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词汇 whole
释义 whole 英həʊl美holAHDhōl ★★★★★小初中高四六研牛4COCA⁵²⁸BNC³⁹¹iWeb⁶⁰³Economist⁸¹³
S 齐全,整体,全部

the complete amount, thing, etc.

S 整体,一体

the sum of the parts

A 齐全的,整体的,全部的

all; the full amount of


not divided or broken up; complete

all of something including all its component elements or parts;

Europe considered as a whole

the whole of American literature

an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity;

how big is that part compared to the whole?

the team is a unit

including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete;

gave his whole attention

a whole wardrobe for the tropics

the whole hog

a whole week

the baby cried the whole trip home

a whole loaf of bread

of siblings having the same parents;

whole brothers and sisters

not injuredexhibiting or restored to vigorous good health;

hale and hearty

whole in mind and body

a whole person again

acting together as a single undiversified whole;

a solid voting bloc

to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent `whole' is often used informally for `wholly';

he was wholly convinced

entirely satisfied with the meal

it was completely different from what we expected

was completely at fault

a totally new situation

the directions were all wrong

it was not altogether her fault

an altogether new approach

a whole new idea


❌ Our opinions are on a whole the same.

✔️ Our opinions are on the whole the same.

表示“大体上,基本上”,应该说on the whole,而不能说on a whole。


❌ Whole city was burning.

✔️ The whole city was burning.

whole通常用于冠词、所有格或其他限定词之后。如果前面没有冠词或其他限定词, whole一般不能与单数名词连用。

The whole city was not occupied.

❌ 城市完全不被占领。

✔️ 城市并没有完全被占领。



❌ I've lived here my all life.

✔️ I've lived here my whole life.

✔️ I've lived here all my life.

all和whole表示的意思基本一样,但词序却不同:all用在冠词、所有格或其他限定词之前, whole则用于冠词、所有格等之后。


❌ The whole of China was in mourning for the passing away of the great man.

✔️ All China was in mourning for the passing away of the great man.

the whole of China指的是“整个中国国土”,而all China指的是“全体中国人”。


❌ The whole class suddenly fell silent.

✔️ The class suddenly fell silent.

the class已表示“全班学生”, whole属多余。

whole, aggregate, amount, number, quantity, sum, total


aggregate指把数目的各个部分加在一起;amount指累积的结果;number指数字或东西相加所得的总数;sum指最后的总结果,表示截至现在的总数, 还有增加的可能;total和whole都指合计的结果的全体,total常指大的数量,whole也含有各部分总和的意味。quantity主要表示物质的量。


[' ɡrIɡət]

whole, complete, entire, total


complete指“一个整体所必须的,各部分都齐备的”,用于一项进程或意图,意味着“完全地实施或圆满达成”; entire是比较正式的用语,指“全部的”“整体的”“完美无缺的”,既不能有所削减,也不能再有所增添; whole指“整个的数量或长、宽、广度”,强调毫无删除、减少或保留; total指“总计”“总量”“总数”,强调一切都计算在内了。例如:

She has a complete set of those stamps.那样的邮票她有一套。
I was in entire ignorance of what had happened.我完全不知道发生了些什么事。
He gave me the whole box of chocolates.他把一整盒巧克力都给了我。

His total debts are $500.他的全部债务有500美元。

下面各组中的两个句子含义不同:The dog ate the meat whole.狗把整个的一块肉一口吃了。
The dog ate the whole meat.狗把整块肉都吃了。
The cook roasted the ox whole.厨师把牛整头烤了。
The cook roasted the whole ox.厨师烤了一头牛。total,sum,whole





hale是whole的姐妹词,也可以说是whole的变体,始用于13世纪,至今仍有较强的生命力,一般用于固定短语hale and hearty,意思是“精神矍铄的”。
用作名词 n.
动词+~break up whole into parts化整为零constitute whole构成整体know the whole of one's trade很内行throw the whole of oneself全身心投入形容词+~coherent whole浑然一体complete whole全部united whole统一的整体organic whole有机的整体undivided whole不可分的整体介词+~as a whole大体上,基本上,总的来看〔说〕in whole完全on the whole全部,作为一个整体来看~+介词whole of整个的用作形容词 adj.~+名词whole affair整个事情whole amount全部的账whole cake整块蛋糕whole city全城whole class全班whole family全家whole river整条河whole town全镇whole year全年whole world全世界~+介词whole for因…而完整
用作名词 a whole

