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词汇 wild
释义 wild 英waɪld美waɪldAHDwīld ★★★★☆高四六研牛4COCA¹⁵²⁶BNC¹⁸⁶⁷iWeb¹⁸⁰³Economist²⁶⁴³


living or growing in natural conditions and having natural qualities, not bred, grown, or produced by humans


of a person or animal violent and uncontrollable


of natural forces violent, strong


showing strong uncontrolled feelings


of place natural; without the presence of man, especially because too cold, rocky, etc. to live in

a wild primitive state untouched by civilization;

he lived in the wild

they collected mushrooms in the wild

a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition;

it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers

marked by extreme lack of restraint or control;

wild talk

wild parties

in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated;

wild geese

edible wild plants

in a state of extreme emotion;

wild with anger

wild with grief

deviating widely from an intended course;

a wild bullet

he threw a wild pitch

of colors or sounds intensely vivid or loud;

a violent clash of colors

her dress was a violent red

a violent noise

wild colors

wild shouts

without a basis in reason or fact;

baseless gossip

the allegations proved groundless

idle fears

unfounded suspicions

unwarranted jealousy

talking or behaving irrationally;

a raving lunatic

involving risk or danger;

skydiving is a hazardous sport

extremely risky going out in the tide and fog

a wild financial scheme

fanciful and unrealistic; foolish;

a fantastic idea of his own importance

located in a dismal or remote area; desolate;

a desert island

a godforsaken wilderness crossroads

a wild stretch of land

waste places

intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with;

crazy about cars and racing

he is potty about her

without civilizing influences;

barbarian invaders

barbaric practices

a savage people

fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient

wild tribes

of the elements as if showing violent anger;

angry clouds on the horizon

furious winds

the raging sea

in an uncontrolled and rampant manner;

weeds grew rampantly around here

in a wild or undomesticated manner;

growing wild

roaming wild

go wild, run wild

这两个短语意思上不同:run wild的意思是“放肆”或“撒野”; go wild的意思是“感慨”。例如:

Dolf is like a dog which has run wild.道尔夫就像一条撒野的疯狗。
People went wild over his attitude.大家对于他的态度无不感慨系之。turbulent,stormy,violent,wild,fierce







用作形容词 adj.
~+名词wild animals野兽wild fellow放荡之徒wild flowers野花wild horses野马wild mountain荒山wild price fluctuations行市的狂涨暴跌wild scenery荒凉的景色wild scheme草率的计划wild tribes野蛮的部落动词+~drive sb wild激怒某人get wild with rage狂怒get wild with wine发酒疯grow wild荒芜了run wild荒芜了~+介词wild about对…狂热的wild about music酷爱音乐wild over对…狂热的wild with因…而发怒的wild with anger狂怒的wild with anxiety焦急万分wild with delight欣喜若狂wild with enthusiasm热情奔放wild with excitement欣喜若狂wild with joy欣喜若狂
用作形容词 wild about

热衷于 be extremely enthusiasticThe boy is wild about music.那孩子热衷于音乐。

be wild with

因…对某人生气、恼怒 be very angry to sb for sthShe was wild with him for being late.他的迟到使她大为恼怒。

