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词汇 why
释义 why 英hwaɪ, waɪ美hwaɪ, waɪAHDhwī, wī ★★★★★小中高牛4研COCA¹⁶⁵BNC¹⁴⁹iWeb²⁰⁰Economist³⁵³

for what reason


used for expressing surprise or slight impatience or annoyance

the cause or intention underlying an action or situation, especially in the phrase `the whys and wherefores'

❌ Why did you come to fall into the river?

✔️ How did you come to fall into the river?



❌ Why don't ask the teacher for help?

✔️ Why not ask the teacher for help?

Why not do…?是Why don't you/we do…?的省略形式,无主语时不用助动词do, not后直接加动词原形。


❌ Is there any reason that you should have a holiday?

✔️ Is there any reason why you should have a holiday?


来自词根wha-什么,元音字母变为y。词根wha-什么来自日耳曼语,末尾的元音字母可变。它和拉丁词根quo-多少、quan-多少、qual-如何最终都源自原始印欧语词根*kwo-什么,多少,如何。why ever究竟为什么Why not+动词原型:为何…Why so?为什么? 为什么是这…Every why has a why.有理由必有原因。…Why ask the bishop when the pope's around.教皇就在眼前,何必去…why the mischief…?究竟什么原因…?为…the how and the why方法和理由Every why has its why.有理由必有原因。…Why in thunder …?到底…? 究竟…?…why the mischief …?究竟什么…?…
用作副词(adv.why ever

为什么表示惊讶( used to express surprise why)

故事记忆高高 Sky天空不知 Why为什么掉下 Spy间谍近义词 where在哪里when什么时候wherefore为什么
用作副词adv.Why did you buy a spade?你买铁锨干什么?
Why didn't you go there?你为什么没去那儿?
Why spend such a lot of money?为什么要花这么多钱呢?
Why argue with him?He never changes his mind.和他争论什么?他固执得很。
Why risk breaking the law?为什么冒犯法的危险呢?
I don't think that room is big enough.—Why not?⎩我认为那个房间不够大。——为什么呢?“I won't go.”“Why not?”⎩“我不去。”“为什么?”⎫
Why not fresh up with a hot bath?为什么不洗个热水澡提提神呢?
Why not apologize and ask his pardon?为什么不道个歉,请求他原谅呢?
Why not ask somebody else?为什么不问问别人呢?
Why not write a note and put it up on the wall?为什么不写张条子贴在墙上呢?
“I'm going to put this whole weekend down,minute by minute.”“Why not?”“我准备把这个周末的情况一分钟一分钟地记下来。” “对嘛。”
I wonder why you're interested in such things.我真想知道你为什么对这样的事感兴趣。
That is why I'm working hard at my lesson.就是这个原因,我要努力学习。
I can't understand why she allows her children to walk over her as they do.我不明白她为什么会允许她的子女对她那样傲慢无礼。
I do not quite understand why you asked me these questions.我不大明白,您为什么要问我这些问题。
They could not understand why he spent all his time in the laboratory.他们不理解为什么他要把全部时间用在实验室里。
It is easy to understand why he was angry.很容易理解他发怒的原因。
I often wonder about why she treated me like that.我时常纳闷她为什么要那样对待我。
That is the reason why we must go now.这就是我们现在必须走的理由。
The reason why he changed his mind is not clear.他改变主意的原因还不清楚。
Tell me the reason why you came.告诉我你为什么来。
There were two main reasonswhy.One was his attitude toward the presidency.The second reason was his private life.有两个原因:第一个原因是他对总统职务的态度,第二个原因是他的私生活。用作感叹词int.Why,that's John over there.噢,约翰在那儿呢。
Why,even a child knows that!哎呀!这连小孩子都知道。
Why!It's all gone!哎呀!全完了!
Why, what have you done with it?什么,你们怎么处理它了。
“Who wrote Hamlet ?”“Why,Shakespeare.”“《哈姆雷特》是谁写的?”“什么,莎士比亚。”
Why, what's the harm?嗨,这又有什么害处呢?
Why, what, what of it?嗯,这又怎么样?
No good woman would act as she has done.Why, she's after your money.良家妇女没有人会像她那样做,你难道不知道,她追求的是你的金钱。
Why,don't you know me?啊,难道你不认识我吗?
You say he's only forty!Why,I know he's at least fifty.你说他只有40岁!嗨,我知道,他至少有50岁。
Why,of course,that was it.唉,是的,对啦。
“Do you really like him?”“ Why, yes,I think he's all right.”“你真喜欢他吗?”“唔,对,我觉得他不错。”
Why,of course,I'll do it.噢,当然可以,我要做的。
Why,you're right,maybe.啊,你是对的,也许吧。
If silver will not do,why, we must try gold.倘若银子不行,那么,我们必须用金子试一试。


