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词汇 wilders
释义 wild·er·s 'waɪldərz COCA¹²⁷⁸³⁸BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n. 怀尔德姓氏v. 使迷路; 误导¹⁰⁰原型wilder的复数名词wilderment过去分词wildered现在分词wildering三单wilders
United States writer and dramatist 1897-1975United States filmmaker born in Austria whose dark humor infused many of the films he made 1906-2002
He was actually a traditional actor shipwrecked on thewildershore of farce.他实际上是个传统的演员,被一场疯狂的闹剧给毁了。 And so the Danes have been copied by Mr Wilders, pictured above, who supports a Dutch minority government but is not part of it.
丹麦的例子让 Wilders如图深受启发,他同样支持荷兰的少数党政府,但是又不是政府中的一员。 ecocn

Around40 members of the hardline Islamic Defenders Front demanded the Indonesian government cut diplomatic ties with Amsterdam over a film made by Dutch anti-immigration legislator, Geert Wilders.
一个强硬派伊斯兰组织的几十名成员在驻雅加达的荷兰大使馆外示威,抗议一名荷兰议员制作的电影指责古兰经煽动暴力。 ebigear

Geert Wilders, the kingmaker better known for outbursts against Islam, has taken to accusing Poles of committing crimes, being drunk and stealing Dutch jobs.
由于对伊斯兰教大发雷霆而著名的维德尔伯爵,指责波兰人犯罪、酗酒和盗取了荷兰人的工作。 ecocn

More recently Mr Wilders has joined the euro debate, calling for the Dutch government to reject another bail-out for the Greeks.
眼下,威尔德斯已经参与欧元的争讨,他呼吁荷兰政府拒绝再次援助希腊。 ecocn

The Dutch government has reportedly distanced itself from Wilders views and tried unsuccessfully to convince him not to broadcast the film.

To expose violent Islamist ideology is legitimate, even necessary; to attack Islam and the Koran is dangerous stupidity that weakens the civilisation Mr Wilders claims to defend.
暴露伊斯兰暴力的意识形态是合法的,甚至是必要的;而攻击伊斯兰和古兰经则是非常危险的愚蠢行径,削弱了威尔德斯先生所要捍卫的文明。 ecocn

Mr Wilders belonged to the liberal VVD before breaking away in2004. His success since will encourage others.
Wilders先生就是在2004年脱离自由党后获得成功,他的事例会助长他人同样的念头。 ecocn

According to them, Mr Wilders’s comments were addressed to a religion Islam rather than to the people that practice it Muslims, and could not therefore be seen as hate- mongering against a group.
他们认为,威尔德斯评论的对象是一个宗教伊斯兰,而不是那些信奉它的人穆斯林,因而不能够由此将其视为是煽动对某团体的仇恨。 ecocn

And as long as Mr Wilders can use his half-in half-out role in government as a platform to shore up his public support, he will keep on playing.
只要威尔德能够利用政府这个平台来扮演他“亦正亦邪”的角色并维持其公众支持率,他将继续这么做下去。 ecocn

But far from the provocative joker of previous years, Mr Wilders has become an important force in Dutch politics.
但威尔德斯已远非是前些年那个无事生非的小丑,他已经成为荷兰政坛的重要力量。 ecocn

But if that outshines the populist power of a Geert Wilders, I myself would not presume to say.
但要说只盖过了一个威尔德斯的民粹力量,那连我自己都不会相信。 yeeyan

But Mr Wilders's ambitions go beyond offending minority groups and political opponents.
但威尔德斯的野心远非只是冒犯少数族群及政治对手而已。 ecocn

Expect a newly emboldened Mr Wilders to start expanding his range of concerns.
预计新近受到鼓舞的威尔德斯将会扩大其关注的范围。 ecocn

Geert Wilders’s anti- immigration party also performed strongly.
吉尔特.威尔德的反移民党也表现强劲。 ecocn

Gerd Wilders’s populist Freedom party leapt to third in the Dutch election in2010 and is now running second in the polls.
荷兰海尔特·威尔德斯领导的平民主义的自由党在2010年大选中一跃而成为第三位的政党,目前在民意调查中名列第二。 yeeyan

In some ways Mr Wilders has already exerted his influence over the next government, as other parties have started to adopt his ideas.
在某些方面,维尔德斯已经对下届政府施加了影响,其他政党已经开始采用他的观点。 ecocn

Last week Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right Freedom Party, which provides the minority government with backbench support, lashed out against plans to extend further financial backing to Greece.
上周,荷兰极端右倾的自由党领导人基尔特•威尔德斯怒斥了继续给予希腊财政帮助的计划。 此党也正是对荷兰政府提供少数后议席支持的政党。 ecocn

More stable would be a Dutch-style deal to secure their backing for a minority government; some Christian Democrats hope this will tame the wilder side of Mr Wilders.
更牢靠的做法是采用荷兰式的协议,来确保极右派支持少数党政府。一些基督教民主党人希望这会驯服威尔德斯先生野性的一面。 ecocn

Mr Wilders now moves only with a posse of bodyguards, and lives at a secret location.
威尔德斯先生现在外出都带有一票保镖,而且住所非常隐秘。 ecocn

Mr Wilders was deported on the grounds that his opinions“ threaten community harmony and therefore public safety”.
怀特斯先生被驱逐的原因是他的观点“威胁社区和谐,因此影响公共安全”。 ecocn

Mr Wilders called the verdict“a victory for freedom of expression in the Netherlands, ” and said he looked forward to continuing to discuss Islam freely.
威尔德斯称该裁决是“荷兰言论自由的胜利”,并说他期待继续自由评论伊斯兰教。 ecocn

Prosecutors in the Netherlands said they would put on trial a Dutch member of parliament, Geert Wilders, on charges of making anti- Islamic statements.
荷兰国会议员 Geert Wilders被指控作出反伊斯兰言论。起诉人已将此案移交法院处理。 topsage

Several prominent Labour politicians have issued a call to all parties not to allow Mr Wilders to influence the next government.
一些知名的工党政客向所有各政党发出呼吁不要让威尔德先生再影响下一届政府。 ecocn

The coalition is supported by the party of the controversial anti- Islamist politician Geert Wilders, who goes on trial on Monday on charges of inciting hatred.
该联盟受到有争议的反伊斯兰政治家 Geert Wilders领导的党派的支持。周一,他因煽动敌意的指控而接受审判。 tingclass

Mr Wilders was invited to the House of Lords for a screening of Fitna by the UK Independence Party's Lord Pearson.
Wilders先生是应英国独立党党首 Pearson之邀赴英国上议院放映他的影片《 Fitna》。 yeeyan




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