

单词 wilding
释义 wild·ing 英ˈwaɪldɪŋ美ˈwaɪldɪŋAHDwīlʹdĭng COCA¹³⁰²⁷¹BNC³¹⁹²³
a wild uncultivated plant especially a wild apple or crabapple treean outrageous rampage usually involving sexual attacks by men on womenwild-ing动名词⇒n.野生植物⁵⁰;野生苹果⁵⁰ By1957 Taylor and Wilding had divorced and the actress converted to Judaism in order to marry film producer Mike Todd.
1957年,两人离异。为了与电影制片人迈克尔·托德Michael Todd 结合,泰勒改信犹太教。 yeeyan

How to obtain the way of power source of the strong arc force is shown And the arc digging action of SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator.
并提出获得强电孤力电源的途径。从而使可控硅整流焊机的电弧穿透力与直流旋转焊机相当。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Rob Dunn, an eminent professor of biology from North Carolina State University, believes our healthy future lies in what he calls“re- wilding our bodies”.
来自美国北卡罗来纳州立大学的著名生物学教授罗伯•邓恩认为,人类未来的健康取决于他所谓的让“身体回归自然”的理论。 huanqiu

The ring of diamonds and sapphires from Michael Wilding, her second husband, which she rather than he steered to the correct finger, symbolised his caution; it soon became as dull as he was.
第二任丈夫迈克尔怀尔丁送给她一枚蓝宝石戒指,伊丽莎白自己戴在了手指上,而不是迈克尔帮她戴的,一语成谶,很快,戒指和迈克尔一样都变得沉。 ecocn

The width- pulse laser worth is to apply to the process of drilling a hole or laser wilding and this application is unable to substitute.
宽脉冲激光器的优点在诸如激光打孔,激光焊接等实际应用中更是无法取代。 boshuo

“The Wilding” is as pleasurable to read as its predecessor, a novel to finish and start right back at the beginning.
和《当肉爱上了盐》一样,《荒野》值得一读,因为从一开始就是一个故事的结束,也是一个新的开端。 ecocn

Berberis L. belongs to the wilding medicinal plants that have a wide range of application, in common use because it distributes extensive, and its supply is abundant.
小檗属植物是用途广泛的野生植物药,因其分布广泛、资源丰富而常用。 fabiao

By 1952 Taylor had married actor Michael Wilding, who was19 years older than her and with whom she had two sons, Michael and Christopher.
1952年泰勒嫁给了比自己年长19岁的演员迈克尔·威尔丁 Michael Wilding,并生下二个儿子,迈克尔和克里斯多弗。 yeeyan

For a better illustration of this adjustment technique, check out the video below by E. Wilding for an overview of how to customize your white balance.
对于调整技术更好地说明这一点,看看下面通过视频大肠杆菌野生植物为平衡概述了如何定制你的白色。 blog.sina.com.cn

For this tiny island, at least, re- wilding appears to have worked.
至少对这个小岛来说,重回野生状态似乎取得了效果。 yeeyan

SCR rectifier is the same as that of DC arc wilding generator.
从而使可控硅整流焊机的电弧穿透力与直流旋转焊机相当。 chemyq

She was married to Michael Wilding, an English actor, from1952 to1957.
她的第二任丈夫是英国演员迈克尔·威尔丁,这段婚姻从1952年持续到1957年。 yeeyan

Some of these wilding women, well, a man would need to turn them over to do his duty as a husband.
有些女野人,呃,男人要把她们翻过来才敢尽丈夫的责任。 cndkc

Taylor died surrounded by her children, Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd, and Maria Burton.
泰勒离世时,子女迈克尔•威尔丁,克里斯托弗•威尔丁,丽莎•托德和玛利亚•伯顿都陪伴在侧。 www.i21st.cn

They were escorting a wilding girl and her child to Oldtown.
他们护送一名野人女孩和她的孩子去旧镇。 cndkc

Wilding died on July8,1979 at the age of 66 in London after an epileptic seizure triggered his fall down a long flight of stairs causing fatal head injuries.
迈克尔·威尔丁一生娶过4位妻子,伊丽莎白是第二任,1979年7月8日,患有癫痫病的威尔丁不慎从楼梯摔了下来,头部受伤,送院后不治身亡。 cri




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