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Willy Brandt短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺⁸ 基本英英近义反义例句例句 维利·勃兰特
Noun: German statesman who as chancellor of West Germany worked to reduce tensions with eastern Europe 1913-1992近义词 Brandt勃兰特 Ever since ChancellorWilly Brandtcame up with the notion, the Social Democratic Party has been wedded to Ostpolitik.从那以后,总理维利勃兰特得出这样的结论:社会主义民主党主张采取东方政策坚定不移。 The German Chancellor of West Germany,Willy Brandt, meets with Leonid Brezhnev , First Secretary of the Communist Party.1971年,西德总理布兰特和苏共总书记博列兹涅夫会谈,有报导说当时会议室烟雾缭绕,二人醉眼醺醺。 The most recent German national to win the prestigious peace prize wasWilly Brandt, the late Social Democratic Chancellor and politician, who won the award in1971.此前,最后一位获此殊荣的德国人是已故社会民主党主席、治家维利·兰特,他于1971年获得诺贝尔和平奖。 Mr.Willy Brandt, Chairman of the Independent Commission on International Development Issues国际发展问题独立委员会主席Willy Brandt先生 A group of statesmen led by Willy Brandt considered the problem and produced the Brandt Report but no government ever did anything about it. 布拉特带领的由名人组成的团体考虑到了这个问题,并提交了布拉特报告。但是没有那个政府出来解决这个问题。 iask.sina.com.cn My German counterpart Willy Brandt launched his country’s reconciliation with Poland by bending his knee at the Warsaw ghetto memorial in 1970. 我的德国朋友维利•勃兰特1970年在华沙犹太人区纪念碑前的一跪,让他的国家同波兰重归于好。 ecocn |