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词汇 Whitehead
释义 White·head 英ˈhwaɪtˌhed, ˈwaɪt-美ˈhwaɪtˌhɛd, ˈwaɪt-AHDhwītʹhĕd', wītʹ- 高COCA²⁰⁶²³BNC²⁰¹³⁷iWeb³⁰⁰¹⁹

English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Bertrand Russell 1861-1947a small whitish lump in the skin due to a clogged sebaceous gland alfred north whitehead怀德海
近义词 milium医粟丘疹Alfred North Whitehead阿尔弗雷德·诺…
Mr Whitehead practically does nothing for a living.怀特黑德先生在谋生方面几乎什么也没干。
You will know the terms “whitehead” and “blackhead”.你一定知道“白头”和“黑头”。as in.blemish
同义词 blot,blotch,bruise,discoloration,freckle,imperfection,pimple,scar,smudge,snag,stain,stigma,wartbirthmark,blackhead,blister,bloom,blur,brand,bug,catch,chip,cicatrix,defacement,defect,deformity,dent,disfigurement,disgrace,dishonor,eyesore,fault,hickey,impurity,lentigo,lump,macula,maculation,mark,mole,nevus,nodule,patch,pock,pockmark,second,sight,speck,speckle,spot,taint,tarnish,vice,zitbeauty spot,blot on the landscape
反义词 cleanliness,perfection,advantage,beauty,benefit,esteem,honoradornment,decoration,embellishment,ornamentas in.pimple
同义词 acne,blemish,blister,lumpabscess,blackhead,boil,bump,carbuncle,caruncle,excrescence,furuncle,hickey,inflammation,papule,pustule,spot,zitbeauty spot,papulaas in.zit
同义词 abscess,acne,blackhead,blemish,bump,carbuncle,excrescence,goober,papule,pustulegoophead,papula
blemishnoun flaw
beauty spot,birthmark,blackhead,blister,bloom,blot,blot on the landscape,blotch,blur,brand,bruise,bug,catch,chip,cicatrix,defacement,defect,deformity,dent,discoloration,disfigurement,disgrace,dishonor,eyesore,fault,freckle,hickey,imperfection,impurity,lentigo,lump,macula,maculation,mark,mole,nevus,nodule,patch,pimple,pock,pockmark,scar,second,sight,smudge,snag,speck,speckle,spot,stain,stigma,taint,tarnish,vice,wart,zit
pimplenoun small swelling on the skin
abscess,acne,beauty spot,blackhead,blemish,blister,boil,bump,carbuncle,caruncle,excrescence,furuncle,hickey,inflammation,lump,papula,papule,pustule,spot,whitehead,zit
zitnoun pimple
abscess,acne,blackhead,blemish,bump,carbuncle,excrescence,goober,goophead,papula,papule,pustule,whitehead It's not necessarily a photo Chris Whitehead’s parents will be framing and keeping on the mantelpiece.
Chris Whitehead的父母不必将这张照片用相框框起来,一直摆放在壁炉台上。 ebigear

“ Some people believed that telomerase wasn't that important,” says the Whitehead's William Hahn, the study's lead author.
“一些人认为端粒酶并没有那么重要,”这项研究的首席作者,白首的威廉·哈恩说。 hjenglish

Whitehead is arguably not sufficiently dynamic for the Premier League and never seemed the same after recovering from a cruciate knee injury.
事实证明,他不具备征战英超的充沛体力。从一次膝部十字韧带拉伤中恢复过来后,他就再也不能回到原先的水平。 yeeyan

Aircraft were so precious that the incident brought on a confrontation between General George Kenny, commanding officer of the Fifth Air Force, and the volatile Whitehead.
飞机如此宝贵,第五航空队司令乔治.肯尼为此和暴躁的怀特黑德发生了激烈的争执。 yeeyan