run wild

自由生长,不受控制 grow or stray freely without any control

小学英语速记发音记忆:那个child小孩简直wild无法无天的非常记忆will愿意⇒我愿意去野外感受自然环境近义词 feralroughsavagenaturalviolent反义词 sensiblecivilized
~+ n.The men had gone to hunt wild game.男人们打猎去了。
The film portrays the wild excesses of the Roman Empire.影片描写了罗马帝国的暴行。
She had a wild argument with Joe.她与乔发生了怒气冲天的争辩。
It was a wild night.那是一个暴风雨之夜。
The survivors staggered from the lifeboat with wild eyes.幸存者带着失魂落魄的眼神摇摇晃晃地走下救生艇。
S+be+~This kind of rose grows wild.这种玫瑰是野生的。
The deer is rather wild.鹿相当易受惊。
The monkey is wild.猴子不易接近。
Asian buffalo isn't as wild as that of America's.亚洲水牛比美国水牛温顺些。
After the old gardener died, the garden grew wild.老园丁死后,花园就慢慢荒芜了。S+be+~+to- vHe was wild to try it.他渴望试一下。
He was wild to see his girlfriend.他急切地要去看他的女朋友。
We are wild to go home.我们渴望回家。Pwilderv.迷失Pwildfowln.猎鸟Pwildwoodn.天然林Pwildlifen.野生动植物Pwild-card通配符万能符Phog-wilda.混乱的狂乱的Pwildcardn.通配符百搭牌Pwildnessn.野生野蛮粗暴Pbewildermentn.困惑昏乱Pwildernessn.荒野荒地大量Pbewildervt.使迷惑使不知所措Pwild-eyeda.怒目而视的过激的Pwildfiren.燃料剂磷火鬼火野火Pwildisha.有点粗野的有点野蛮的Pwildcattern.冒险性企业的发起人Pbewilderinga.令人困惑的使人昏乱的Pwildingn.野生植物野生苹果树野生苹果Pbewilderinglyad.令人困惑地使人昏乱地Pwildlyad.狂暴地激动地狂热地鲁莽地轻率地Pwildcatn.野猫凶悍的人a.非法经营的不可靠的vi.盲目钻井从事非法商业活动






用作形容词In nature, all animals arewildand free.在自然界,一切动物都是野生的,自由自在的。
North America has the world's best climate forwildgrapes.北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。
I was living like awildchild.我的行为像个野蛮的孩子。
Nothing is sacred to thesewildyouths.这些狂野的年轻人什么都不尊重。
He iswildto see the film star.他一心想见一面那位影星。用作副词You can't makewildaccusations like that!你不能这样胡乱地指责别人。用作名词Danger in thewildcomes from the carnivores.荒野地带的危险来自食肉动物。
There's awildstretch of land behind the house.房子后面有一大片荒地。
The village people are planting trees to turn thewildinto a beautiful garden.村民们植树要把荒地变成美丽的花园。adj.untamed
同义词 barbarian,desert,free,lush,native,natural,overrun,primitive,savage,wasteagrarian,barbaric,barbarous,dense,deserted,desolate,escaped,feral,ferocious,fierce,indigenous,luxuriant,neglected,overgrown,rampant,rude,unbroken,uncivilized,uncultivated,undomesticated,uninhabited,untouched,vicious
反义词 civilized,cultured,kind,nice,refined,sophisticatedbehaved,calm,controllable,controlled,delicate,gentle,manageable,mild,moderate,orderly,tameadj.disorderly, rowdy
同义词 berserk,crazy,eager,irrational,madcap,nuts,profligate,rash,raving,roughavid,boisterous,chaotic,crazed,enthusiastic,extravagant,flighty,foolhardy,foolish,giddy,hysterical,impetuous,impracticable,imprudent,incautious,lawless,licentious,mad,noisy,outrageous,preposterous,rabid,reckless,riotous,self-willed,turbulent,unbridled,uncontrolled,undisciplined,unfettered,ungovernable,unmanageable,unrestrained,unruly,uproarious,violent,wayward
反义词 careful,nice,reasonable,sane,sensiblebehaved,calm,civilized,controllable,controlled,delicate,gentle,manageable,mild,moderate,orderly,tameadj.intense, stormy
同义词 howling,roughblustering,blustery,choppy,disturbed,furious,inclement,raging,storming,tempestuous,turbulent,violent
反义词 behavedcalm,civilized,controllable,controlled,delicate,gentle,manageable,mild,moderate,orderly,tame
abandonedadjective free from moral restraint; uninhibited
animaladjective beastlike; carnal
barbarianadjective crude, savage
barbaricadjective crude, savage
barbarousadjective crude, savage
bleakadjective barren
austere,bare,blank,blighted,bombedbulldozedburned,chilly,cleared,cold,deforested,desert,deserted,desolate,dreary,exposed,flat,gaunt,grim,open,raw,scorched,stripped,unpopulated,unsheltered,weather-beaten,wild,windswept The news spread like wild-fire.

