

单词 whittle down
释义 whittle down ˈhwɪtldaun ★☆☆☆☆高短语⁶⁵²⁹³
削减; 逐渐减少

cut away in small pieces近义词 wear away消逝whittle away切削
They are trying towhittle downour salaries.他们正著手削减我们的薪水。
We have cut down the non-productive expenditure.我们已削减了非生产性开支。
With these methods,we shall wear down the prisoner's resistance.用这些方法,我们将使犯人的抵抗逐渐减少。
This uses a succession of cues to whittle away the alternatives until only one remains.这一方法使用一连串线索来逐渐减少排除选项,直到最后只剩下一个选项。as in.trim
同义词 clip,curtail,cut,cut back,cut down,mow,pare,prune,shave,shear,shortenabbreviate,barber,bob,crop,dock,edit,lop,plane,snip,tidy,truncateblue pencil,boil down,even up,pare down,put in a nutshell,slice off
反义词 increase,lengthen,expanddeveloplet grow
trimverb cut shorter
abbreviate,barber,blue pencil,bob,boil down,clip,crop,curtail,cut,cut back,cut down,dock,edit,even up,lop,mow,pare,pare down,plane,prune,put in a nutshell,shave,shear,shorten,slice off,snip,tidy,truncate One of the central intellectual projects in The Constitution of Liberty is the Humean one to use reason to whittle down the claims of Reason.
《自由秩序原理》中的核心内容之一也是休谟使用的原因之一去削弱理性的主张。 yeeyan

China is also trying to whittle down iron- ore prices in talks with Rio and other suppliers.
中国还试图通过与力拓和其它供应商的谈判削减铁矿石的价格。 yeeyan

Earlier efforts by Mr. Gates to whittle down his partner's stake in Microsoft were successful though, according to Mr.
不过,按照艾伦的说法,盖茨之前就尝试过削减他在微软公司的股权比例,而且取得了成功。 www.360doc.com

If you start with a thick shoe and slowly whittle down, at what point does the person start to run like they're barefoot?
如果你开始穿一双厚底鞋然后逐渐把鞋磨薄,那到底要磨到何种程度才等同于赤脚跑步的效果呢? com

Nowak has been busy working on how to whittle down the emergence of life into the simplest possible chemical system that he can describe mathematically.
Nowak一直在忙着思考如何简化生命出现的过程,直至他有可能用数学描述这个最简单的化学系统。 yeeyan

Other ways to whittle down banks are thinkable.
另外一些削减银行的办法是值得考虑的。 topsage

Second-rounders hope the Election Complaints Commission, an independent watchdog, will be able to whittle down Mr Karzai’s share to below50%, forcing a run off.
二轮选战者寄希望于独立监察机构——选举投诉委员会,希望该委员会能将卡尔扎伊的选票减到50%以下,强行举行第二轮决胜选举。 ecocn

Their resistance and boycott threat might instead be more of an effort to whittle down the markup that Rio Tinto is seeking in current contract negotiations.
他们的反对和抵制威胁或许更是一种为打击力拓的涨价企图而采取的策略。 blog.sina.com.cn

This month he will at last unveil his plans to whittle down the number of state-owned companies to about 250 from319.
本月他将至少公布一系列计划来使韩国原有的319家国有企业缩减为250家。 ecocn




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