

单词 widest
释义 widest 英'waɪdɪst美'waɪdɪst COCA²⁵⁵⁷⁷BNC¹³⁹⁸²Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
形容词 wide:
having great or a certain extent from one side to the otherbroad in scope or content- T.G.Winnerused of eyes fully open or extendedvery large in expanse or scopegreat in degreehaving ample fabricnot on target
用作形容词B.The Niagara Falla is the name of thewidestwaterfall in America.尼亚加拉瀑布是美国最宽的瀑布。
Big curved surface windscreen Domestic thewidestbig curved surface front windscreen gives the driver best visual field.大曲面前挡风玻璃国内重卡最宽的大曲面前挡风玻璃,前方视野极佳。
Photoelectric work offers thewidestscope.光电工作提供了最广阔的天地。adj.expansive, roomy
同义词 ample,broad,deep,expanded,extensive,far-reaching,full,immense,large,loose,spacious,vastadvanced,all-inclusive,baggy,capacious,catholic,commodious,comprehensive,dilated,distended,encyclopedic,far-ranging,general,inclusive,large-scale,liberal,open,outspread,outstretched,progressive,radical,scopic,splay,squat,sweeping,tolerant,universal,voluminous
反义词 empty,limited,little,miniature,narrow,restricted,small,tiny,trivialcramped,on-course,straightadj.off-course
同义词 far,remote,away,offastraydistant,inaccurate,far-off,off the mark,off-target
反义词 on-coursestraight,narrow,restricted,cramped By offering the widest choice.
提供最大范围的选择。 ecocn

Contrary to this popular misconception, economics is broader than the mere study of money In its widest scope, economics can be defined as the study of exchanges.
不过,这种广泛的误解忽视了,经济学的范畴远不止于对货币的探讨。广义上,经济学可被定义为关于交换的研究。 yeeyan

It would be helpful if Mr Allawi, a secular Shia who has the widest cross- sectarian representation that includes substantial Sunni support, were part of a government, whether or not he leads it.
不管阿拉维是否能当选总理,若他能进入政府将大有裨益,这位世俗的什叶派有着最广泛的跨教派声誉,包括来自大量逊尼派人士的支持。 ecocn

My goal in this book is to transmit this way of thinking to the widest possible audience and to convince readers that it illuminates much about the world around them.
本书的目的是将这种思维方式尽可能广泛地传给读者,相信它能够启发读者更加透彻地理解身边的世界。 yeeyan

The coin that was in widest use was the Spanish Peso, known also as “Pieces of Eight” because it could be divided into eight pie-like pieces.
最广泛使用的是西班牙比索,也称之为 “八片币”,因为它可以分成包子状的八块。 ebigear

The members of the structure or union are aligned based on their widest member.
结构或联合的成员是根据最宽的成员进行对齐的。 ibm

And there is a lot of spreading potential: income distribution in America is the widest of the30 countries of the OECD.
而且,分享财富的可能性还是很大的:在经合组织的30个国家里,美国的收入贫富差距最大。 yeeyan

Business Financial Services offer one of the widest ranges of banking products and services in the market today.

Do you mean reach the widest audience, or cost the least, or what?
你的意思是获得最大的观众群还是投入最少,还是其他的意思? kekenet

Humans have the largest neocortex and the widest social circle— about 150, according to the scientist Robin Dunbar.
人类有最大的大脑皮层和最广的社交圈,根据科学家罗宾汉.邓巴的数据,是150名。 yeeyan

Many methodologies vendors have created are all-encompassing framework approaches to meet the widest possible set of needs.
许多厂商创建的方法是满足最大可能的需求集合的最大峰值的框架方法。 ibm

This will help you capture the widest range of competencies that are still relevant to the whole business.
这会有助于您从最广泛的技能特性中抓到与整个公司都紧密相关的特性。 yeeyan




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