why作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”; 后面跟不带to的动词不定式,意思是“为什么要…”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。

why not有三重含义:①表示“为什么不”,②表示建议,③表示同意。why not跟不带to的动词不定式,用来提出建议,表示“为什么不…”, why not也可用来对前面的否定句进行提问。






用作连词The reasonswhyhe did it are obscure.他做那事的理由还不清楚。
That iswhyI am not in favour of the plan.那是我不赞成这个计划的理由。
He expounded the reasonswhyhe did it.他阐述了他做这件事的理由。
She knowswhythe metal is the good conductor.她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
Why he went there is a mystery to me.他为什么到那里去,这对我来说是个谜。用作感叹词用作名词I cannot explainwhy.我说不出理由。
I don't need to hear all thewhysand the wherefores, I just want to know what happened.我无需听那些大道理,我只想知道是怎么了。
Why he went there is a mystery to me.他为什么到那里去,这对我来说是个谜。
I'm going to tell youwhythis conundrum exists.我打算告诉你们为什么这个谜题存在。noun.reason
同义词 cause,motive,mystery,proofhow
conundrumnoun puzzle
brain-teaser,closed book,enigma,mystery,mystification,poser,problem,puzzlement,riddle
conundrumsnoun puzzle
brain-teasers,closed books,enigmas,mysteries,mystification,posers,problems,puzzlements,riddles,whies
enigmanoun mystery
Gordian knot,bewilderment,cliffhanger,conundrum,crux,cryptogram,grabber,knot,mind-boggler,mind-twister,mystification,parable,perplexity,problem,puzzle,puzzlement,puzzler,question,question mark,riddle,secret,sixty-four dollar question,sphinx,sticker,stickler,stumper,teaser,tough nut to crack,twister,why
groundsnoun basis, premise
acreage,areas,campuses,countries,districts,environs,fields,gardens,habitats,holdings,lands,lots,premises,properties,real estates,realms,spheres,spots,terraces,terrains,territories,tracts,zones
mysteriesnoun puzzle, secret
abstruseness,brainteasers,braintwisters,charades,chillers,cliffhangers,closed books,conundrums,cruces,cryptograms,difficulties,enigmas,grabbers,inscrutabilities,inscrutablenesses,mindbogglers,mystification,occults,oracles,perplexities,posers,problems,puzzlements,questions,rebuses,riddles,runes,secrecy,sixty-four-thousand-dollar questions,sphinxes,sticklers,stumpers,subtleties,teasers,thrillers,tough nut to cracks,twisters,whies,whodunits
mysterynoun puzzle, secret
abstruseness,brainteaser,braintwister,charade,chiller,cliffhanger,closed book,conundrum,crux,cryptogram,difficulty,enigma,grabber,inscrutability,inscrutableness,mindboggler,mystification,occult,oracle,perplexity,poser,problem,puzzlement,question,rebus,riddle,rune,secrecy,sixty-four thousand dollar question,sphinx,stickler,stumper,subtlety,teaser,thriller,tough nut to crack,twister,whodunit,why




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