

单词 whole day
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And the Predator's ability to stay aloft for a whole day helped to overcome the main shortcoming of satellites and jets: they can only glimpse a target, rather than watch it over time.
“掠夺者”飞机能够在高空飞行长达一整天的时间,这也有助于克服卫星与喷气式飞机的主要缺点,即它们只能短暂地瞥见目标,却不能长久地对其进行观察。 ecocn

To drive from one village to another takes a whole day.
从一个村子开车到另一个村子就要花上一整天的时间。 yeeyan

When her guests arrived, Alice spent the whole day entertaining them.
客人到达后,爱丽丝花了一整天款待他们。 http://mysearch.100e.com

And you have your whole day to do whatever you need to do.
并且你有一整天去做你需要做的任何事情。 yeeyan

Apart from the regular activities, bathrooms are also perceived as the best suited place for relaxation, resting and recovering from the tensions and tiredness of the whole day.
除了其常规的用途外,人们愈发认识到,它是人们最好的休息、放松的地方,把人从一天的疲惫和压力中释放出来。 yeeyan

As saliva is one of the main vectors of infection and the tuberculosis bacillus can survive in spit for a whole day, spitting was outlawed in numerous countries.
由于唾液是传染的重要媒介,而且结核杆菌能在痰中存活一整天,因此在很多国家,随地吐痰就成为违法行为了。 edu.sina.com.cn

During our four days in Paris we spent one whole day at the Louvre Museum.
在巴黎的四天当中,我们花了一整天参观卢浮宫。 http://mysearch.100e.com

Forty miles is a short drive in a car but almost a whole day's running for us.
四十英里对驾车来说是一小段距离,但差不多是我们一整天跑步的路程。 yeeyan

He spent a whole day building a shed in the garden.
他花了一整天的时间在花园里修了个小棚。 kekenet

If it took the whole day, that rock was going to come out.
即使要花一整天时间,我也要把那块石头挖出来。 ebigear

If people try to fit an active break into their working day, they might also experience the added bonus of their whole day feeling much more productive.
如果人们在工作日插进一个充满动力的歇息时间,他们可能会体验到全天受益,感觉工作更有效率。 cri

If you spend a whole day here, you can experience the poetic changes here.
如果你花一整天在这里,你可以在这里体验诗意的变化。 ebigear

Now they have gone. It takes a whole day to get close to one.
如今,它们离开了,要想接近一座冰川需要走一整天。 yeeyan

Schedule a convenient time, at least once a week, to spend the whole day with your child.
安排一个合适的时间,至少一周一次,花上一整天和你的孩子待在一起。 kekenet

She spent a whole day in preparing the dinner.
她花了一整天的时间来准备那顿晚餐。 kekenet

Where had the famous queue gone? The whole day continued like that, but I kept my temper!
著名的队列哪里去了?整天都持续这样,但我保持住了我的脾气! ppwsj

You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about6 dollars.
你可以买一个当天有效的通行证,这样就能坐一天车而只花6美元,随便去哪里都可以。 kekenet




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