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wield·ed 英wiːld美wiːld COCA³¹⁸¹¹BNC³⁰³¹²Economist¹⁴⁵⁴⁴ 基本双解英英搭配近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 v.行使⁵²;施加影响;使用武器等;挥舞⁴⁸原型wield的过去式和过去分词形容词wieldable名词wielder过去分词wielded现在分词wielding三单wields v.动词 vt. 手持着使用武器、工具等hold in one's hands and use a weapon,tool,etc. vt. 具有,运用权力,施加影响have and/or use power,influence,etc. Verb: have and exercise;wield power and authority handle effectively;The burglar wielded an axe The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well wield power行使权力wield a big stick挥舞大棒,以武力相威…wield the pen执笔wield the scepter执行王权,君临…wield the big stick挥舞大棒,以武力相威…wield a pen写 近义词 play玩use使用ply一层have已经hold拿着wave波浪exert运用apply应用carry携带sport运动handle处理employ雇佣brandish挥manage管理exercise运动maintain维持manipulate操纵 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.He is wielding a knife.他在挥舞着一把刀。 The rebels were wielding sticks of dynamite.叛乱分子舞动着棒状炸药。 They wield enormous political power.他们行使巨大的政治权力。 动词99%,名词1% 用作动词People maywieldthe power in a democracy.在民主国家里,人民可以行使权力。 Shewieldsa lot of influence.她是个很有影响力的人。 He decides towieldhis pitiful weapon.他决定动用他的可怜的武器了。 We must learn towieldthe weapon of law effectively.我们要学会使用和用好法律武器。 The trade unions were afraid the government wouldwielda big stick over them.工会担心政府会采了严厉的措施来对付他们。 People wonder how long he couldwieldsuch heavy broadsword.人们好奇他能挥舞多久如此沉重的大刀。as in.operated 同义词 fulfilled,managed,negotiated,regulatedaccomplished,achieved,administered,contrived,conveyed,determined,directed,driven,enforced,executed,finished,governed,guided,handled,maintained,manipulated,moved,ordered,performed,practiced,promoted,revolved,run,served,superintended,supervised,sustained,transacted,transported,turned,used,worked operatedadjective conducted accomplished,achieved,administered,contrived,conveyed,determined,directed,driven,enforced,executed,finished,fulfilled,governed,guided,handled,maintained,managed,manipulated,moved,negotiated,ordered,performed,practiced,promoted,regulated,revolved,run,served,superintended,supervised,sustained,transacted,transported,turned,used,worked In recent times no British jurist other than Lord Denning has wielded more influence on the development of the law. 近些年来,除了丹宁勋爵,英国没有哪个法学家对法律的发展发挥这么大的影响。 ecocn On March29th his entire government resigned, but as it wielded little power in the first place, the event did not necessarily presage change. 三月廿九日全体政府辞职,但首先要将政府行使权力缩小,这起事件未必预示了要进行改革。 ecocn The political leaders historically wielded proportionally much more power vis a vis people. 历史上,君与民之间的权力差距非常悬殊。 tianya The thesis synthesizes research method such as the research surveying , reasoning with, data inquiry, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, parallel analysis having wielded a data. “钻石模型”的定性分析方法能够对广州与上海信息服务业集群竞争力的现状特征进行综合概述; fabiao The novel’s main flaw is that its occasional longueurs detract from the main storyline; its editor might have wielded a sharper pair of scissors. 小说主要的瑕疵在于偶尔让人感到乏味的部分,这损害了主要故事情节。编辑或许可以删除一些乏味部分。 ecocn Another option is for the IMF to issue its own promissory notes; it has the authority to do so but has never wielded it. 另外一个选择是 IMF自己发行本票;他拥有这个权利但从来没用过。 yeeyan Depending on their rank, mission, profile, and training protocol, an Imperial Navy commando primarily wielded the E-11 blaster rifle which was the standard armament issued for many Imperial troops. 根据他们的所属阶层,任务需求,概貌,以及训练方案,帝国海军突击队员主要使用许多帝国部队的标准装备—— E-11爆能步枪。 starwarschina France would prefer the stick to be wielded at the discretion of governments. 法国选择坚持随各国政府的意愿运用这些规则。 topsage He has no formal power to boss Democratic lawmakers around, but he can set the agenda and promote it with his huge and expertly wielded megaphone. 尽管他没有官方权力指挥身边的民主党立法者,但是,他还是可以设定议程,挥一挥他早已轻车熟路的巨大的麦克风,促成此事。 ecocn His main responsibility has been to organise Taliban resistance to Western forces in Afghanistan, but he has wielded considerable influence over the top commanders in South and North Waziristan. 他的主要职责是在阿富汗境内组织塔利班对抗西方军队,但是他在南、北瓦基里斯坦的武装力量的顶级首脑中拥有广泛的影响力。 yeeyan How much influence could they have wielded? 他们的行使权造成了多大影响? yeeyan If wielded appropriately, discretion can connect the formal justice and the substantive justice very well. 如果运用得当,自由裁量权能够很好地沟通形式正义和实体正义。 dictall In recent years a few hardworking MEPs have wielded a decisive influence on the final shape of EU directives that ranged from chemicals and services to animal rights and working hours. 近年来,许多勤勉的欧洲议会议员已经在最终制定欧盟的指令规章方面掌握了决定性的影响,其范围从化学制品与设施,一直到动物权利及工作时间。 topsage Indeed, pricey handbags— power purses, if you will — are often wielded for maximum effect, said Paul French, a Shanghai- based author and chief representative of the market research group Access Asia. 上海作家,通亚公司市场研究部的首席代表,保尔先生说,事实上,昂贵的手包-大号钱包,如果你喜欢使用的话-还是会发挥重大作用的。 yeeyan It brings up that after the Educational Reform, modern style schools grew profusely and quickly under the aegis of the government, which wielded the forcible measures. 提出,清末学制改革后,新式学校如雨后春笋般在政府强制力的推动下在乡村社会纷纷涌现,打破了千年以来以私塾为中心的传统教育模式。 cnki It wielded all the authority of the first beast in its sight and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed. 它在那前一只兽面前,施行前一只兽所有的一切权柄,使大地和居住在地上的人,朝拜前一只兽,就是那只受过致死的伤而被治好的兽。 ccccn Military officers wielded the ultimate authority at each level of government. 军队官员掌握了各级政府的最高权力。 yeeyan Some firms have already wielded the ax. 一些公司已经抡起了斧子。 yeeyan Sometimes the artist who wielded the brush encountered difficulties. 有时,挥洒画笔的艺术家遇到了难题。 blog.sina.com.cn The results disproved conventional wisdom: in one British experiment last year, children who text ed--- and who wielded plenty of abbreviations--- scored higher on reading and vocabulary tests. 实验结果与传统看法相悖:去年在英国举行的一项实验表明,写短信和大量使用缩写的儿童在阅读和词汇考试中成绩更好。 blog.sina.com.cn Think derivatives, which he portrays as dangerous weapons wielded by lesser beings. 他把金融衍生品描绘成是由低级货色所挥舞的危险武器。 ecocn |