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词汇 whitewash
释义 white·wash 英ˈhwaɪtˌwɒʃ, -ˌwɔːʃ, ˈwaɪt-美ˈhwaɪtˌwɑʃ, -ˌwɔʃ, ˈwaɪt-AHDhwītʹwŏsh', -wôsh', wītʹ- ★☆☆☆☆高四六研T4八COCA³⁴²³²BNC³¹⁴⁶²iWeb²⁵⁸²³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a defeat in which the losing person or team fails to scorewash consisting of lime and size in water; used for whitening walls and other surfacesa specious or deceptive clearing that attempts to gloss over failings and defects
cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error;

Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin

She tried to gloss over her mistakes

cover with whitewash;

whitewash walls

exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data比喻用法。故事记忆有人正在 Wash洗衣服见一辆车 Dash猛冲随后看见 Flash闪光就发生了 Crash撞击地上落满 Cash现金狗仔队对警察 Whitewash掩饰钱博士white白色的+wash洗⇒粉饰,刷白white白色的+wash洗⇒粉饰,刷白。近义词 beat打lime石灰cover封面smear涂抹chalk粉笔defeat挫败trounce痛打varnish油漆cover-up掩饰decorate装饰cover up掩盖whitening弄白rout 彻底溃败deception骗局misrepresent误称distemper刷墙水粉hush up防止 … 张扬出去…gloss over给以光滑的表面…embellish美化、装饰或修饰…

用作名词That whole affair was awhitewash.那整个事件都是文过饰非。
The opposition dismissed the report as awhitewash.反对党认为这份报告过于修饰而不予理会。用作动词You shouldwhitewashthe door of your hall.你应当粉刷你大厅的门。
His wife wanted towhitewashhis reputation after he died.他妻子在他死后想粉饰他的名声。
Their leading players werewhitewashed4-0.他们的主力队员被4比0彻底击败。verb.cover up the truth
同义词 cover up,gloss overblanch,camouflage,conceal,exonerate,extenuate,launder,liberate,paint,palliate,sugarcoat,suppress,varnish,veneer,vindicate,whitenmake light of
反义词 accuse,blame,condemn,reveal,sentence,show,strip,uncoverexpose,tell the truth
absolveverb free from responsibility, duty
acquit,bleach,blink at,clear,discharge,exculpate,excuse,exempt,exonerate,forgive,free,go easy on,launder,let off,let off easy,let off the hook,let up on,liberate,lifeboat,loose,pardon,release,relieve,sanitize,set free,spare,spring,vindicate,wink at,wipe it off,wipe the slate clean,write off
acquitverb announce removal of blame
absolve,blink at,clear,deliver,discharge,disculpate,exculpate,excuse,exonerate,free,let go,let off,let off the hook,liberate,release,relieve,vindicate,whitewash,wink at,wipe off
cheatnoun trick
artifice,baloney,bamboozlement,bill of goods,bunco,chicanery,con,con game,cover up,cozening,deceit,deception,dirty pool,dirty trick,dodge,double-dealing,fake,fast one,fast shuffle,fix,flimflam,frame,fraud,gyp,hanky-panky,hoax,hoaxing,humbug,hustle,imposture,jazz,jive,plant,put on,racket,ripoff,run around,scam,sell,shady deal,sham,shell game,snow job,spoof,sting,stunt,swindle,trickery,whitewash,wrong
collusionnoun secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
bait and switch,bill of goods,bunco,cahoots,complicity,con game,connivance,conspiracy,craft,deceitdiddlingdodge,double-cross,fast shuffle,flam,flimflam,fradulent artifice,graft,guilt,guiltiness,gyp,intrigue,plot,racket,scam,scheme,shell game,skunk,sting,trick,whitewash
cover-upnoun concealing; preventing investigation or exposure
burial,camouflage,closeting,complicity,concealment,conspiracydisguisingdissimulation,evasion,front,hush-up,masking,placing under wraps,pretense,seal of secrecy,smokescreen,veil of secrecy,whitewash
deceitnoun particular type of trick, misleading
artifice,blind,cheat,chicanery,crocodile tears,deception,dirty trick,dirty work,duplicity,fake,feint,flimflam,fraud,fraudulence,hoax,humbug,imposture,misrepresentation,pretense,ruse,sell,sellout,sham,shift,smoke and mirrors,snow job,soft soap,spoof,stratagem,subterfuge,sweet-talk,swindle,trick,whitewash,wile And for years we’ve had a government that had never really taken care of Qaddafi when it should have — just whitewash what he was and what he did, all for oil.
这些年来,我们的政府从来没有给卡扎菲政府应有的惩罚,他们只是在粉饰他们的所作所为--一切都是为了石油。 yeeyan

