

单词 wholeness
释义 wholeness 英'holnɪs美'holnɪs ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁴²²²BNC²³⁹⁴⁵iWeb²¹⁴⁸⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting;

the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development

he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia

a state of robust good health词根词缀: whole全体的 + -nesswhole全部的
wholen.全部-ness名词后缀⇒n.完整性⁶⁴;全体²⁸;健全近义词 unity整体entirety全部totality全部fullness丰满haleness健壮integrity完整plenitude丰富solidarity团结completeness完成comprehensiveness广泛性

用作名词It is inwholenessthat joy becomes an ongoing life experience again.就是在完整性中,欢乐再次变成一个持续的表达。
Homecoming is a state of being in which enoughwholenesshas been experienced that one feels complete in the moment.回家是一种状态,在其中充分的完整性被体验,你时刻感觉到完全。
As enoughwholenessis retrieved and reunited, one enters the dance of unity with all species upon a full-time basis!当足够的全体被修复和重联,你进入了在所有时间的基础上与所有物种的统一之舞!noun.completeness
同义词 entirety,integrity
反义词 incompletenesspartialness
finalitynoun definiteness, conclusiveness
fullnessnoun abundance, breadth
healthnoun physical, mental wellness
bloom,clean bill,complexion,constitution,energy,eupepsia,euphoria,fettle,fine feather,fitness,form,good condition,haleness,hardihood,hardiness,healthfulness,healthiness,lustiness,pink,prime,robustness,salubriousness,salubrity,shape,soundness,stamina,state,strength,tone,tonicity,top form,verdure,vigor,well-being,wholeness
integritynoun completeness
onenessnoun singleness
perfectionnoun achievement, completeness
accomplishment,achieving,acme,arete,completion,consummation,crown,ending,entireness,evolution,exactness,excellence,excellency,exquisiteness,faultlessness,finish,finishing,fulfillment,ideal,idealism,impeccability,integrity,maturity,merit,paragon,perfectness,precision,purity,quality,realization,ripeness,sublimity,superiority,supremacy,transcendence,virtue,wholeness So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.
于是,我感受到与光相随的整体,感觉一切都在同我及宇宙在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn

The best way to live is from a state of self- possession, to move confidently, expanding that wholeness.
最佳的生活方式就是从一种泰然自若的状态,充满自信地前进,增强原本完整的自己。 yeeyan

The creator and creation merge into wholeness of joy.
创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。 hjenglish

Then I think again: maybe we “ can” control the moon's luster; it's wholeness.
我又思考再三:也许我们可以控制月亮的光彩和圆满。 yeeyan

Depth roots us in the world, gives life substance and wholeness.
深刻,铭记在心,记忆的深度组成了我们的世界,给我们的生活以持久和完整。 yeeyan

Distributed, headless, emergent wholeness becomes the social ideal.
分布式的,无领导的,自然出现的整体性成为社会的理想。 yeeyan

Each integration leads to greater freedom of self expression, and greater wholeness within.
每一个整合都通向更自由的自我表达和内在的更整体性。 mcs.szu.edu.cn

Forgive, daily, those who caused the wounds that keep you from wholeness.
每一天,宽恕那些伤害你使你无法完整的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Health and beauty can have an inner wholeness and balance that offers resilience against the external pressures of your environment.
健康和美丽,具有内在的整体性和平衡性。这种整体和平衡能为你提供一种强韧的力量,让你可以对抗外部环境压力的。 yeeyan

I prayed that the actions I took flowed ONLY from that place of pure surrender and wholeness.
我祈祷那些行动只从完全没有成见和整体的地方流出来。 iciba

In so doing, all parts of self, past and present, can be assessed, the karma released, and the fractured soul reunited into a greater state of wholeness within.
这样做,自我的所有部分,过去和现在,都能被评估,业力被释放,而破裂的灵魂被再度融入一个内在更完整的状态。 tisheng

In praying for another, know that your silent inner knowing of wholeness, beauty, and perfection can change the negative patterns of the other’s subconscious mind and bring about wonderful results.
通过为其他人祈祷,你会认识到,你无声的内在部分对整体、美丽和完美的了解,能够改变其他人在潜意识中的负面的心理模式,并且带来美妙的结果。 yeeyan

It is time to work toward wholeness, bringing these areas into balance.
此刻是努力朝向完整、把这些区块带入平衡的时候了。 blog.sina.com.cn

It's a disillusioned and self-consciously ironic promise of salvation, of wholeness.

Perhaps I can make more clear what I mean by the wholeness of learning or experience by talking about my own discovery of mathematics.
或者我可以通过讲述我自己的数学发现将我所谓的学习或经验整体性讲述得更清楚。 lizunlong

The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.
圆圆的形状,是象征团圆的整体性、完整性和团结。 ebigear

This rebalancing is the returning to wholeness and health.
这样的再平衡是整体性的和健康的。 blog.sina.com.cn

When I began connecting the justice that I felt in my veins to the source of that which is God, the all powerful, I felt the sense of wholeness that I haven't felt in the past.

You return to a state of wholeness and ease.
你回到了一个完整的舒适的状态。 yeeyan




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