释义 |
Whitmania 基本例句 蚂蟥属¹⁰⁰ Pharmacology experimentation indicate: theWhitmaniapigra Whitman has much pharmacological activity, such as antithrombotic, anticoagulant, antiplatelet and so on.现代诸多的药理实验表明,蚂蟥具有抗凝血、抗血栓、抗血小板聚集等药理活性。 Whitmaniapigra Whitman, as a popularly used traditional Chinese medicine for removing blood stasis, has a great effect of anticoagulant,antiplatelet, antithrombus, the main active elements of Whitman are protein and enzyme.本文通过对水蛭的抗凝活性成分跟踪,确定水蛭的提取、分离、纯化的合理方法,分离出水蛭中抗凝活性的单一成分,并对其效价及分子量进行了测定。 My personality operators: medicinal centipede | honeysuckle | dandelion |Whitmania| days thorn, etc., all in situ produced in the wild, the main provider of sales to the big drug dealers friends.我的个性经营:药用蜈蚣|金银花|蒲公英|蚂蟥|天刺等;全为野生的原地出产的;主要提供销给大的药商朋友们. Study of Ethanol Extraction Process forWhitmaniaPigra Whitman水蛭乙醇提取工艺的研究 |