普遍说来,一般地说 in generalThe population as a whole is in favour of the reform.全体人民普遍拥护改革。

on the whole

大体上,基本上,总的来看〔说〕 generally, considering everything

用作形容词adj.go the whole hog

彻底地或完全地做某事 do sth thoroughly or completely

非常记忆who谁〖熟词〗+le乐〖拼音〗⇒全部的人里谁最快乐小学英语速记联想记忆:whole全部的宝物都藏在hole洞里近义词 fitwelltotalentireintactunhurtperfectn. entiretyfullnessadj. complete反义词 illpartpartialn.partadj. damaged
用作名词n.The whole of my money was stolen.我全部的钱都被偷走了。
He spent the whole of that year in Pakistan.他那一整年都是在巴基斯坦度过的。
The whole of the morning was wasted.整个早上全给浪费了。
The different parts were joined to form a whole.不同的部分连在一起形成一个整体。
A whole is greater than any of its parts.整体大于其组成部分。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.The whole town was astir with the news.消息传来,全城轰动。
The whole city was immersed in a festival atmosphere.全城沉浸在节日气氛之中。
The whole country was astir with the murder event.全国为此谋杀事件而轰动。
The whole village was attacked with influenza.整个村子的人都得了流行性感冒。
The whole world was surprised at the news.全世界听了这一消息都为之震惊。
We should be interested in current affairs of our country and the whole world.我们应该关心本国及全世界的时事。
The whole river was caught over.整条河都结冰了。
The whole class goes solid against the monitor's suggestion.全班都反对班长的建议。
Last Sunday our whole family went on a picnic.上星期天我们全家出去野餐。
He ate the whole cake and drank all the tea.他吃了整块的蛋糕并喝了所有的茶。
I haven't paid the whole amount.我没有全部付清。
He was displeased about the whole affair.他对整个事情感到很不高兴。
I waited for her a whole half an hour.我等了她整整半个小时。
It snowed three whole days.下了整整三天雪。
She kept awake the whole night through, thinking of all sorts of things, past and future, happy and sad.她彻夜不眠,想到各式各样的事,过去的、将来的、快乐的和悲伤的。
Forty is a whole number.40是个整数。
He gave his whole attention to the problem.他全力注意那个问题。
That's the whole truth about it.这就是事情的全部真相。
You're lucky to escape with a whole skin.你未受损伤而逃脱,真是幸运。n. +~He ate an apple whole.他把整个的苹果一口吃下。
S+be+~I hope you will be back whole.我希望你平平安安地回来。
After a month of recuperation he's whole again.他休养了一个月之后,恢复了健康。
The dish is still whole in spite of all the shocks.尽管受了很多震动,盘子仍然完好无损。
S+V+O+~He was surprised to find himself whole after the accident.他惊奇地发现自己在事故发生后安然无恙。Pwholesalern.批发商Pwhole-hoofeda.单蹄的Pwhole-wheata.用全麦做的Pwholenessn.全体一切完全Pwhole-timer按日计酬的工人Pwhole-lengtha.全长的全身的Pwhole-coloreda.纯色的单色的Pwhole-coloureda.纯色的单色的Pwholehearteda.一心一意的诚恳的Pwhole-hoggern.彻底支持者尽力而为者Pwholeheartednessn.全心全意全神贯注Pwholeheartedlyad.全心全意地全神贯注地Pwhole-heartedlyad.全心全意地全神贯注地Pheart-wholea.不灰心丧气的情窦未开的赤诚的Punwholesomea.不卫生的不适合健康的有害身体的腐败的Pwhole-hearteda.全心全意的竭尽全力的全神贯注地忠实的Pwholesomea.有益健康的合乎卫生的健全的有益的有生气的审慎的Pwholesalen.批发a.批发的大规模的ad.大规模照批发方式v.经营批发业批发






whole一般不与不可数名词连用,在强调语气中可修饰集合名词。如没有冠词和其他限定词, whole前加定冠词修饰单数可数名词或抽象名词或加人称代词所有格等修饰抽象名词时,意为“全部的,所有的”。whole可用来修饰复数可数名词,意思是“整整的”; 也可用来修单数名词,其前加不定冠词a时,意思是“整的”。the whole后接名词时,应把提到的东西作为一个整体来考虑,而不是指部分。


