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词汇 whr
释义 whr 英'dəbəljuː'etʃ'ɑːr美'dəbəljuː'etʃ'ɑːr COCA¹⁴⁴⁰³⁴BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
At the same WHR level, PAI-1 level was gradually rising in the order of normal control, T2DM and T2DM with CHD.
相同 WHR水平间PAI-1水平依正常对照组、单纯2型糖尿病组、2型糖尿病合并冠心病组逐渐升高; cnki

For males, however, all indices are influenced by environmental factors and WHR is nearly little influenced by inheritance.
而收缩压、舒张压则主要受环境因素的影响,且二者的遗传度估计与性别无关。 fabiao

Hyperlipideamia and hepatic steatosis in abdominal adiposity group were divided by WHR and visceral adiposity groupwere divided by BMI were examined more than normal weight group P0.01.
中心性肥胖组按 WHR分型和外周型肥胖组按 BMI分型的高脂血症、脂肪肝的检出率明显高于正常体型和正常体重组 P0.01。 cnki

The body mass index BMI and waist hip ratio WHR were measured and calculated.
测量并计算体重指数、腰臀比。 cnki

The determinants of female physical attractiveness are the waist to hip ratio WHR, body mass index BMI and volume height index VHI.
女性人体美的评价指标有腰臀比 WHR、体质指数 BMI和体积身高指数 VHI。 dictall

The result above showed WHR was an important index for the effect of fat distribution on glucose, lipid and insulin metabolism.
提示 WHR是体脂分布对糖、脂及胰岛素代谢影响较重要的指标。 cnki

Women with a WHR of 0.7—indicating a waist significantly narrower than the hips—are most desirable to men.
WHR为0.7的女性,也就是腰明显比臀细的女性最受男性欢迎。 yeeyan

And an analysis of hourglass figures of Playboy models and Miss America contestants showed that the majority of these women boast a WHR of0.7 or lower.
另一项对花花公子模特和美国小姐参赛者们沙漏般的身材进行的分析现实,她们中大多数人的 WHR都是0.7或者更低。 yeeyan

And the volunteers' estimates also matched with the WHR of the faces the wider the face, the higher the aggressive rating.
而志愿者对男性进攻性的估计与脸部的宽高比也相符。脸部越宽,进攻性评级越高。 eol

BMI and WHR were negatively correlated with serum cortisol in PCOS group.
相关分析示 PCOS组的血皮质醇与 BMI、 WHR呈负相关。

BMI and WHR were higher in all groups with lipid disorder except in HY- C group.
除 HY- C组外,其他血脂异常组患者的 BMI和 WHR均明显高于对照组。 cnki

Facial width-to- height ratio WHR is determined by measuring the distance between the right and left cheeks and the distance from the upper lip to the mid- brow.
脸部的宽高比 WHR是通过测量左右脸颊之间的距离和上嘴唇到眉中的距离得出的。 h1ss

If a woman produces the proper amount and mixture of estrogen, then her WHR will naturally fall into the desired range.
如果女人体内的荷尔蒙的成分与含量适当,那么她的 WHR很自然就会在理想的区间内。 yeeyan

Methods The data of BMI, WHR and hypertension from 2589 Mongolian people were analyzed by log- linear model analysis method.
方法采用对数线性模型方法对2589名蒙古族人 BMI、 WHR数据进行分析。 dictall

Methods: Body mass index BMI was used as the index for evaluating fat content and waist to hip measurement ratio WHR for fat distribution.
方法:以体重指数 BMI作为评价体脂含量指标,以腰臀围比值 WHR作为评价体脂分布指标。 cnki

Methods:The body mass index BMI, waist hip ratio WHR, plasm leptin and insulin levels of the35 obese subjects were determined before and after treated with sibutramine.
方法:测定35例单纯性肥胖患者服用西布曲明前后体重指数 BMI、腰臀比 WHR及血清瘦素、胰岛素水平的变化。 cnki

Objective To discuss the extent that inheritance impacts on body size indices, which include body mass index BMI and wais-to- hip ratio WHR.
目的探讨遗传因素对体质指数 BMI和腰臀围比值 WHR等体型指征的影响程度。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the best cut-off point, sensitivity and specificity of body mass index BMI, waist circumference WC and Waist-to- hip ratio WHR in predicting of abdominal visceral obesity.
目的评价体重指数 BMI、腰围 WC、腰臀比 WHR估测腹内型肥胖的最佳临界点及敏感度、特异度。 cnki

Objective To investigate the impact of inheritance on height, weight, body mass index BMI, waist circumference and waist- hip ratio WHR in adolescent by the classic twin design.
目的用经典的双生子设计探讨遗传因素和环境因素对青少年身高、体重、体质指数 BMI、腰围、腰臀围比值 WHR等体型指征相关指标的影响程度。 fabiao

ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of weight, body mass index BMI, waistline and waist- hip ratio WHR on bone mineral density BMD in normal adults.
目的探讨体重、体质指数 BMI和腰围、腰臀比 WHR对正常成人骨密度的影响。 dictall

Psychologists from Brock University in the USA decided to follow up on previous research that suggested males with a large facial WHR act more aggressively than those with narrower features .
此前有研究表明,脸部宽高比值较大的男性比脸窄的男性更具侵略性。美国布鲁克大学的心理学家决定对此开展进一步研究。 eol

There were significant positive correlations between PAI-1 and WHR, TG, GSP, FINS and UA in the youth and middle-age group.
仅在青中年组与 PAI-1表现相关性的指标是腰臀比 WHR、甘油三酯 TG、糖化血清蛋白 GSP、血尿酸 UA和 FINS。 cnki

These significant variances were also observed between groups with higher and normal WHR but not with different BMI.
但是,体质量指数的正常和体质量指数升高人群之间则无此变化。 zglckf

WHR normal function of indicators is better than the obese group;
WHR正常组机能指标优于肥胖组; fabiao

WHR obesity group grip strength indicator value large, but the normal group The grip strength values of body mass index greater than obese group.
WHR肥胖组握力指标值大,但正常组的握力体重指数值要大于肥胖组。 fabiao




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