As insurance against severe emergencies, Whitehead recommends maintaining “ emergency liquidity” equal to twice your cash reserves.
由于利用保险应付重大突发性事件, Whitehead建议“应急流动资金”应该是现金储备的两倍。 yeeyan

But24 hours after giving birth, Whitehead decided she wanted to keep the child and the case went to court.
但分娩之后24小时, whitehead决定留下这个孩子,于是双方不得不对簿公堂。 yeeyan

His ideas remain important philosophically, however, for the influence they exerted on the various works of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Whitehead.
不过,对于他们对其他哲学家或作家的工作产生的影响来看,他的观点依然是一种重要的哲学,比如对于叔本华,尼采,海德格尔,和怀特海德。 yeeyan

His superior was Brigadier General Ennis Whitehead, deputy commander of the Fifth Air Force and just as irascible as Pappy.
他的上司,第五航空队的副司令,埃尼斯.怀特黑德准将,和他一样也是一个脾气暴躁的家伙。 yeeyan

Historians like to quote A. N. Whitehead who said: “ The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”
历史学家喜欢引用 A.N.怀海德的话:“欧洲哲学传统最被普遍公认的特点,就是它包含了一系列引用柏拉图的注脚。” yeeyan

I get the impression that the cash reserves— the “ minimum base liquidity” — is merely the minimum Whitehead believes we should have on hand to aid in our cash flow.
我得到的印象是, Whitehead认为现金储备-“最小流动资金基数”-是我们手头上拥有的有助于现金流动的最小值。 yeeyan

It was the passage of time, sleeping all day Whitehead sigh, how I hope it can even green stone and full of life ah!
它感到岁月流逝,叹息整日沉睡的白石,它多么希望连石头也能泛出嫩绿,充满生机啊! baihuoyw

Ms Dafoe Whitehead and Mr Popenoe put it like this: “ Working as a couple, individuals can develop those skills in which they excel, leaving others to their partner.”
Dafoe Whitehead女士和 Popenoe先生这样看:“如果夫妻一起工作,每个人都能开发出自己擅长的技巧,而把其他的留给他们的另一半。” ecocn

Next Whitehead defines a technical solution that meets these requirements.
接下来 Whitehead详细说明了满足这些需求的技术解决方案。 infoq

Russell and Whitehead suggested no new numbers or arithmetical rules, but they did try to show how the simplest numbers— integers—could be built using the principles of logic.
罗素和怀特海虽然没定义什么新数字或代数规则,但他们确实曾想展示整数——这个最简单的数字形式背后的逻辑构建。 ecocn

She’s with the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
她是2010年7月发布的一项研究的主要作者,在马萨诸塞州坎布里奇的怀特海德生物医学研究所工作。 hjenglish

The dramatic new result traces back to a breakthrough in 1983, when the Whitehead's Robert Weinberg and colleagues showed that mouse cells would become cancerous when spiked with two altered genes.
这一引人注目的新成果还要回溯到1983年的一次重大突破。当时白首的罗伯特·温伯格和同事们证明老鼠的细胞被注入两种经过改变的基因后就变成了癌细胞。 hjenglish

Though I find certain elements of Whitehead’s plan confusing, I do like his tiered approach to saving.
虽然我发现 Whitehead的计划中有些地方令人困惑,但我很欣赏他的分类储蓄法。 yeeyan

With money from two Californian benefactors of that name he has set up the Broad Institute, America’s largest genome- sequencing lab, next door to the Whitehead.
在两位姓氏为博德的加利福尼亚赞助人的资助下,他建立起了美国最大的基因组测序实验室——博德研究所,该研究所就位于怀特黑德研究所隔壁。 putclub

Whitehead draws a distinction between cash reserves and emergency reserves.
Whitehead区分了现金储备和应急储备金。 yeeyan

Whitehead is a highly-educated financial advisor. He uses terms like “ minimum base liquidity” instead of“ cash on hand”.
Whitehead是一位受过高等教育的财务顾问,他用“最小流动资金基数”代替了“手头现金”。 yeeyan




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