

单词 wiggling
释义 wiggling 英'wɪɡlɪŋ美'wɪɡlɪŋ 高COCA³⁶⁵⁷⁹BNC⁶²⁹⁴⁷
动词 wiggle:
move to and froStopwigglingand sit still!不要摇摇晃晃的,坐著别动!
The baby waswigglingits toes.那幼儿扭动著脚趾。 Swimmers should take care not to reach their arms across the centerline of the body, or they will end up wiggling their way down the lane.
请注意胳膊的位置不要超过身体的中线,否则整个游进方向会来回摆动。 topswim

The imagined hand- squeezing produced a response on the left- hand side of the brain, while the toe- wiggling produced one over the centre of the head.
想象握紧手在大脑左侧产生了反应,而移动脚趾的想象则在头的中心产生了反应。 yeeyan

The other night we were on the couch with our wiggling dog in something between a tangle of caresses and a group hug.
某一天晚上,当我们沙发上缠绵的时候,我们摇摆狗拱了进来。 yeeyan

The patients were asked to imagine wiggling their toes or squeezing their right hand.
要求病人想象着晃动他们的脚趾或者紧握右手。 yeeyan

This part might be little tricky, but keep wiggling it out.
可能有些滑,试着摆动着取出。 yeeyan

Try wiggling the cable that attaches it to your computer.
把连接电脑的那条线摇摇看。 fld.zjvcc.edu.cn

After mush wiggling and pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.
在一阵摆动和推动之后,她帮我穿上了第一只靴子,之后又帮我穿上了第二只。 iask.sina.com.cn

Dr Cruse and his colleagues first asked six healthy volunteers to imagine either squeezing their right hand or wiggling the toes of both feet when they were presented with an audible tone.
克鲁斯博士和同事首先要求6名健康志愿者想像轻捏右手或摆动脚趾,同时为他们提供声音信号。 ecocn

If you can't be getting up often, then stretch or bounce your legs, flex and extend your feet, bend your ankles from side to side. Even wiggling your toes will help.
如果你不能经常站起,那就伸展一下腿,动动脚,甚至动动你的脚趾都会有帮助。 yeeyan

In my opinion, there is no real way of wiggling out of the top- three sandwich.
在偶看来,没有任何办法可以吞掉现环境的三大菜。 mtgchina

Its sensors allow it to discern the presence of people and respond to touch by wiggling its body and emitting seal- like cries.
它的感受器能辨别人的存在,有人抚摸它时,它还会扭动身子或模仿海豹的叫声。 yeeyan

Our first stop was a kindergarten where an assembly of immaculately- uniformed children were performing The Chicken Song complete with hip- wiggling and clapping.
我们停下来的第一站是一所幼儿园,一群穿着整齐制服的儿童表演了公鸡歌,还抖抖翅膀拍拍屁股。 yeeyan

She proceeds with how to tackle stairson the toes and the secrets of seductive hip- wigglingarm- swinging; I feel as if I am at a finishing school for femmes fatales.
她接着又教我如何用脚趾对付台阶,以及充满诱惑力的扭臀摆臂秘诀;我感觉自己就好像置身于一所蛇蝎美女精修学校一样。 www.iedu.com.cn

The baby was wiggling its toes.
那幼儿扭动著脚趾。 wtojob

The snake's movements are biomimetic, mimicking movements of real snakes including side- winding, wiggling and rolling.
这条蛇的运动是对真蛇的运动进行生物模拟,包括侧向缠绕、扭动以及旋转动作。 yeeyan

When the waves are short, they go with the jet's flow and the resultant wiggling heads downstream to the east.
当波长短时,他们与急流相向流动,所形成的振荡沿下向东移动。 ecocn

When they are long they go against the flow, and the jet’s wiggling is transmitted upstream to the west.
当波长长时,他们与急流反向而行,而急流的振荡转而沿上向西移动。 ecocn

You can simulate the3D effect on your computer by making an animated version of your stereo photosa.k.a. “ wiggling”.
你可以通过给相片制作一个动画或者说“抖动”来在你的电脑上模拟3D的效果。 yeeyan

Wiggling your fingers in the first activity provides additional information to your brain which helps us correctly locate our fingers in space.
在第一个实验里,扭动手指可以给你的脑提供补充信息,有助于确定手指的空间位置。 blog.sina.com.cn




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