

单词 wilfulness
释义 wilfulness 英'wɪlflnəs美'wɪlflnəs 高COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC⁵⁸⁶⁸⁰iWeb⁵⁹⁷⁰¹

the trait of being prone to disobedience and lack of disciplinewilful任性的
近义词 malice恶意obstinacy顽固perversity刚愎malevolence恶意awkwardness笨拙willfulness任性deliberation熟虑stubbornness顽固perverseness乖张consciousness意识unruliness无法无天premeditation预先策划obstreperousnessobstreperous…fractiousnessfractious的名词…

用作名词Wilfulness is the stumbling block in a marriage.任性,刁蛮是婚姻的绊脚石。 This I meant to do, not from wilfulness, but because I wished to leave Strickland setting out with I know not what fancies in his lonely soul for the unknown islands which fired his imagination.
我预备这样做倒不是由于我的任性,而是因为想把思特里克兰德启程远航作为这本书的收尾;他那孤独的灵魂中怀着种种奇思遐想,终于向点燃起自己丰富想象的陌生的荒岛出发了。 for68

At the World Expo we demonstrate that the Dutch are able to live below sea level and that our country is a global player in some fields as a result of creativity, innovation and wilfulness.
在本届世博会上,我们将向世人展示,荷兰完全能够在全球海岸线上升的环境下生存;凭借着创意、创新,和打破陈规的勇气,我们在全球某些领域发挥着主导作用。 edu.sina.com.cn

Man calls sin a weakness; God calls it wilfulness.
人将罪视为享乐,在神看却是不法。 edzx

The voice of God on earth is the voice of the Church Militant; and all the voices that come to you are the echoes of your own wilfulness.
战斗教会的声音才是上帝在尘世的声音,而你听到的不过是你乖僻的心声而已。 ebigear

There was an infinity of firmest fortitude, a determinate, unsurrenderable wilfulness, in the fixed and fearless, forward dedication of that glance.
他那凝结、无畏、专注向前的目光里,含有无限的坚定和刚毅以及一种坚不可摧的任性。 csscipaper

We deify independence and wilfulness and call them by the wrong name.
我们尊崇独立固执,给它们错误的称号。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wilfulness is the stumbling block in a marriage.
任性,刁蛮是婚姻的绊脚石。 blog.sina.com.cn




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