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white supremacist ˌwaɪtsuˈpreməsɪst 短语⁵⁰³³³ 基本英英搭配例句Thesaurus例句 白人至上论者
Noun: a person who believes that the white race is or should be supremea white supremacist白种优越论者… White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权。as in.supremacist 同义词 extremist,racialist,racistbigotdogmatist,fanatic,zealotas in.extremist 同义词 fanatic,zealotradical,revolutionary,revolutionistdie-hard,supremacist,ultra,ultraist racistsnoun bigot anti-semites,black supremacists,chauvinists,diehards,doctrinaires,fanatics,klanspersons,opinionated persons,prejudiced persons,sectarians,segregationists,sexist persons,white supremacists,xenophobes As a result, President Andrew Johnson, a fervent white supremacist who opposed efforts to extend basic rights to former slaves, was rated“ near great.” 因此,安德鲁-约翰逊总统,曾竭力反对给予从前的奴隶基本的权利的强烈的白人种族至上者,曾被评为“几乎伟大”。 iask.sina.com.cn South African white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche has been killed on his farm in the country's north-west. 白人极右派领袖特雷布兰奇在他自己位于南非西北部的农场被杀害。 yeeyan The next month a white supremacist murdered a black guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. 六月,一白人优越主义分子在华盛顿纳粹大屠杀遇难者纪念馆开枪打死了一名黑人警卫。 ecocn.org “ They let the enemy build mosques in our midst, let them rob our old folk and mingle blood with our women, ” says the white supremacist of the Norwegian political class. “他们让敌人在我们中间建清真寺,让他们抢劫我们的老乡亲,让他们占有我们的女人。”那个挪威白人至上主义的政治家如是说。 yeeyan Also on September8th Neil Lewington, a white supremacist, was jailed in England for planning a terrorism campaign against the“ non- British”. 还是在9月,8号,一个名为尼尔•莱文顿的白人种族优越论者因策划一起针对“非英国人”的恐怖活动而被送进了英格兰的监狱。 ecocn But not all white supremacist leaders are mindful of their actions or care to be. 但并非所有白人优越主义的头目都留意或在意他们自己的行为。 blog.sina.com.cn His ads direct listeners to a website run by David Duke, a white supremacist and former Republican legislator. 他的广告将听众引向了一个由大卫•杜克运行的网站,杜克是一个白人至上主义者,同时也是前共和党立议员。 ecocn It is difficult to pinpoint how many people subscribe to white supremacist views, because the Internet allows people to follow the movement under the cloak of anonymity. 很难精确标示出多少人同意白人优越主义的论调,因为互联网使人们可以在匿名的庇佑下跟随这些运动。 yeeyan Mr Brewer, a white supremacist, was about to be executed for a murder committed in1998, when he and two other men tortured a black man, James Byrd Jr, and dragged him to death behind a truck. 布鲁尔先生是位白人至上主义者,即将因1988年所犯的谋杀罪而被处死。当年,他与另外两个男人严刑拷打一位名为小詹姆斯•伯德的黑人,并在一辆卡车后坐将他勒死。 ecocn She opposed democratic elections in India and supported white supremacist rule in Rhodesia. 她反对印度的民主选举,并支持罗得西亚 Rhodesia白人至上主义者的统治。 yeeyan |