

单词 wiggler
释义 wig·gler 英ˈwɪglə美ˈwɪglɚAHDwĭgʹlər 高COCA⁹⁷³⁹⁰BNC⁷⁰⁶²⁷iWeb⁴³¹²¹
one who can't stay still especially a child;

the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips

larva of a mosquitoterrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil; often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet; used as bait by anglerswiggl-er名人|物⇒n.摇摆的人²⁵;蠕动的东西³⁸;孑孓³⁷近义词 fishworm蚯蚓dew worm蚯蚓earthworm蚯蚓angleworm蚯蚓red worm活赤虫wriggler昆孑孓nightcrawler夜行者crawler履带牵引装置…squirmersquirm的名词形式…nightwalker夜间游荡者尤指小偷、妓…
A set of coupled nonlinear three-dimension differential equations for the FEM amplifier with elliptical wave- guide and planar wiggler is derived.
以椭圆波导、平板摇摆器为 FEM放大器的模型,导出了自洽的注波互作用三维非线性方程组。 cnki

A coaxial hybrid wiggler free-electron laser(FEL amplifier with and without plasma filling is studied by a method of PIC simulation in this paper.
采用 PIC模拟方法对同轴混合铁磁摇摆器自由电子激光器进行了研究,分析了等离子体填充对其性能的影响。 cnki

The performance of variable- wiggler free-electron laser amplifier is studied by using the multi- particle theory.
基于多粒子理论求得了慢变参数泵浦源自由电子激光器的小增益表达式。 cnki

The efficiency improvement of free electron laser FEL by increasing wiggler magnetic field is investigated.
研究了波荡器磁场增强对提高自由电子激光器 FEL效率的影响。

The electronic trajectories and velocities in combined hyperbolic functional wiggler and axial guide magnetic field are analyzed by perturbation method in this paper.
本文用扰动法来分析电子在具有双曲函数型摇摆场和轴向导引场中的离轴运动轨道和速度。 cnki

The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied. A relativistic, cold electron beam passes through a parallel-plate waveguide in these magnetic fields.
本文研究的自由电子激光器具有线性摆动器及轴向引导磁场。强流相对论冷电子束通过位在这些磁场中的平行平板波导。 cnki

We have computed the wiggler parameters, efficiency of energy conversion between electron beam and laser field, laser intensity, phase- space distributions and energy spectrum of electrons.
计算了摆动器参数、电子束和激光场之间的能量转换效率、激光强度、电子的相空间分布和能谱。 cnki

Based on the study of present situation of the small- period wiggler. a new current wig-gler is presented.
在分析了小周期摆动器研究现状的基础上,提出了电流摆动器。 cnki

By using this wiggler as a pump source, we have obtained free-electron laser radiation and carried out preliminary parametric studies.
用这台波荡器作泵浦源,获得了自由电子激光辐射,并进行了初步的参量研究。 cnki

By magnetic field and the cryogenic system measurements, the performance and parameters of the Wiggler finally satisfied the requirements of our design.
经过磁场和低温参数测量,性能指标完全达到设计要求。 cnki

Generally speaking, the projection of the electron orbits onto the transverse plane is an annulus, the thickness of which is dependent on the amplitude of the electromagnetic wiggler.
文中发现,通常情况下电子轨道在横平面的投影是圆环,环的厚度取决于电磁波荡器的场幅值; http://dict.cnki.net

It is shown that an electron passing through a walking wave magnetic field can also produce spontaneous radiation, so, the walking wave magnetic field can serve as a wiggler of free electron laser.
本文采用行波磁场作为周期性磁场,通过讨论可以看出,当电子通过这种磁场时将产生自发辐射,说明该磁场能作为自由电子激光器的摆动器。 dictall

The magnetic field distribution and the measurement of magnetic field in the narrow cavity of wiggler are discussed. The manufacture technical feasibility is analysed.
文中还讨论了电流扭摆器内腔中的磁场的分布特性,测量方法和电流扭摆器的制造技术的可行性。 opticsjournal

The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied.
本文研究的自由电子激光器具有线性摆动器及轴向引导磁场。 cnki

The orbits of an electron in self- fields, linear wiggler and axial fields are calculated. Then the spontaneous emission coefficient and the growth rate of the stimulated scattering are obtained.
本文计算了在平衡自场、线性摆动器场和轴向磁场作用下的电子轨道,并由此求得有线性摆动器的自由电子激光器的自发辐射和受激辐射。 cnki

Under the condition of small amplitude, the operating equations of the wiggler are given, and then, the trajectories of the beam electrons and the angular spectrum of spontaneous emission are derived.
在小振幅条件下,给出了摆动器的工作方程,导出了束电子的运动轨迹和自发辐射谱分布。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Using a computer, the spontaneous spectra produced by relativistic electrons traveling through a tapered amplitude helical wiggler are calculated.
我们用计算机计算了高能相对论电子通过我们设计的渐变振幅摆动器时的自发谱。 cnki

With the condition of wiggler and no wiggler, the result is agreeable with the paper. So the code is proved to be reliable.
在考虑和不考虑摇摆器作用的两种情况下,与文献结果比较一致,从而也证实了程序的可靠性。 fabiao




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