

单词 Whittier
释义 Whit·ti·er 英ˈhwɪtiːə, ˈwɪt-美ˈhwɪtiɚ, ˈwɪt-AHDhwĭtʹē-ər, wĭtʹ- COCA⁴⁰⁸³⁹

United States poet best known for his nostalgic poems about New England 1807-1892
After graduating fromWhittierAcademy, my mother went on toWhittierCollege.我母亲从惠蒂尔专科学校毕业后,进了惠蒂尔学院。
It turned out that the epicenter of the earthquake had been inWhittierand my neighborhood looked like a war zone.原来地震的震中就在惠蒂尔,我家附近看起来简直就像个战场。 It turned out that the epicenter of the earthquake had been in Whittier and my neighborhood looked like a war zone.
原来地震的震中就在惠蒂尔,我家附近看起来简直就像个战场。 cri

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Chaniya Anderson is a second grader at Whittier Elementary School in Washington. She needs help in math and reading.
Chaniya Anderson是华盛顿蕙蒂尔初中的一个二年级学生,她的数学和阅读课需要帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn

While a group in Whittier, Calif . , may regard it as unfortunate that its college’s first Rhodes Scholar comes from Watts, I, for my part , could not feel more pride about that than I do now.
也许加利福尼亚惠蒂尔学院会有一批人认为,学院的第一个罗兹奖学金获得者来自瓦茨是件令人遗憾的事,我本人却从未比现在更加为此感到骄傲过。 ebigear

After graduating from Whittier Academy, my mother went on to Whittier College.
我母亲从惠蒂尔专科学校毕业后,进了惠蒂尔学院。 bab

After years of suffering, Craig Mason,65, of Whittier, Calif., insisted that her doctor refer her for a knee replacement.
身居加州惠蒂尔、高龄65岁的女士克雷格.梅森在忍受了数年的折磨后,坚决要求医生准许自己做换膝手术。 yeeyan

Englishmen were not concerned about the distinctions I was making in my own mind, between Watts and“ South Los Angeles“ , between Watts and Whittier.
英国人对我在心里就瓦茨与“南洛杉矾”,瓦茨与惠蒂尔之间作出的区别不以为然。 ebigear

Later as I drove myself home to Whittier I began to see more damage along the streets.
晚些时候,我开车回惠蒂尔,沿途看到了更多的地震造成的破坏。 cri




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