

单词 widowed
释义 wid·owed 英'widəud ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁸¹⁸BNC¹⁶⁹⁶⁸iWeb²¹⁴⁰⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
single because of death of the spousewidow寡妇
widow-ed如|被…的⇒adj.寡居的⁵⁹;鳏居的动词widow的过去式和过去分词.近义词 lone孤单的single单一的

用作形容词She waswidowedat an early age.她年轻时就成了寡妇。
Thewidowedmother exerted herself to the utmost to send her son to college.那位守寡的母亲尽全力让儿子念大学。as in.alone
同义词 only,unattendedsolo,unaccompaniedabandoned,batching it,by itself/oneself,companionless,deserted,desolate,detached,forlorn,forsaken,friendless,hermit,in solitary,individual,isolated,lone,lonely,lonesome,me and my shadow,me myself and I,on one's own,onliest,shag,single,sole,solitary,stag,traveling light,unaided,unassisted,unattached,unescorted,unmarried
反义词 togetheras in.unmarried
同义词 eligiblesinglebachelor,husbandless,sole,spouseless,unattacheduncoupledunwed,unwedded,wifeless
反义词 married,wedas in.solitarily
同义词 abandoned,all by one's lonesome,batching it,by itself/oneself,by oneself,companionless,deserted,desolate,detached,forlorn,forsaken,friendless,hermit,individual,in solitary,isolated,lone,lonely,lonesome,me and my shadow,me myself and I,onliest,only,on one's own,shag,single,single-handedly,singly,sole,solely,solitary,solo,stag,traveling light,unaccompanied,unaided,unassisted,unattached,unattended,unescorted,unmarried
aloneadjective separate; apart
abandoned,batching it,by itself/oneself,companionless,deserted,desolate,detached,forlorn,forsaken,friendless,hermit,in solitary,individual,isolated,lone,lonely,lonesome,me and my shadow,me myself and I,on one's own,onliest,only,shag,single,sole,solitary,solo,stag,traveling light,unaccompanied,unaided,unassisted,unattached,unattended,unescorted,unmarried
solitarilyadverb alone
abandoned,all by one's lonesome,batching it,by itself/oneself,by oneself,companionless,deserted,desolate,detached,forlorn,forsaken,friendless,hermit,in solitary,individual,isolated,lone,lonely,lonesome,me and my shadow,me myself and I,on one's own,onliest,only,shag,single,single-handedly,singly,sole,solely,solitary,solo,stag,traveling light,unaccompanied,unaided,unassisted,unattached,unattended,unescorted,unmarried,widowed
unmarriedadjective not presently wed
bachelor,eligible,husbandless,single,sole,spouseless,unattacheduncoupledunwed,unwedded,widowed,wifeless In countries embroiled in conflicts, women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support.
在冲突不断的国家,妇女往往年轻就守寡,不得不在战火中和颠沛流离的生活中肩负起照顾子女的重担,她们得不到任何帮助或支持。 voa365

The film follows the lives of one family, the Fangs— a widowed mother, her son who becomes a rich entrepreneur, and the daughter they believe died in Tangshan.
电影描述了姓方的一家人的生活,一个失去丈夫的母亲,他的儿子后来成为富有的企业家,她以为女儿已经在唐山大地震中遇难。 yeeyan

“Pretty consistently, ” she says, “ the worst off are the currently widowed, divorced, or separated.”
韦特称:“毫无例外,最贫困的那部分人都是近期内寡居或鳏居,离婚或分居的。” yeeyan

Across the way their widowed first cousin lived in a yellow house.
住在她们对面的黄色房子里的是她们寡居的嫡亲堂妹。 yeeyan

But wait— the widowed housewife sells marijuana, the nurse is a drug addict who is cheating on her husband, the mother of two has multiple personalities and the Minnesota teacher has terminal cancer.
且慢——这个寡妇在买毒品,这个护士吸毒成瘾还瞒着丈夫偷人,这个孩子他妈有多重性格,而这个明尼苏达的老师身患末期癌症。 yeeyan

But women who got divorced, often leaving a bad marriage, tended to thrive, as did single women! In fact, even widowed women often did unexpectedly well.
但是离婚的女人,通常是摆脱一个糟糕的婚姻,可能会与单身女性一样幸福,事实上,寡妇表现出乎意料的好。 yeeyan

By2004 only3% of girls between the ages of15 and19 were married, divorced or widowed.
而到了2004年,15岁-19岁的女性中,只有3%已婚、离异或者丧偶。 ecocn

I was also facing life newly widowed.
并且,我还开始面对丧夫寡居的生活。 yeeyan

In terms of the other two categories, namely, married and widowed, the figures for1970 were higher than those for2000 and they are70%:60% and 8%:3% respectively.
在结婚和丧偶两项上,1970年的数据高于2000年,数据对比是70%:60%,8%:3%。 hjenglish

Most of these studies, however, haven't distinguished between people who are separated, divorced or widowed and those who have never been married.
然而,这些研究中的大部分没有将分居、离婚、丧偶的人和从未结过婚的人区分开来。 hjenglish

My wife would be widowed and my children orphaned, but they would take solace in the knowledge that I had given my life to a cause that the people of some nation believed in.
我的老婆会成为寡妇,我的孩子们会成为孤儿,但是她们会得到几许安慰于此:我所献身的事业是一些国家的人们深信不疑的伟大事业。 yeeyan

Newly divorced or widowed seniors back on the dating scene may have missed the campaigns to encourage condom use.
新离婚或丧偶老人的约会现场的背面可能已经错过了鼓励使用安全套的活动。 yeeyan

She was widowed when they met again, and he had tried to help her find a job in the city, but she had never been his mistress.
等他们再见面时,她已经守了寡,他帮她在城里找到一份工作,但是她从来没有成为他的情妇。 yeeyan

The country immediately rallied behind its widowed president, increasing her approval rating by over20 percentage points.
全国立即恢复对成了寡妇的现总统的支持,支持率上升了超过20%。 ecocn

The majority of these women60 per cent are married or cohabiting, 16 per cent are single and the remainder are widowed, divorced or separated.
在这些女性之中,大多数60%已经结婚或同居,16%的仍是单身,其他的则是寡居、离异或分居的。 cri

The modern French lottery began in1933 to help people who had been widowed, orphaned or injured in the first world war.
法国的近代彩票业始于1933年,当时是为了帮助一战后的孤儿寡母或受伤致残的人。 ecocn

The study also found that people, both males and females, who had never been married were significantly less generous than people who were divorced or widowed.
本研究还另外发现,不管男性和女性,没结过婚的人明显没有离婚或丧偶的人大方。 yeeyan

The18- room neo- classical inn became a bed and breakfast in1982, but its first stint was as an apartment building for widowed women in 1929.
该建筑在1982年成为了这家拥有18个房间的新古典主义旅馆,但是它的第一个阶段是1929年被当成寡妇们的公寓楼。 yeeyan

We were gathered together, all ten of us, for our widowed mother's80th birthday.
我们总共十个人,聚在一起祝贺已成为寡妇的妈妈的八十岁生日。 kekenet

With this newly widowed patient I imagined that only a life of sadness and decrepitude remained, and I felt bad about it.
面对这个刚丧偶的寡妇病人,我以为她的生命只留下悲伤和衰老,并因此感到很难过。 yeeyan




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