

单词 Wickwar
释义 WickwarBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.威克沃在英国;西经 2º24' 北纬 51º36'
And the Rocky Mountains, near Wickwar’s lab, can cause atmospheric waves, which could be a special feature of his location.
威克威尔实验室附近的落基山脉能引发大气波,这可能是他所在地区的一种特性。 yeeyan

“ To get the noctilucent clouds you need temperatures that are about20 degrees Kelvin colder than what we see on average up there,” Wickwar said.
要获得夜光云,你需要的气温要比我们在那里看到的平均温度冷约20度绝对温度。 yeeyan

Instead, Wickwar’s explanation is that a vertical atmospheric wave discovered in their LIDAR data lowered the temperature in the region above their radar installation near Logan, Utah.
相反,威克威尔解释说,他们从激光雷达数据中发现,一股垂直大气波降低了他们在犹他州洛根附近雷达上空的气温。 yeeyan




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