wilson knew that King Albert was“ King of the Belgians, ” but how comforting is that?
格雷森告诉我们,威尔逊知道艾伯特国王是“比利时人的国王”,可是,那又能令人得到多少安慰? yeeyan

I was somewhat surprised when his family asked me to speak, along with Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, and California governor Pete Wilson, who as a young man had worked for Nixon.
当他的家人请我和鲍勃.多尔、亨利.基辛格、加利福尼亚州州长皮特.威尔逊他在年轻时曾为尼克松工作过一道发言时,我感到很吃惊。 yeeyan

Mr. Wilson says he wants the ladder back right away.
威尔逊先生说他希望梯子马上就还回去。 ebigear

My name is Wilson Lewis, and this is the story of a wedding.
我名叫威尔逊·刘易斯,这是一个关于婚礼的故事。 yeeyan

Senators Wilson and Howard paired off on the revenue bill.

Wilson with a spoon, he held up one finger and motioned me to come nearer.
威尔逊夫人喂他吃了两勺后,他举起一根手指,示意我靠近。 yeeyan




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