用作形容词I had to listen to thewholenauseating story.我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
Thewholecountry was anxious for peace.全国上下都渴望和平。
He is the prime mover in thewholematter.他是整个事件的发起者。用作名词He can say thewholeof the English Bible by rote.他能把整本英语《圣经》硬背出来。
The two buildings are similar on thewhole.从整体来看,这两幢楼是相似的。
You will unearth awholenew history.你们将会挖掘出一个完整的新历史。
These policies form an integralwhole.这是很完整的。adj.entire, complete
同义词 full,perfectaggregate,all,exclusive,gross,integral,total,unabridgedaccomplished,choate,completed,concentrated,conclusive,consummate,every,exhaustive,fixed,fulfilled,full-length,in one piece,inclusive,outright,plenary,rounded,unabbreviated,uncut,undivided,unexpurgated,unqualified,utter
反义词 incomplete,part,partial,unfinishedbroken,deficient,fractional,hurt,impaired,imperfect,insufficient,sick,unhealthyadj.unbroken, perfect
同义词 mature,safegood,mint,solid,soundcomplete,completed,developed,faultless,flawless,in good order,in one piece,intact,inviolate,plenary,preserved,replete,ship-shape,thorough,together,undamaged,unharmed,unhurt,unimpaired,uninjured,unmarred,unmutilated,unscathed,untouched,without a scratch
反义词 incomplete,unreliablebroken,deficient,fractional,hurt,impaired,imperfect,insufficient,part,partial,sick,unhealthyadj.healthy
同义词 wholesomebetter,fit,hale,right,sound,wellable-bodied,cured,healed,hearty,in fine fettle,in good health,recovered,robust,sane,strong
反义词 inappropriate,sick,unfit,unhealthy,unsuitable,unsuited,weakbroken,deficient,fractional,hurt,impaired,imperfect,incomplete,insufficient,part, made up of parts
同义词 entityaggregate,aggregation,all,amount,assemblage,assembly,being,body,bulk,coherence,combination,complex,ensemble,entirety,fullness,gross,integral,jackpot,linkage,lot,lump,oneness,organism,organization,piece,quantity,quantum,result,sum,summation,supply,system,totality,unit,unitybig picture,collectivity,everything,lock stock and barrel,sum total,the works,whole ball of wax,whole enchilada,whole nine yards,whole shebang
反义词 abstract,concept,disorganization,fraction,inanimate,incompleteness,individual,one,part,partiality
a lotnoun abundance
acres,batch,bulk,bunch,bundle,cargo,clump,collection,galore,gobs,great deal,heaps,legion,legions,load,loads,lots,mass,oodles,plethora,reams,scad,scads,slathers,slew,stock,store,tons,volume,wad
aggregatenoun collection
accumulation,agglomerate,agglomeration,all,amount,assemblage,body,bulk,combination,conglomerate,conglomeration,gross,heap,lump,mass,mixture,pile,quantity,sum,the works,total,totality,whole,whole ball of wax,whole enchilada,whole schmear,whole shooting match
aggregatesnoun collection
accumulations,agglomerates,agglomerations,alls,amounts,assemblages,bodies,bulks,combinations,conglomerates,conglomerations,grosses,heaps,lumps,masses,mixtures,piles,quantities,sums,the works,totalities,totals,whole ball of waxes,whole enchiladas,whole schmears,whole shooting matches,wholes
alladjective each; every one of a class
any,bar none,barring no one,complete,each and every,entire,every,every bit of,every single,sum,total,totality,whole
all rightadjective in good condition or health
alpha and omeganoun first and last
A to Z,be-all and end-all,beginning and end,entirety,totality,whole




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