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bil·low·ing 英'bɪləʊ美'bɪloʊ 高GSCOCA²⁶⁷⁶³BNC³³⁸⁹⁵iWeb⁴³¹³⁹ 基本双解英英搭配记法近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.巨浪⁵⁹;如巨浪翻腾的东西¹⁰v.像巨浪般汹涌;波动¹⁰;使翻腾²¹原型billow的现在分词形容词billowy名词billowiness过去分词billowed现在分词billowing三单billows 壮丽液体
n.名词 C波涛;巨浪great waves; surge C波涛般翻滚之物a moving mass or cloud of smoke, steam, etc. like a wave v.动词 vt. & vi. 使翻腾,汹涌cause to rise and roll in waves Noun: a large sea wave Verb: rise up as if in waves;smoke billowed up into the sky move with great difficulty;The soldiers billowed across the muddy riverbed rise and move, as in waves or billows;The army surged forward become inflated;The sails ballooned 用作名词 n. ~+介词a great billow of smoke一股浓烟the billow of the Pacific太平洋的巨浪用作动词 v.~+名词billow the black clouds of smoke黑烟翻滚billow sleeves袖子飞舞~+副词billow glitteringly闪亮飘舞billow restlessly不停地飘动billow softly轻轻地飘动~+介词billow in在…中飘动billow into往…里翻滚billow onto向…扑去billow over席卷了… billow-ing动名词⇒n.巨浪⁵⁹;如巨浪翻腾的东西v.像巨浪般汹涌;波动¹⁰;使翻腾²¹近义词 sea海rush冲cloud云wave波浪puff喷出fill装满waft飘浮rise上升curl卷曲flow流动surge汹涌swirl漩涡bulge膨胀wallow打滚balloon气球heave用力举起inflate使膨胀swell使膨胀catch the wind招风反义词 ripple涟漪 用作名词n.The billows ran high.波涛汹涌。 Billows of smoke were belching from the chimney.滚滚浓烟从烟囱中冒出。 The ship was tossed by the ocean billow.海轮在大洋巨浪上颠簸。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe wind blew hard and the sea wasbillowing.风吹得很紧,海上巨浪翻滚着。 The wind made the lake water billow onto the beach.大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向海滩。 The sheets on the line billow in the wind.挂在绳上的床单在风中像波浪一样飘动。 The flames billowed over the prairie.大火像波涛一样席卷了原野。 The smoke billowed from the burning house.浓烟从烈焰飞腾的房子里滚滚喷出。 Hundreds of red flags billowed in the breeze.几百面红旗在微风中飘扬。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.A gust of wind billowed the sleeves and skirts of women's dresses.一股劲风把妇女们的衣袖和裙子吹得像波浪一样翻动。 A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.一块燃烧着的草地冒起黑色浓烟,滚滚升上天际。 n.名词
billow作“波涛”解时是诗歌用语,强调浪峰高。billow还可指如波涛般翻滚的烟、火、声音等,这时常用复数形式。 动词72%,名词28% 用作名词Thebillowof the atlantic dash high on the rock during a storm.暴风雨时,大西洋的巨浪冲撞岩石掀得很高很高。用作动词The wind blew hard and the sea wasbillowing.疾风劲吹,海浪汹涌。 A door shuts with a bang and curtainsbillowinto the room.房门砰地一声关上了,窗帘被风翻卷着吹向屋内。as in.baggy 同义词 floppy,oversize,roomybulging,droopy,flabby,ill-fitting,loose,sagging,slack,unshapely 反义词 firm,fitting,tightas in.voluminous 同义词 ample,comprehensive,copious,extensive,numerousabundant,bulky,capacious,cavernous,convoluted,covering,expansive,full,great,large,legion,many,massive,multifarious,multitudinous,prolific,roomy,several,simple,spacious,sundry,swelling,various 反义词 lacking,meagerlittle,slight,small,tiny baggyadjective drooping bulging,droopy,flabby,floppy,ill-fitting,loose,oversize,roomy,sagging,slack,unshapely voluminousadjective big, vast abundant,ample,billowing,bulky,capacious,cavernous,comprehensive,convoluted,copious,covering,expansive,extensive,full,great,large,legion,many,massive,multifarious,multitudinous,numerous,prolific,roomy,several,simple,spacious,sundry,swelling,various A field of burning grass is billowing thick black clouds of smoke into the sky. 一片燃烧着的草冒出的滚滚黑烟直冲云霄。 kekenet Designed to look like a billowing sail, the Burj Al Arab opened in 1999 on a man-made island specifically constructed for the property, just off the coast of Dubai. 这座看起来好像是正在行进中的帆船形象的酒店建于1999年,地点位于一座人造半岛上,紧靠阿联酋迪拜海岸。 cri It was the sight of girls spinning across the concrete, their scarves billowing, that caught the eye of Kenny Reed, a skater from upstate New York. 