

单词 wiggle
释义 wig·gle 英ˈwɪgəl美ˈwɪgəlAHDwĭgʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GM宝八COCA¹⁵⁶⁰⁸BNC⁶⁶⁴²³iWeb¹⁴⁷²⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

the act of wiggling
move to and fro;

Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!

来自PIE*wegh,移动,运送,词源同way,wag。引申词义摆动,扭动以前进。比较wedge.get a wiggle on快赶快wiggle effect失常效应wiggle trace波型曲线,波形曲线…wiggle seat坐椅测谎器
GRE红宝书读: 餵狗, 狗的尾巴就会wiggle.
分割记忆:wig(假发 +gle看作giggle傻笑→戴着假发扭动身子傻笑
GRE难词记忆wiggle 音“喂狗”→拿东西喂狗,狗就会摆动尾巴谐音记忆wiggle音“喂狗”⇒拿东西喂狗,狗就会摆动尾巴发音记忆喂狗 ⇒狗的全身都会扭动近义词 worm虫jerk急动twist缠绕dance舞会twitch急拉writhe挣扎jiggle轻摇waggle摇动joggle轻摇wriggle蠕动contort使扭曲fidget使坐立不安creep蹑手蹑脚地走…squirm因不舒适、羞愧或紧张而…

用作动词Wombat wanted towigglealong the ground.毛鼻袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。
The baby waswigglingits toes.那幼儿扭动著脚趾。
If you can'twiggleyour toes, your shoes are too tight.如果你不能摆动脚趾,鞋子就太紧了。用作名词Wombat wanted towigglealong the ground.毛鼻袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。
Sometimes it's a little bit tight, and you have towiggleit free.有时可能有点儿紧,你必须不断扭动它才能拿下来。noun.(movement back and forth
同义词 jerk,jiggle,shimmy,squirm,twist,twitch,wag,waggle,wave,wriggle,writheverb.shake back and forth
同义词 jerk,jiggle,shimmy,squirm,twist,twitch,wag,waggle,wave,worm,wriggle,writhe
fidgetverb move restlessly
be antsy,be hyper,be nervous,be on pins and needles,be spooked,be wired,bustle,chafe,fiddle,fret,fuss,hitch,jiggle,jitter,joggle,jump,play,squirm,stir,toss,trifle,twiddle,twitch,worry
flopverb fall limply, collapse
floppedverb fall limply, collapse
floppingverb fall limply, collapse
flutterverb wave rapidly, flap
jarverb shock, jolt
agitate,bang,bounce,bump,clash,convulse,crash,disturb,grate,grind,hit,irritate,jerk,jiggle,jounce,jump,offend,quake,rasp,rattle,rock,shake,slam,thump,tremor,vibrate,wiggle,wobble And then there is that wiggle, which she practiced by tying a belt around her knees.
她把皮带系在膝盖上来练习梦露那个著名的扭摆姿势。 yeeyan

The way a stone is cut largely determines its final appearance, and so has the least wiggle room of any of the four Cs.
钻石的切割仿石在很大程度上决定了钻石最后的表观,所以切割对四个 C来说是最没有发挥空间的一个。 yeeyan

The molecules in food— especially water and fat— absorb this energy and wiggle at high speeds, causing them to heat rapidly and warm the surrounding food.
食物中的分子--特别是水和脂肪--吸收了它的能量并高速振动导致迅速升温并加热分子周围的食物. yeeyan

The tips of the bristles should stay in one place, but the head of the brush should wiggle back and forth.
刷毛尖端应该保持在一个位置,但是刷头前后摆动。 yeeyan

With interest rates already at zero, policymakers have little wiggle room.
利率已经是零,政策制定者几乎没有回旋的余地。 ecocn

Atoms wiggle.

Because the initial estimate is so coarse-grained, a fair amount of wiggle room exists to handle emergent design, refactoring, and other technical- hygiene activities.
因为最初评估是粗粒度的,还有很大的回旋空间,可以处理紧急设计、代码重构、以及其他技术清洁活动。 ibm

But charting and trendline drawing allow for a bit of wiggle room.
但是,绘制走势图和趋势线允许一位偏差的。 yeeyan

But as Ireland is finding, a bit of wiggle- room can be invaluable.
但正如爱尔兰发现的,有一些周转空间是弥足珍贵的。 ecocn

But even then the government will still have some wiggle room.
但是即使到那时政府仍然要有一定浮动的空间。 ecocn

But the Knicks and other clubs have been busy creating wiggle room. They are ready to spend; the question is on whom.
但现在尼克斯及其它球队已经在忙于建造更衣室,他们也愿意花大笔钱签下球星,问题是将签下谁。 yeeyan

Charged particles called ions travel along the nanowire, causing it to stretch out in length and also bend and wiggle.
被称为离子的带电粒子沿着纳米线移动,导致它伸直、弯曲和摆动。 yeeyan

I stick my finger through the hole in my cheek and wiggle the finger around.
我把我的手指从脸上的洞伸进去用力扭动。 yeeyan

Mortgage-holders have plenty of wiggle- room, he says, to extend payment periods.
他称,抵押借款者有足够的伸缩空间来延长还款期限。 ecocn

Mr Obama will extract the bulk of American forces a shade faster, but by keeping on a residual force he is giving himself a bit of extra wiggle room in case things go bad again.
奥巴马将在该协议规定的时间之前撤出大部分驻伊美军,但他同时也为自己买了一份保险,一旦伊拉克局势再度失控,留守的小部分美军同样能发挥作用。 ecocn

Nor of the muscles some of use to wiggle our ears.
使耳朵摆动的一些肌肉我也没说。 yeeyan

Other retailers are giving consumers more wiggle room for returns instead of haggling over prices.
其它的零售商给予顾客在退货上而不是还价上更大的空间。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Players also get nifty tools with names like“ shake”, “ wiggle” or“ rubber band”.
玩家还会获得像“震动器”,“扭动器”或者“橡皮筋”这样好用的工具。 ecocn

Players use the cursor to grab, bend, pull, and wiggle the chain of amino acids anywhere along its length, folding the protein into its optimum shape.
玩家们用光标沿着链长方向在任意位置上抓取、弯曲、拉伸和摆动氨基酸链,把蛋白质折叠成最合适的形状。 yeeyan

Some bidders, however, expect there to be some wiggle room for finalists to amend their offers.
但一些投标者预计,最终入选者会有一些调整报价的空间。 iciba

Some do better in the front, but others need to be in the very back, where they can wiggle and stand up and sit down without distracting everybody.
一些学生坐在前面好点,但一些学生得坐到后面,这样他们就可以随意活动而不影响他人。 yeeyan

The worms will start to wiggle their way down.
蚯蚓便开始扭动着钻下去。 ebigear

There is, in fact, considerable wiggle-room in the agreement.
实际上这份协议有相当大的活动余地。 ecocn

Though they left themselves wiggle room, the change of tone was clear.
尽管他们给自己留了余地,但是政策的转向是清晰的。 ecocn




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