The pair play in long grass in the shade of bamboo, fig and wild banana trees.
他们在长草上玩耍,这里是竹子、无花果树和野香蕉树的阴影处。 yeeyan

As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to save them, we have to save the forests they live in.

Audiences all over the world either loved or hated this wild woman.
全世界的观众不是喜欢这个野女人就是恨这个野女人。 yeeyan

Avoid initiating contact with a wild animal, even if it seems tame or you believe it to be vaccinated.
避免与野生动物密切接触,即使它看起来很驯服,即使你相信它已经接种了疫苗。 yeeyan

But if you go bananas, you are wild with excitement or worry.
但是如果说“你疯了”,就是说你因兴奋和担忧变得疯狂。 hjenglish

But what about how the animals play in the wild?
但是野生环境下的动物是怎么玩耍的呢? yeeyan

For a treat, I like to feast on wild honey and bees.
要是想犒劳一下自己,我喜欢享用野蜂蜜和蜜蜂。 eol

Get the wild chimpanzees to accept you, observe their behaviors, and describe what you see.
让野生黑猩猩接受你,观察他们的行为,并对你所看到的进行描述。 yeeyan

How does an insect or animal live in the wild without anyone knowing it exists?
一个昆虫或动物是怎么生活在野外而没有人知道它们的存在? yeeyan

If you domesticate this raccoon, it will have trouble living in the wild.

If your idea of exploration is to always know where you are and to be inside your zone of competence, you don't do wild new shit.
如果你的探险理念是时刻知道自己在哪里,时刻据守在自己的能力范围之内,你就不会做出疯狂的新举动。 fortunechina

In the wild they rarely go near rivers and lakes, to avoid the crocodiles and snakes that lurk there.
在野外,它们难得走近河流或湖泊,是为了躲避隐藏在那里的鳄鱼和水蛇。 yeeyan

Many people said it was a lifetime experience seeing a wolf in the wild in Yellowstone.
许多人都说在黄石国家公园看见野生的狼是一种终生难忘的体验。 ebigear

Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.

She looked at her with wild eyes, her face eaten away by who knows what despair.
她用野蛮的眼光看着她,她的面孔像是被什么绝望给吞噬了似的,谁知道呢。 yeeyan

Stealing from the state, for Cubans, is like taking firewood from the forest, or picking blueberries in the wild.
对于古巴人来说,偷政府的东西就像从森林里拿走木柴,或者像在野外采摘蓝莓。 yeeyan

The fire dispeopled the woods of all wild.

The first thing is reflexive, unthinking — something your ancestors could have done in the wild: you grasp the hurt hand with the other one.
你会做的第一件事同你的祖先在野外时做的一样——条件反射并下意识地用另外一只手抓住受伤那一只。 yeeyan

They smear this excretion on their young, to help keep them from being eaten in the wild.
它们会把这些排泄物涂抹到他们幼仔的身上,来帮助他们防止在野外呗吃掉。 yeeyan

This Kamchatka Peninsula lake is home to hundreds of bears, and visitors can see them tuck into a feast during the wild salmon run, one of Earth’s greatest.
堪察加半岛的这个湖是数百只熊的家园,游客们可以看到,它们在野生鲑鱼游动期间,尽情地享用地球上最大的盛宴之一。 yeeyan

While China is not the only culprit in the consumption of wild animals, it is the biggest.
虽然不是只有中国食用野味,但中国在食用野生动物的规模上可算是最大的。 yeeyan

Wild animals in particular need to have excellent senses of smell, sight, hearing and even the ability to sense minute vibrations, because those senses help them survive.
野生动物特别需要卓越的感觉诸如嗅觉,视觉,听觉甚至是感知极微小的震动的能力,因为这种感觉使他们得以幸存。 hxen




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