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whiz·zing 英'wɪzɪŋ美'wɪzɪŋ COCA³⁹⁴³⁴BNC³⁹¹¹⁹ 基本英英例句Thesaurus例句 adj.风声飕飕的²⁵;快速经过的²⁵动词whiz²⁵; whizz的现在分词形式²⁵.原型whizz的现在分词 名词 whiz: someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any fielda buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air 动词 whizz: make a soft swishing soundmove along very quicklyCars werewhizzingpast.汽车飕地飞驰而过。 All those carswhizzingpast my front window kept me awake at night.那些从我窗前呼啸而过的汽车叫我夜里睡不着。 The car iswhizzingalong the motorway.那车在高速公路上飞速行驶。as in.racing 同义词 darting,dashing,fast,flying,galloping,hastening,hurrying,running,rushing,sailing,swift,tearing,whisking,zoomingspeedy 反义词 slowcrawling,creepingas in.racing 同义词 competing,contest,darting,dashing,flying,galloping,hurrying,running,rushing,sailing,sport,sportingsprintingtearing,track,trotting racingadjective speeding darting,dashing,fast,flying,galloping,hastening,hurrying,running,rushing,sailing,speedy,swift,tearing,whisking,zooming racingnoun competition competing,contest,darting,dashing,flying,galloping,hurrying,running,rushing,sailing,sport,sportingsprintingtearing,track,trotting,whizzing And security guards could patrol a wide area by whizzing around it in virtual rather than real space. 警卫则可以通过在虚拟而非真实世界里四处飞巡以巡视更广阔的领域。 ecocn Because loud sounds, for example from whizzing speedboats, distract them, and apparently impair their predatory skills. 快艇疾驰而过的噪音就很让它们心烦,不仅如此,它们的捕食能力也大受影响。 hjenglish Does Halley’s comet intentionally pose for the telescopes before whizzing off for another75 years? 哈雷彗星是否故意在下一个75年呼啸而过之前在天文望远镜前摆好姿势? yeeyan It is fun to imagine trains whizzing across the heartland. 想象着列车从中心地带呼啸而过饶有乐趣。 ecocn One of a constellation of66 small satellites in orbit around the Earth, it spent its time whizzing through space, diligently shuttling signals to and from satellite phones. 由66颗小铱星组成的铱星群在绕地轨道上的太空高速运行,孜孜不倦地在铱星和卫星电话间来回发送信号,铱星33号是其中的一颗,今天是它生命的终结时刻。 ecocn The crack of bullets whizzing past is unmistakable and the cameraman dives for cover. 摄影师迅速隐蔽躲闪呼啸而过的子弹。 ecocn A motor boat was whizzing along the rambling watercourses stretching about in the primitive forests of Gabon, a Western African country. 一艘摩托小船在非洲西部国家加蓬的原始森林中的星罗棋布的河流上飞驰。 ebigear At the height of the real estate bubble, CMBS deals came whizzing through with debt service levels approaching120%. 在房地产泡沫最严重时期,商业抵押贷款担保证券交易的债务服务水平曾一度逼近120%。 fortunechina But if you're in a narrow lane with traffic whizzing by, stay in the car and keep your seat belt fastened. 但如果道路较狭窄、车辆急速穿梭,那么呆在车内,系紧安全带。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Do you dislike restaurants where noise drowns out dinner? Seems that fish don't like a din with dinner either. Because loud sounds, for example from whizzing. 在餐厅进餐时你是否讨厌附近有声音响个不停?和我们一样,鱼类似乎也不喜欢在用餐时受到噪音的骚扰。 kekenet His mother said he is reading three books at a time, whizzing through math homework and even playing soccer. 他母亲说他现在同时在读三本书,数学作业轻松完成,甚至开始踢足球。 yeeyan Huffing and puffing in the curb lane, traffic whizzing by just inches away, the man pedaling the cyclo is quickly left behind. 就在司机在路沿边上喘息的功夫,车辆在他身边几英寸外呼啸而去,这名男子的人力车被迅速甩在身后。 yeeyan I had been seeing myself on stage, with a war bugle blowing and bullets whizzing by and here I was, a soldier crouching in his trench and ready for a bayonet charge, to take my fate by its throat. 我曾觉得自己是这样的,当军号响起,子弹就在耳旁飞过,而我就在那里,一个士兵蜷伏在战壕中并准备用刺刀冲锋,来掌握我的命运之喉。 yeeyan I went down to Red Square, which was quiet except for the occasional official car whizzing in and out of the Kremlin gates. 我去到了红场,除了偶尔有官员的车嗖嗖地开进开出克林姆林宫外,那里没多大动情。 yeeyan In order to keep the tiles whizzing by, you'll need to focus on LIMITING the width of your kick during the recovery. 为保持快速向前,你需要注意在收腿阶段腿的宽度:要把小腿隐藏在你的大腿后面。 hnlm.net Researchers re- injected particles late last month, but it was not until this weekend that bunches of protons were once again whizzing around the collider's entire circumference. 上个月,研究者们已再次注入粒子,但直到这周,那批刚注入的质子束才沿着对撞机的圆周完整地急速循环。 yeeyan Several birds were whizzing to my eyes. I hurried to shield my eyes with my hands in terror. 有几只鸟飕地直奔我的眼睛而来,吓得我急忙用手遮挡。 blog.sina.com.cn Stop at traffic lights, even early in the morning when most everyone is whizzing by. 遇到红灯要停下来,即使是一大晨,几乎每个人都闯红灯的时候也一样。 iciba The northern wind is again whizzing at me, the magpies in their nest are not coming out anymore, I tighten my scarf, and then continue walking on forward. 北风又在向我呼啸了,鸟巢里的喜鹊没有再出来,我紧了紧围巾,继续向前走。 blog.sina.com.cn What a whizzing and popping they made as they went off! 什么是嗖嗖啪他们为他们去了! youeredu What state it is, how fast it's whizzing around the room. 分子处于什么样的状态,它以多快的速度在屋子里运动。 open.163.com Whether you are diving into rocky waters or driving on a narrow, two- lane road with cars whizzing by in the opposite direction, small mistakes can be lethal. 无论你正在岛礁潜水,或者正驱车行驶于狭窄的车辆拥挤的双行道上,一点点的小错误,都足以致命。 yeeyan |