Don’t lie or try to whitewash facts, but don’t feel you have to go into every topic completely, especially for a young child.
不要撒谎或者试图粉饰事实。但也不要在每个细节上都过于深入,尤其是在面对特别小的孩子的时候。 yeeyan

The president wanted to whitewash all that he did during the war.
总统想粉饰他在这场战争期间所做的一切。 tingroom

Uhlmann, the federal prosecutor who led the probe, says Koch’s after-the-fact response is a public relations whitewash.
领导这项调查的联邦检察人员乌尔曼说科赫公司的事后反应是经过粉饰的公关。 yeeyan

“ That's the nearest we could get to the word ' whitewash' in Latin, ” says Hamilton, a bony finger tracing its outline.
“这是我们能找到的和拉丁语‘粉饰’最接近的东西,”汉密尔顿说着,用骨瘦如柴的手指描画着它的轮廓。 yeeyan

An initial investigation headed by Lord Widgery shortly after the shootings was regarded by Irish nationalists as a whitewash.
最初由威杰里勋爵领导调查在枪击后匆匆完成,爱尔兰民族主义者视之为涂脂抹粉. yeeyan

But the price of protecting their comfort would be high: If we whitewash the abuses of the past eight years, we’ll guarantee that they will happen again.
然而,放纵他们过安稳日子也要付出很高的代价:如果我们对过去八年的滥权予以掩饰,我们敢担保,他们将来还会故技重演。 yeeyan

Every euro-zone finance minister should be forced to explain the whitewash“ stress tests” that gave even Dexia a clean bill of health earlier this year.
应该强迫每一个欧元区财政部长解释所掩盖的“压力测试”结果——今年早些时候给予德克夏银行一个良好,健康的评价。 yeeyan

It was not the whitewash the commission's critics had predicted.
这同委员会的评论员所预料的粉饰太平可大不一样。 ecocn

Kelly described the failure of the report to recommend criminal prosecutions as a complete whitewash.
凯利还称这份提出刑事控诉的报道文过饰非。 yeeyan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov shot back that “ NATO is trying to make a victim of an aggressor Georgia and whitewash a criminal regime.”
俄国外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫对此反击说,“北约试图把一个侵略者格鲁吉亚描绘成一个受害者,并粉饰一个罪恶的政权”。 yeeyan

Say, Jim, I'll fetch the water if you'll whitewash some.

Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.

Scientists in Punjab who have studied the presence of uranium in the state have dismissed the government denials as a whitewash.
那些进行了实地调查的旁遮普科学家们批驳政府对事实的否认,称他们在粉饰。 yeeyan

Tea out of an urn is always tasteless, while army tea, made in a cauldron, tastes of grease and whitewash.
用瓮泡出来的茶总是淡而无味,而部队里喝的茶是用锅煮出来的,尝起来有一股油脂和石灰水的味道。 yeeyan

The report calls an official enquiry into this damning event a “ whitewash”.
这份报告称官方对这种爆炸事件“文过饰非。” ecocn

The traveler's brain was in a whirl. To whitewash his embarrassment, he said hello to them.
他的脑子一阵旋转,为了掩饰他的窘迫,他想她们问好。 ebigear

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash.
汤姆出现在人行道上,一只手拎着一桶灰浆。 jukuu

When a police supervisor was unsatisfied with his detective’s first attempt at a whitewash, he rewrote it to make it smoother.
当一位警督对一位侦探的洗白试图感到不满意时,他干脆重写证词,以使之更不可疑。 ecocn

You shouldn't whitewash it.
你不应该粉饰。 hjenglish




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