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词汇 wilhelm
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A specimen of the brain was sent to a leading neurologist, Oskar Vogt, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin.
大脑的样本被送到位于柏林凯撒威廉研究所的神经科专家 Oskar Vogt手中。 yeeyan

A coffin donated by Kaiser Wilhelm was never used and sits next to the original.
凯撒威廉普鲁士国王捐献的一副棺木一直都没用,并放在原棺木的旁边。 yeeyan

After he delivered his Nobel Lecture, Roosevelt was the guest of Kaiser Wilhelm II in Germany.
在获奖演讲之后,罗斯福成了德皇威廉二世的座上宾。 yeeyan

After the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church was destroyed by a British bombing raid in World War II all that remained was its ruined tower.
在第二次世界大战中,威廉皇帝纪念教堂被英国投放的一颗炸弹炸毁,唯一保存的就是一个受损的塔。 putclub

But by1914 Germany was easily out- producing Britain, and Kaiser Wilhelm’s challenge to the Royal Navy’s supremacy did much to precipitate the First World War.
但1914年时德国的生产总值超过英国,德皇威廉对英国皇家海军至上权力的挑衅也挑起了第一次世界大战。 yeeyan

But by1914 Germany was easily out- producing Britain, and Kaiser Wilhelm's challenge to the Royal Navy's supremacy did much to precipitate the First World War.
但到了1914年,德国的工业生产大大超过英国,而德皇威廉 Kaiser Wilhelm对皇家海军代指英国-译注霸权地位的挑战,则加速了第一次世界大战的爆发。 colabug

Eli also saw David Wilhelm, the young Chicago political operative whom I wanted on the team.
埃里还会见了年轻的芝加哥政治活动运营高手戴维.威廉,我希望他加入竞选班子。 yeeyan

He told the kaiser that a war between Britain and Germany would be an“ unspeakable calamity.” Wilhelm, whom Roosevelt found to be “ vain as a peacock, ” brushed him off.
他告诉德皇英国和德国之间的战争将会是一场“难以言状的灾难”,但被罗斯福称为“孔雀一般虚荣”的威廉对他的话弃如敝履。 yeeyan

I also stated my support for David Wilhelm, my campaign manager, to succeed Ron Brown as chairman of the Democratic Committee.
我还宣布支持我的竞选经理戴维.威廉接替罗恩.布朗,担任民主党委员会主席。 yeeyan

In Chicago, I met with two young political activists, David Wilhelm and David Axelrod, who would become involved in the campaign.
在芝加哥,我会见了两位激进的青年政客,戴维.威廉和戴维.阿克塞尔罗德,他们都在后来参与了我的竞选活动。 yeeyan

It turned out it was the country of Germany, under Kaiser Wilhelm, that put in daylight saving time first.
结果是凯撒·威廉领导下的德国率先实行了夏令时。 joyen

Once Kaiser Wilhelm dismissed Bismarck in1890, he discarded the Iron Chancellor's strategy and embarked on what proved to be the ruinous path to 1914.
一旦恺撒.威廉于1890年解雇俾斯麦克,他放弃了铁腕总理的战略,走上了被证明是通往1994年的灾难性的路径。 yeeyan

One of his best-known works dramatizes the entry of the United States into the war in April1917, as President Wilson confronts a rudely surprised Wilhelm: “Kaiser to Wilson: You don’t mean it!”
图为他最著名的一幅作品,戏剧性的描述了1917年4月美国的参战,威尔逊总统站在粗鲁惊愕的威廉二世面前,“德皇对威尔逊说:不,你不是这个意思!” yeeyan

Pfaender’s brother Wilhelm was a choral singer who was also active in the revolution and emigrated to America in 1848, later becoming state treasurer in Minnesota, Mueller said.
费恩德尔的弟弟威廉也是一个在革命中十分活跃的唱诗班歌手,他1848年移居美国,后来成为明尼苏达州的财务主管,穆勒说。 yeeyan

The Fund has made a seed investment in Sphere Fluidics, which was formed earlier this month by Profs Chris Abell and Wilhelm Huck of Cambridge University’s Department of Chemistry.
这项基金是研究球形流体的种子项目,在这个月的早些时候由剑桥大学化工学院的 Chris Abell和 Wilhelm Huck教授创立。 yeeyan

The item is now a best-seller, Wilhelm said.
威尔汉姆提到,这类物品目前是最畅销的。 yeeyan

Under Wilhelm II Germany took an imperialistic course that led to friction with neighbouring countries.
Wilhelm II统治下的德国开始了帝国主义进程,导致了其与邻国的摩擦。 ebigear

We hoped the bus tour, the brainchild of Susan Thomases and David Wilhelm, would keep the excitement and momentum of the convention going.
我们希望这次巴士巡游——苏珊.托马西斯和戴维.威廉的创意——能够延续民主党全国代表大会的活力和势头。 yeeyan

'There is definitely no such plan,' said Ulrich Wilhelm, spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
德国总理默克尔的发言人 Ulrich Wilhelm说,绝对没有这样的计划。 iciba




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