

单词 white spot
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A study on the effect of stocking density and water temperature on the growth of juvenile white spot pike Esox lucius was conducted.
研究了养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼稚鱼在设施养殖中生长的影响。 dictall

By the outbreak of white spot syndrome virus WSSV in 1993, it has been causing severe damage to the shrimp culture industry.
白斑症病毒自1993年大规模暴发以来,一直是对虾养殖中的主要病毒病。 cnki

The white spot is the LED so you get an idea how bright it is.
白斑是发光二极管,使你的想法是多么美好。 http://bbs.5imx.com

We are focusing on the functional genomic studies of shrimp white spot syndrome virus and the human colorectal cancer.
正致力于虾白斑综合症病毒和人类结肠癌功能基因组学的研究。 life.xmu.edu.cn

White Spot Syndrome Virus WSSV was purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and then labeled by FLUOS.
采用蔗糖梯度离心方法提取对虾的白斑综合症病毒 WSSV ,用荧光素对病毒进行标记。 cnki

A polymerase chain reaction PCRwas developed for detection of white spot baculovirus in shrimp.
用 PCR技术快速检测对虾白斑病病毒。 cnki

Astronomers noted a great white spot near Saturn's equator.
天文学家们注意到土星的赤道附近有一个大白斑。 http://mysearch.100e.com

Can a black ribbon with a white spot on its end be called a white one?
我们能认为一个只有末梢有个白点的黑丝带是白丝带吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Color of embryo of white spot pike changes gradually from light- yellow in early stage to green-yellow in middle stage, and finally to brown in pre-hatching stage.
白斑狗鱼胚胎颜色随着发育进程由起始的淡黄色转为绿黄色,最终出膜前转变为棕褐色。 cnki

Io and Ganymede are also visible in this image, the former a white spot near Jupiter's center and the latter a blue spot near the upper right.
木卫一和木卫三也是在这个图片可见,前一靠近木星的中心,后者是右上角附近的蓝点白点。 bugutang

Salinity variation is one of the important inducements to the outbreak of white spot syndrome.
盐度变化是导致对虾爆发白斑综合症的重要诱因之一。 cnki

The blaze is completely disappeared and the white in her neck is limited to a white spot.
它的脸上完全没有白斑,而且它脖子上的白色非常有限,几乎就是一个白点。 aigou

The formation mechanism of the“ white spot” in sinter is analyzed. In production, some measures have been taken to reduce“ white spot” in sinter.
前言:分析烧结矿“白点”的形成机理,根据实际生产情况采取措施减少和杜绝烧结矿“白点”。 chemyq

The process is expensive, often painful and sometimes doesn't completely remove the tattoo, leaving a white spot on the skin where the tattoo used to be.
这段过程所费不赀,而且很痛,有时还无法完全移除刺青,让皮肤原本的刺青处留下一块白点。 taipeitimes

They plunged among the trees of the boulevard behind him, and there created, for a few minutes, in the gloom, a sort of vague white spot, then disappeared.
她们深入到他背后路旁的大树下去了,只见一种隐隐的微光渐渐消失的黑暗中。 ebigear

Treat white spot disease and blindfolded disease caused by small melon worms.

Ultrasonic testing of large-size steel forging is introduced. Forging defects such as white spot are comprehensively analyzed.
介绍了对大型钢锻件的超声波检测情况,以及对检测中发现的白点缺陷进行了全面的验证分析。 chemyq




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