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词汇 Wildcards
释义 WildcardsCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
通配符¹⁰⁰原型wildcard的复数 A lot of people try to avoid moving to this contract maturity level by extensive use of wildcards to avoid versioning.
许多人为了避免版本管理而大量使用通配符,试图借此避免过渡到这个契约成熟度级别。 infoq

Quoting any wildcards that you pass to this script isn't necessary but helps simplify the output that it displays.
显示传递给这个脚本的通配符并不是必需的,但是这会让它显示的输出更清晰。 ibm

The signature is allowed to include wildcards; the one in the example contains several.
方法说明允许包含通配符;示例中的一个方法说明包含了几个通配符。 ibm

The user can control the searched features and classes and the ranking of the results wildcards are supported.
用户可以控制搜索到的特性和类,并对结果进行排序支持通配符。 ibm

Additional query syntaxes with some wildcards would be cool, as would a way to export some of the data as XML.
如果能添加一些通配符的搜索字语法,或者能够将某些数据输出为 XML 文件的话就更好了。 yeeyan

Also, using wildcards in conjunction with optional or repeatable elements can cause ambiguities and non-deterministic conditions.
另外,联合使用通配符和可选或可重复的元素可能会导致歧义和无法判断的情况。 ibm

Although it is unlikely that such a DN collision between two CAs could occur by accident with a fully- specified SSLPEER value, adding wildcards to the SSLPEER specification increases that chance.
尽管使用完全指定 SSLPEER值的两个 CA之间意外发生此类 DN冲突的情况不太可能出现,但向 SSLPEER规范添加通配符仍会提高其几率。 ibm

Although you can save bandwidth by using short topics, a well- designed topic space that is more descriptive and that allows the use of wildcards in subscribing applications has substantial benefits.
使用简短的主题虽然可以节约带宽,但一个设计良好的主题空间则应该更具描述性且允许在订阅应用程序中使用通配符,因此更有实际意义和益处。 ibm

Asterisks can be used as wildcards and, unlike a text search, they can be used as the first character of the string.
星号可以用作一个通配符,不像文本搜索,它们可以用作字符串的首字符。 ibm

But this temptation is best avoided because returning bounded wildcards tends to “ pollute” client code.
但最好不要这样做,因为返回的有界通配符往往会 “弄脏”客户机代码。 ibm

Finally, your connector needs to properly handle wildcards.
最后,连接器需要正确地处理通配符。 ibm

In addition, asterisks can be used as wildcards to match multiple nodes, and bracketed expressions can be used to match attribute values and specify indices.
此外,星号可以用于作为通配符来匹配多个节点,括号内的表达式可以用于匹配属性值和规定索引。 ibm

In addition, you can define via wildcards which files are collected by the automatic diagnostic collection tool.
另外,还可以定义通过通配符由自动诊断收集工具收集的文件。 ibm

In the above example, wildcards were used for supplying property values.
在上面的示例中,通配符用于提供属性值。 ibm

Keep in mind that an application cannot publish to a JMS topic whose topic name contains wildcards, because a publisher can only publish a message to a single topic.
要谨记,应用程序不能发布到主题名称中包含通配符的 JMS主题,因为发布者只能将消息发布到单个主题。 ibm

Note that the open content wildcard is even weaker than the explicitly specified wildcards.
注意,开放内容通配符甚至比显式指定的通配符还要弱。 ibm

Note the strength of the matching here: we are not merely dealing with wildcards, but language semantics.
请注意这里匹配的优势:我们不仅仅处理通配符,而且处理语言语义。 infoq

Open content addresses this issue by providing default wildcards, which extend the content model to accept elements anywhere or only at the end of the content model.
开放内容通过提供默认通配符解决了这个问题,这扩展了内容模型,以接受任何地方或者仅仅是内容模型末尾的元素。 ibm

Take care when you use wildcards if you expect to require validation or allow lax validation if a schema can be found.
如果您期望进行验证,或者在发现一个模式时允许宽松的验证,那么您在使用通配符时一定要小心。 ibm

The most common mistake with bounded wildcards is forgetting to use them at all, restricting the utility of a class or forcing users to jump through hoops to reuse an existing class.
最常见的有界通配符错误就是忘记使用它们,这就限制了类的使用,或是强制用户不得不重用现有的类。 ibm

This is because these items in the SOAP tree are defined as wildcards.
这是因为 SOAP树中的这些项定义为通配符。 ibm

This parameter does not support wildcards.
这个参数不支持通配符。 ibm

Wherever possible, it is recommended to use the exact path to the desired elements or attributes in index definitions and queries, without wildcards.
只要有可能,建议使用索引定义和查询中所需元素或属性的准确路径,而不使用通配符。 ibm

While knowing when to use bounded wildcards is one of the more complicated aspects of generics, the burden of using them falls mostly on library writers, rather than library users.
虽然了解何时使用有界通配符是泛型较为复杂的方面,但是,使用有界通配符的压力通常都落在库作者的身上,而非库用户。 ibm

You can use wildcards when you type the class name to filter the list below the text box.
在键入类名以过滤文本框下方的列表时,可以使用通配符。 ibm

Wildcards are often used to match names other than those explicitly specified.
通配符通常用于匹配除显式指定的名称之外的名称。 ibm

Wildcards are another form of shorthand to refer to the contents of a directory.
通配符是另一种简写形式,用来引用目录中的内容。 ibm

Wildcards play a key role in defining extension points in schemas, and are the focus of this article.
通配符在定义模式中的扩展点方面扮演着重要角色,是本文关注的焦点。 ibm

Wildcards play an important role in the type system; they provide a useful type bound for the family of types specified by a generic class.
通配符在类型系统中具有重要的意义,它们为一个泛型类所指定的类型集合提供了一个有用的类型范围。 ibm




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