释义 |
wild goose短语³²⁹⁹⁷ 基本例句 n.雁野鹅 天上飞鸟 It is a melodious song, the wine is acquainted with cups, along the south wild goose is the root of the old friend, is willing with peace and happiness, the cane with your life. 相逢是首悠扬的歌,相识是杯醇香的酒,相处是那南飞的雁,相知是根古老的藤,愿幸福与平安伴随着您一生。 ladyband The Afghan strategy review has been too public and taken too long; the Middle East peace hunt has become a wild goose chase. 阿富汗战略回顾过于高调并耗时过长,寻求中东和平的努力变得徒劳无功。 yeeyan The Hunan Province Hengyang great wild goose brocade physical distribution Limited company is a Chinese A Level Physical distribution Enterprise. 湖南省衡阳市鸿锦物流有限公司是一家中国 A级物流企业。 huochepi When he was talking to himself, an exhausted wild goose fell down in front of him. 话还未完,一只耗尽体力的大雁坠落在他面前。 bangbenw As we agreed, the next morning to Wild Goose, the man promised to come and meet us early. 由于大家约定好,第二天早上去雁荡,那家伙答应一早来接我们的。19lou Beauty amorous feelings kinds, sink into the wild goose, such as eyes, beautiful hair like dancing was enough to give comfort. 白颜风情万种,沉如落雁,单目柔情似水,秀发似絮舞动。97mysee Bridget was ragging on Angel for leading them on a wild goose chase. Bridget在天使身上为在野性的 goosechase之上领先他们是唠叨的。 pinkcunt4u Buoyed by their success, Wild Goose’s organisers are planning to repeat the festival next year in the same bucolic place. 本次音乐节的成功,使组织者感到振奋,他们计划明年还要在这片田园诗般的森林里举办音乐节。 ecocn Demands the purchase power for this reason the Yang great wild goose lawsuit to the court. 杨鸿为此诉讼到法院索要购买权。 blog.sina.com.cn Hard working owner finally able to sit down. Wild goose are flying south, another year gone by? 辛勤劳动的主人终于可以坐下了。大雁南飞,难道又一年就要过去了吗? blog.sina.com.cn In the process of teaching ancient Chinese, the author has found seven annotation flaws in Ancient Chinese, such as“a wild goose is walking like a duck” and “ wide”. 在古代汉语教学过程中,经研究发现郭锡良等编著的教材《古代汉语》存在“雁鹜行”、“敞”等七处注释错误。 dictall Lingfeng, Yeongam, large ryongchu assembles the three major scenic essence of Wild Goose, known as“The Wild Goose Ruin.” 灵峰、灵岩、大龙湫三大景区荟萃了雁荡的精华,被称为“雁荡三绝”。 elycn Lois said she knew the way so we followed her car, but she took us on a wild goose chase all round the country lanes instead of taking the direct route along the main road. 洛伊斯说她认识路,因此我们跟在她的汽车后面,但是她带着我们老是绕着乡村单向行车道徒劳地行驶,而不是沿着大道笔直行驶。 hotdic So far, the quality of the water of the Summer Palace can reach the high level, therefore, visitors can see wild duck, wild goose, etc. 目前,颐和园的水质已达到二级,因此游客还能见到野鸭、鹭、雁等许多珍稀鸟类。 jukuu Song of wild goose disappearing in the distance. 秋天大雁歌声已消失在远方。 blog.sina.com.cn The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible. 大雁塔隐隐在望。《新英汉大辞典》 The wild goose is our country classical poetry common image, and its primitive implication stems from The Book of Songs. 雁在我国古典诗词中是常见的意象,其原始意蕴起源于《诗经》。 dictall This game of advertisement place Comrade Wei receives the Yang great wild goose, but also invites the advertisement place some leadership to exchange together. 该局广告处魏同志接待杨鸿,还邀请来广告处的某领导一起交流。 blog.sina.com.cn This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. 这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀毛做的。 examw Visit The Big Wild Goose Pagoda about1 hours, visit Local Souvenir Shop about30 minutes, then go to The Ancient City Wall. 参观大雁塔约1小时,途中参观西安特色购物店1处约30分钟,然后乘车前往明城墙。 qcxa.net Where is now Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty What we know is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda? 唐僧今在哪里空余大雁塔? blog.sina.com.cn |