女孩子们在水泥板上滑来滑去的景象,他们的丝巾随风漂着,这些景象让 K的眼睛一动不动的,K是一个来自 NY的滑板手。 yeeyan On June29th, with tear gas billowing around the rioters outside the Greek parliament, politicians in principle backed a new punishing austerity plan. 6月29日,在希腊国会外面的暴乱者中间弥漫着催泪弹,政客们在原则上支持了新的惩罚性紧缩计划。 ecocn Smoke was seen billowing from at least two transport vehicles of the16,000- member NATO peace force in Kosovo, KFOR. 人们看见,科索沃1万6千名北约维和部队的至少两辆运输车里浓烟滚滚。 hxen The Kuwaiti parliament building, also billowing and white, was his only other big international project. 白色波浪式隆起的科威特国会大厦是他仅有的另一个大型跨境工程。 ecocn The shells burst in the air, billowing white smoke before dropping the phosphorus shell. 一些炮弹在以军投掷白磷弹前就于空中爆炸,散发出大量的白色烟雾。 yeeyan The video shows the billowing trail apparently rising from the water. 视频显示这个烟雾很明显是从水中升起来的。 tingclass A few yards away, a group of mourners chants prayers as the stench of burning flesh guides a billowing cloud of black smoke high into the Indian sky. 几英尺以外,伴随着燃烧身体发出的恶臭,黑烟积聚成滚滚巨云直冲上印度的天空,一群送葬者口中不断念着祷文,祈祷死者往生极乐。 yeeyan Also, each sari is billowing out in the same direction, and the women are evenly separated, which adds to the sense of harmony. 此外,她们每个人身上所穿的莎丽服在同一方向上迎风鼓起,彼此之间均匀地分开,更增添了这种和谐感。 ngpod Around the same time, after entering the tribal areas to hunt down al- Qaeda, the Pakistanis found themselves fighting a billowing Pushtun insurgency of their own. 几乎同时,在进入部落地区搜索“基地”成员后,巴基斯坦军队发现他们正在同不断涌出的普什图族叛乱战斗。 ecocn AS THE final whistle blew, the fan in a pharaoh outfit leapt from his seat and charged through the stand, an Egyptian flag billowing behind him. 当终场哨声响起,身着法老装的球迷从他的椅子上跳下来,冲过看台,一面埃及国旗在他的后面飘扬。 ecocn Close ups of some parts of this image show billowing plumes indicating that the sand slides were occurring even when the image was being taken. 照片某些部位的特写显示出缭缭烟雾,表明即使在拍摄照片的时候,沙子还在流动中。 examw He felt the small gear-wheels under his fingers and turned them slowly, thoughtfully as he gazed across the billowing plain, contemplating the implications and the seemingly endless possibilities. 他感觉到了手下的小齿轮,慢慢的转动了一下。他凝视着翻滚的平原,考虑着内涵和看似无尽的可能性。 yeeyan How is a profligate America to cut borrowing, balance the budget and ensure that its billowing deficit will not place an unbearable burden on future generations? 怎样能才让挥霍浪费的美国减少借贷,平衡预算,确保滚雪球一般的财政赤字不会对后代构成难以承受的负担? ecocn PASS by a chemical plant, and the plumes billowing from its smokestacks may get you thinking. 每当经过一家化工厂,烟囱里冒出来的滚滚白烟总会使你浮想联翩。 yeeyan Soaring uncontrolled house prices and billowing City funds made this a decade of living on air. 失控的房价不断飙升,金融城资金滚滚而来,使这个十年成为依靠虚幻度日的年代。 yeeyan The court’s ruling will add to the billowing secular jurisprudence on the handling of disputes over religious assets. 上诉法院的这个判决,会就宗教财产争议的处理问题进一步在世俗法学界掀起巨浪。 ecocn The fire dominated Shanghai's skyline before it was put out after more than four hours, with black smoke billowing through the sky. 这场大火笼罩了上海的上空,四个多小时后才被扑灭,天上仍然浓烟滚滚。 yeeyan The flamboyant writer and commentator, as well- known in France for his billowing white shirts as for his politics, said the party should be dissolved and renamed“ as quickly as possible”. 这位惹眼的作家和评论家,他的政见正如他常穿的超大白衬衫一样闻名于法国,他说该党应该尽快解散并重新命名。 yeeyan The configuration is awkward. Big rooms are divided into smaller ones by billowing fabric partitions. 建筑结构的设计是尴尬的:大房间被垂下的布分隔成小房间。 ecocn The rig can be seen in the bottom right of the image with smoke billowing out. 你可以在画面的下方偏右看到那座冒着滚滚浓烟的石油平台。 yeeyan They are grateful to Saudi Arabia for brokering a deal that should prevent the recent fighting between Fatah and Hamas from billowing into a civil war. 他们对于沙特阿拉伯在法塔赫和哈玛斯之间进行调和达成协议以防止两者目前的冲突演变成国内战争所作的努力表示感谢。 ecocn |