

单词 white space
释义 white space hwaitspeis 短语¹⁰⁰⁴⁸
The SKIP statement at the end of the file says that white space blanks, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds can occur between tokens and is to be ignored.
文件结尾的 SKIP语句表明,在记号之间可以出现空白空格、跳格、回车和换行,空白将被忽略。 ibm

A normalized string simply tells the XML processor to remove any unnecessary extra white space surrounding the string when processing the data.
在处理数据时,一个规范化字符串将告诉 XML处理器删除字符串两边的不必要空格。 ibm

Any nonessential white space, like indenting, blank lines, and spaces between elements and braces, was stripped.
任何不必要的空白,像缩进、空行,以及元素和括号之间的空格都被删除了。 ibm

Apart from this, no extra“ white space” should exist at the end of a line or on the line beneath the last entry after a carriage return at the end of this last entry.
除此之外,在一行的末尾或者最后一项下面的行中在最后一项的末尾的回车之后不能有额外“空格”。 ibm

Generally, you set block elements apart from other blocks with vertical white space, framing boxes, or the like.
一般来说,使用垂直空格、带框架的框或类似的东西来将块对象与其它块分开。 ibm

If a line begins with white space, it is considered a continuation of the previous line.
如果一行内容是以空格开始的,就认为它是上一行的延续。 ibm

Listing5 defines the rules for white space, real values, and identifiers and the symbols.
清单5定义了空格、实际值、标识符和符号所使用的语法。 ibm

Study the differences carefully, particularly for the quoted forms and the parameters that include white space such as blanks or newline characters.
仔细研究二者的差别,尤其要注意加引号的形式和包含空白如空格字符和换行符的参数。 ibm

White space also makes content more readable.
空白同样让内容更加清晰易读。 blog.sina.com.cn

White space elimination is not included; however, this is likely to be incorporated in the commercial versions on request.
没有包括空白消除特性;在商业版本中,这一点可以根据需要添加。 ibm

White space includes the characters used by indenting files, spacing elements for greater readability, and inserting extra lines to add a visual separation between different parts of the file.
空白内容包括缩进文件所使用的字符,增强可读性的间距、以及为了在文章的不同部分添加一个可视间隔而插入的额外空行。 ibm




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