

单词 whizzes
释义 whizzes 英'wɪzɪz美'wɪzɪz COCA⁵⁸²⁴⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
whizzing 的复数形式原型whizze的三单
名词 whiz:
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any fielda buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air
动词 whizz:
make a soft swishing soundmove along very quicklynoun.very intelligent person
同义词 genius,prodigyadept,expert,marvel,pro,professional,star,virtuoso,wondergifted person
反义词 amateur,apprentice,expectation,greenhorn,rookieignoramus,imbecileverb.move quickly by
同义词 flit,whir,hurtlefly,whirl,swish,zip,bullet,hum,buzz,dart,race,hiss,hurry,speed,whiskwhoosh
反义词 deceleratedelay,slow For two years, bankers, hedge- fund managers, private- equity whizzes and the like have been blamed for the excesses that led to taxpayers' money being poured into bad banks.
两年来,银行家、对冲基金经理、私募股权的快速交易等已经因交易过度引发纳税人的钱流向坏账银行,这些已遭到谴责。 topsage

In other words, it may be the parents, not the music, that is turning these kids into verbal whizzes.
换句话说,让这些孩子成为记忆高手的,恐怕是他们的父母而不是音乐。 christianlovedating

The planet whizzes around its star more than seven times faster than Earth moves, and is23 times closer to the star than Mercury is to our sun.
它围绕其恒星飞快旋转的速度是地球绕太阳公转速度的7倍,它距那颗恒星的距离比起水星离太阳距离要近23倍. yeeyan

The City, a bigger financial centre than Paris, is keen on French workers, especially traders— products of an educational system that turns out mathematics whizzes in droves.
比巴黎大的多的金融中心――伦敦热衷于法国工人,特别是商人――成群地证明是数学精英的教育系统产物。 ecocn

By 2013 Deutsche Bahn plans to run one that whizzes from London to Cologne in four hours, and to Frankfurt in five.
到2013年,德国国铁计划开通由英国发往德国科隆的四小时特快和英国至德国法兰克福的五小时特快。 ecocn

GCHQ director Iain Lobban told the committee he was struggling to recruit and retain the“ real internet whizzes” he needed to counter the growing threat of cyber warfare.
政府电子窃听中心主任伊恩•劳坂告诉委员会,他拼命招聘和挽留他所需要的“真正对互联网学有专长者”来对付日益严重的网络战威胁。 zjets.cn

I hung out with the science whizzes, the Star Wars fans, and the artists.
我和科学迷们,星战迷们和艺术家们出去闲逛。 yeeyan

Kids are yelling in the playground outside. A paper airplane whizzes overhead.
一群小孩子们在外面的操场上嬉闹着,一架纸飞机从头顶呼啸而过。 yeeyan

One might capture such information by observing the data generated for valid users of the system as it whizzes by on a wire.
当为系统的正当用户而生成的数据在导线中传输时,可以通过观测来获取这类信息。 ibm

The elevator then whizzes them to their floor with only a few stops.

They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too.
他们想知道这些家长是怎样教出这么多的数学天才和音乐神童,这些家庭内部到底是什么样,他们自己是否也能做到。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the work was finished, the people who spoke up more were again likelier to be described by peers as leaders and likelier to be rated as math whizzes.
当测试结束,像上次一样,勇于表达看法的人更容易被同组成员看成是领导者,并把他们看做数学奇才。 yeeyan




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